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Everything posted by loserlovers

  1. kelsay and whitner are the last of the loosers that still start for this team, especially kelsay what a total waste he is on every play
  2. S Johnson already has surpassed T.O's TD production in only 6 games, hhhmmmmmmmm maybe it was trents fault geniuses. Lee evans has already matched T.O's TD production in 2009- to be honest though, Fitz threw most of thos td's as well, not trent Its about time we have some proof of why no one ever caught any balls, no one ever scored, no one ever got a first, it wasnt the line or the WR's, it was like i said for a year, TRENT TURDWARDS
  3. KELSAY!!!!! Ok I spent the game w my dvr watching exclusively this piece of turd while the defense was on the field 1 on runs he gets caught inside on every play to the outside-no outside contain 2.on runs up the middle-he pass rushes wide and takes himself out of the play 3.some times he pass covers run blocking tight ends on run plays, really 4.on every passing play he engages the O-tackle for a weak hit and the watches to see where the pass will go, never gets close 5.when the qb runs right to him he still cant finish the tackle-qb escapes 6.lets not even discuss his disgusting pass coverage skills I CANT BELIEVE HE PLAYS IN THE NFL!!! I CANT BELIEVE HE STARTS!!! I CANT BELIEVE HES A CAPTAIN!!! I CANT BELIEVE HE GOT EXTENDED!!! on the bright side its obvious not only fitz can play-hes actually better than ok,funny how he took no sacks with this line Howard helped the line look "normal" S Johnson already has surpassed T.O's TD production in only 6 games, hhhmmmmmmmm maybe it was trents fault. Lee evans has already matched T.O's TD production in 2009- to be honest though, Fitz threw most of thos td's as well, not trent SO GENTLEMEN-now that we see some real offense-if only we can get rid of kelsay and send him packing we might actually win a game. Its about time we have some proof of why no one caught any balls, no one ever scored, no one ever got a first, it wasnt the line or the WR's, it was like i said for a year, TRENT TURDWARDS
  4. jesus are you serious??? it was aprevent and he still missed deeper throws and looked like he was under heavy pressure when there was none. he is throwing underneath every play and running side ways at the slightest hint of pressure, or no pressure. the titans forgot how to play him, just double the back and the flats and trents useless. its funny how you dont see the situation or the type of crappy throws and simply see how he got some fist downs and say "looks good" he looks like sh&^&*
  5. how? throwing underneath and running backwards and sideways? oh so dump offs and desperate 5 yarders look good? ok... hes been a step away from disaster nearly every play.
  6. yes he did!,only they got picked, one in greenbay and also one in preseason,EXACTLY THE SAME WAY he is throwing underneath every play and running side ways at the slightest hint of pressure, or no pressure. the jags forgot how to play him, just double the back and the flats and trents useless
  7. this argument blaming D1 schools for making money off kids is ridiculous. Do those kids pay for the stadium and whole infrastructure that it takes to run a football program? No, they run and jump and catch a ball. They are the lowest men on the totem poll but since they are "stars" you act like they are slaves or something. They chose in this free country to play and get a free education and move on to big paydays after college. They get free housing food and other perks too. should this be different from every other business in the US where people who do the work get a small paycheck and the owner reaps the rewards? Its called investment and rewarding risk. Running around with a ball does not justify them being payed while in college, they could all chose to quit if its such a bad deal, why dont they? Why do famous actors start out as waiters and take bit parts for almost no money? SHould we pay janitors and bus drivers millions too, we couldnt have schools without them. And Dont we all have to work our way up? Where is this world you live in where everyone makes millions just for doing their part? Id go back to college right now and live their lives and I have a decent job and salary.
  8. Lee dropped important balls in exactly one game in his career, he has made game winning plays several times, I would say close to 15+ games where his td's were the difference. You people who say he drops balls are showing you have no clue/memory.(chose 1) Also if you keep blaming the line for bad qb play, why isnt the line responsible for bad WR play and limited stats, since Lee has incredibly good hands how do you blame him for production? he catches everything thrown his way. Besides the jets game this year i challenge anyone to find a game he had multiple drops in. I also would wager he is top 10 every year in drops(lack of ) for starting WR's with more than 40 catches per season. Ill paypal anyone who can prove otherwise
  9. um why??? cuz they ditched a useless qb who should never have been a starter period/??? Or is it that they traded a RB who always ran toward contact?,slowley at that
  10. ya i did, and it was better, running for more yards per attempt w jackson,, trent and TO ruined the offense last year, by the way whats offence ????
  11. ok if u subtract his one bad game this year, all of those other bad games the last 2 years were do to his QB, EDWARDS, when he had touchdowns, Fitz was the qb. Also the oline has always sucked which if by definition affects the qb-it then must also affect recievers. Evans is a ferrari in the sense that hes smaller but fast as hell, what would you liken him to? oh ya a pinto, good one, ya thats why hes a first round pick and has a high ypc average in the nfl, cuz hes slow....lame Also you discounted his years w losman because they were friends? So what?? whats wrong with that? who would be friends with edwards who was ruining many peoples careers? Also w bledsoe he was awesome, hmm a good qb and what do you know, good numbers. Evans has had year after year of garbage around him and never complains, Donte pumps people up on twittner and now he is better? Sound like all politics and no actions. Evans had every right to complain and I feel lucky he didnt pack his bags and leave boring buffalo w its boring offense and losing records. but he stayed and now you bash one of its only stars. Should spiller run like Jerome bettis just to prove to you he can? hes a speed guy and in the nfl speed like that is hard to come by. When we start winning and the deep ball is in the air, and we win another game via an evans touchdown you will be cheering, and u wont care about the millions ralph pays him,is it your money? peerless was in the same boat, a third wide out whos qb threw him a few passes, always off target and short, when bledsoe was here he looked all pro. Peerless got hosed to. you just keep blaming the wrong people. T.O. was the only real case of a guy that didnt try. but you probably wish he was still here right?
  12. gailey should say who was to blame, why lie and sugar coat it, these are men arent they? Also this was a 7-9 team with less talent and more injuries the last few years, why are they so bad now? new scheme, and unfortunately, no perry fewell. I think we will all soon see there is still another "edwards" here that will ruin yet another year of football for all of us, and his name is george. The offense still looks much better w Fitzy and at least we put up 44 points the last two weeks, much better than all those games we lost with turdwars when we lost games hmmm lets see 10-7, 10-3, 14-9, 10-9, and 6-3 when cleveland and D. Anderson lit it up with 2 whole completions and Turdwards still lost it for us, 6-3! what a shootout that was.
  13. wow this is a stupid post, I think all the ones who agreed here with the OP must be the Edwards supporters LEE EVANS HAD 1 BAD GAME and now and he needs to be cut???? The defense lost the game,not evans. TE had 30+ bad games yet still found support and excuses from you people who spout off like experts, "cut this guy cut that guy, so and so wont go over the middle" Do you really think plays are called where evans is suppossed to go across the middle and he wont? you know, you just dont drive a ferrari in an off roading event do you? Why waste his talent just to appease you people??? ANY RECEIVER can go over the middle, only a handful can run like evans and when we start winning again one day, you will be glad he can make those catches for 70+ yards that no one else on the team can. Also- whitner sucks and is all hype, evans never complains but you defend whitner....and trent....hmmmm amazing. Evans had one bad game and now you all feel like you were right all along...why did trent get 3+ years to suck but it was always "the line" "The coaching" "the receivers..." Lame just really lame. TO had about twice as many balls thrown his way genius, also he was personally responsible for 3 picks by not trying hard enough to get to the ball, also Lee is much faster and has better quickness and hands. Lee I believe had 1 drop last years as opposed to TO's 10+ ya really out-performed him.?????
  14. beast mode came from tranformers beast wars which was popular when marshawn was about 12
  15. i would trade him for lee evans since he isa great receiver oh and this post is dumb
  16. talented at what exactly? the "quick release"??? for those that didnt notice...after 4 years, Trent had a half motion delivery, even deep balls were thrown with this half motion short armed wrist flick. Its one reason he couldnt go medium ranged, that motion was not fluid nor natural and did not give good power unless he speed it up immensely and stepped into it, thereby giving him less control. Watch any other qb and see how smooth there follow through is compared to trents karate chop throw. since it lacked power and accuracy many mid ranged throws of his became picks. Those that harp about the 5-1 start and his other early wins never saw how he then also lived off dump offs that went for big gains. Those and field goals were the bills bread and butter. Once the other teams saw this, the book was written and the door was closed on the fraud of a qb. I will never blame the concussion, I saw this weakness in him from the second or third game and kept wondering why he wouldnt just throw it. Now if I misunderstood about "talent" I apologize for the long response. Maybe you meant his other talents which involve him and other men in another "sport" I do firmly believe Trent would do well in SAN FRAN where he would fit in well and be very active in that community. Though his quick release might be a problem there as well.
  17. ya i know, he threw high. But Fitz and the Bills were forced to play catch up all game or else. They should have ran a bit more too especially on first downs which i believe were the downs both picks were thrown. Imagine if we had been up a few points and been able to run it more. The barrage by Brady and co forced Fitz to try and match, but fitz is no brady. The funny thing is if he throws that one pass lower to Parrish, he would have had the exact same stat line as brady at that point in the game...and the lead. He would have had three td's and 250+ yards and been 21-28, like brady was. So then, he was one bad throw from being our Brady? ill take it. With a better Defense we wouldnt have needed another score and there would not have been a second pick, probably. Either way i was so happy to watch football again, real football where the team on the field has a chance to show there stuff because the QB can actually convert a third down, knows where he wants to go with the ball, throws deep and down the middle, just fantastic. Thanks Fitz! I dont care about the losers who say you are inaccurate. Oh so you miss a pass or two, at least I get to see some TD's, deep throws and a new set of downs once in a while.
  18. please tell me thats a joke , sarcasm, please, if it isnt thats the dumbest thing ive ever read, seriously
  19. wait which total moron thought trent should start again?
  20. yea ! awesome, thats awesome guys...in other news my grandma knitted a scarf
  21. geez im seeing more and more some dorks here that dont read the posts but just look at the dates of membership and previous post counts and get mad if you "overstep your boundries" did you read what I wrote and who it was to? do you work at the comic book store? star trek fan?
  22. really fitz isnt accurate???? do olines help QB's stay off their backs??? Do defenses win championships??? Wow, where did you get these ideas? they are so new and original and no one ever said them before? why keep mentioning fitzs' accuracy? trent sucked in 10 different areas INCLUDING accuracy, and he was just a big d^%$ as well. why dont you just watch the game sunday and stop ripping a guy for the least mental part of the game.hes got heart and a brain two things trent didnt have.
  23. ok can we get back on topic here? After more investigation it seems edwards could not have gotten aids from the needle since his donating blood was via his menstration.
  24. wow i really must have gotten into your small head, u keep ripping for what exactly? your trent mancrush?
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