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sir andrew

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Everything posted by sir andrew

  1. To quote Michael Scott "I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious". Keep Josh away from that stuff.
  2. Division: no. Super Bowl win: Call the Wambulance.
  3. The week of a game, it's always been a habit of mine to go to the opposing team's message board to get a different take on the Bills before they play. I don't go and make an account but I find it interesting just to lurk. My question to you is which opposing team's board to enjoy going to the most and why? I think mine is patsfans.com. I know, they're Pats* and they suck, but a lot of the posters over there seem to have been fans before the Belichick/Brady years and know how good they have it. Also, like TSW, it's an active board.
  4. Immediately googles "Madden Ambulance". Holy cow. You weren't joking. That ambulance also manages to take out at least a couple more players with it. That's fantastic.
  5. I like the 1 pm Sunday kickoff. Going to work the morning after a Bills primetime game is rough.
  6. This was my greatest in person Bills moment to date. I've never heard the stadium like that. I'm a younger Bills fan.
  7. That was exactly the way that game needed to end. I've seen too many times Brady go the length of the field to win at the last second. That was so so sweet. Let him throw a tantrum.
  8. I think it's going to be a back-and-forth type of game with the Bills coming up big late. Chargers seem to be finding ways to lose games late and almost blew it against the Jests. I still cannot believe the Bills are 5-1 in one possession games this year.
  9. I'm to the point where when there's less than 2:00 on the clock and they're down by a score or less, I expect Josh to take the team down the field for the winning score. Other than Mahomes, Wilson or Rodgers, there isn't another QB that I feel that way about. I can't believe that I just wrote that about a Buffalo Bills QB.
  10. The Tre pick had me pretty amped. But, if history has taught me anything, nobody snatches defeat from the jaws of victory like the Buffalo Bills. I wasn't resting easy until the clock showed 00:00.
  11. This is the first time I'm back on TSW since Tuesday's game. I definitely avoid sports media after a loss. Glad I'm not the only one.
  12. I really do have to hand it to this board. We're here having intelligent conversations about fast food and going against JV football teams while the Titans board is a complete dumpster fire of Covid arguments.
  13. Have you tried combining two or three of the dollar meal burgers into one? Used to do it all the time back in college. Was a great way to a heart attack for only three bucks.
  14. Guys, they're finally going to admit that it was a forward pass!
  15. I was wondering what happened to these. I gotta say that it was a letdown. Read some other team's write-ups and those are meh too. I think he's confused about the accent.
  16. Heresy! You're probably the type of person who orders ranch with their wings too! I kid, but if you're into a cold one that's brewed on site with your food try some of the local breweries. Some notable ones in the City are Big Ditch, Beltline, Gene Mcarthey's, Riverworks and Thin Man.
  17. Is there a way to watch the games locally, in WNY?
  18. Well done Gene and Bill. Agree to disagree without jumping at each other's throats. The internet has been making me more and more cynical lately, but it is genuinely refreshing seeing people being okay with other people having different opinions other than their own and unifying behind a common ground....Like hating on the Patriots.
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