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Everything posted by bkep32

  1. notice how the original poster has been silent the last few pages...goes to show
  2. didnt aaron rodgers sit for you 2 years. he was 1st round qb,
  3. woulda coulda shoulda...easy to say that now but i guess your 9-5 job makes you the GM of the year. Yes it sounds all good in theory and that prolly would have been ideal situation sit and wait and let allen or rosen fall but why take that risk and then you have the chance to miss out on your QB when u do that...ala big ben..we didnt move up to get him and he went few picks before us. If we sat pat and 4 qbs gone before we pick at 12...bills mafia would have strung beane up and then you would have been the one why didnt we give up our 2 seconds to move up. So just be happy for the bills for once instead of always playing armchair GM
  4. you dont know that....cardinals showed after we picked allen they had to move up..also baltimore moved back in to get lamar maybe they would have wanted rosen or allen as well. If we sit at 12...then maybe we get leap frogged by both and miami still sitting at 11, they could have taken rosen if cards moved up and took allen and we just sat there. So beane said there was 1 QB they liked and it was him. In stead of every bill fan complaining we never get a QB lets enjoy the fact the bills made a move to get a QB let it play out for 2-3 years then you can come back and say told you so. Until then shut the hell up to all the nay sayers. 1st 3 rounds we have 3 picks. Allen, Edmunds, Phillips. Any other draft thats pretty solid.
  5. 96. Harrison Phillps - DT or LB(jewell) 121. Chukwamua Okorafor - OT (spelling??) 166. Sean Walsh - G/C 187. Akrum Wadley - RB 255. Allen Lazard - WR
  6. yea seems may have been it...still wish we had a 2nd though bow but beggers cant be choosers
  7. Thanks cleveland for taking denzel ward at #4 and letting chubb fall to the broncos. John elway said he didnt want to trade since chubb was there. If chubb not there i think bills would have sent denver both 1st and a 3rd to get there and we would have missed out on edmunds. So thank you cleveland.
  8. let the allen or rosen get to 7 or 8 then move up
  9. That would be huge and still keep are other 1st maybe if trade that pick for more!
  10. If rosen passes #5, i would be weary of fins, cards and maybe even pats moving up to get him. I think he as the potential to fall to us at 12, but im scared of the fins grabbing him or cardinals leap us. If rosen is at 7 we need to move up and get him.
  11. http://walterfootball.com/draft2018charlie.php Would luv if this happened!!!!!!!!!
  12. To get to #2 we would prolly end up giving away all 2's and 3's and thats if they sont demand more cuz of jets giving up 2 seconds and next yr 2nd
  13. so give 12 22 and 65 to browns? then 4,53 and maybe even 56 or 96 to get 2?
  14. move up cuz 2018 draft will be A+ and have plenty cap room to fill other needs?
  15. just to be devils advocate....hold 12 and 22...dont draft a qb(maybe white)..... we end up going 5-11 and have a top 5 pick in 2019 and draft drew lock...we have one of the highest cap space in 2019 with all the dead money off the books and go crazy in FA.
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