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Everything posted by bigdogtim

  1. I like Johnny bj way better than "rocker"
  2. Soccer is right above synchronized swimming on the list of sports
  3. If you are a bills fan it's all good. If on the other hand you are a jets fan. Hasta la vista baby
  4. When Van gets on the wall it will be fandamonium.
  5. They sure did not like us for a certain four year period not all that long ago. I sure wish we have something even remotely close to those glory days soon!!! Go Bills!!!
  6. Jeff Wright, but only because he had an awe inspiring mullett. And for my almost-Bill, Tom Cousineau
  7. I think he should be tackled Vernon Davis style for his "misstep."
  8. The only down side of him flopping on it is Berman not being able to say rumbling bumbling stumbling!!!!
  9. I admire the passion and knowlege of many of the posters on this board. But when you step back, it is kind of funny that we all make arguments designed to convince the coaches. I'm sure Nat and Doug would be lost without our input.
  10. The Bills cash flow and probably have for years. Ralph doesn't need to sign any checks until the team stops cash flowing, and the cash to cap phlosophy seems designed to keep it that way.
  11. Nathaniel Hackett was most improved.
  12. To win, you have to run and stop the run. Today was a classic example. Thanks Marv!!
  13. It is sad when the Peter Pan guy might actually be tougher than Byrd!
  14. All I can say is you have finally found a way to make me wish this was a link to the Peter Pan guy.
  15. I am just thankful that our team doesn't have the Peter Pan guy!!
  16. Really??? Really??? We are debating Fitz vs Leinart!?! Man I wish it were opening day, the natives are getting restless!!!! And I would much rather watch Conehead throw me a beer than watch Leinart throw to WR#8.
  17. The coach probably did it just to be a douche.
  18. Buddy would have gone in with 90. Git R Done LOL. Sarcasm INTENDED
  19. Sorry, but I cannot help myself. If he truly is on it, then is he ON IT LIKE A MOFO???
  20. NFL Sunday ticket is cheaper and your wife might be happier
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