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Everything posted by bigdogtim

  1. It's Ralph's fault cuz he is cheap and Maybin sucks. There, now we can close this thread because it is complete.
  2. They will probably be glad to give him a ride to the airport when they cut his bony ass.
  3. WGR, the Maybin of talk radio. Sorry, but there have been at least 500 words since somebody has either said that Maybin sucks, or Ralph is cheap.
  4. FWIW, starting a post with "dude" does not exactly establish a boatload of credibility. I agree that he was clearly a front runner for worst defender of the year, but unless you are the Great Lebowski, lose the dude, dude.
  5. Or scare other teams into not even trying to go for it!
  6. I am sure Chris Berman's cabbie knows where he is.
  7. Sincere thanks to the OP for not linking to the peter pan guy. I held my breath as I clicked the link figuring I for sure was going to be had yet again.
  8. They referred to him as "hulking." Sure hope MArcel doesn't take exception to that, but if he does, that is one scrap I would pay to see.
  9. Yeah, but Tila Tequila is a skank so body slamming her 4 times is much more dangerous than once with a 350 pound offensive lineman
  10. So Gumball 3000 is kinda like living The Man Show? And that is a bad thing how???
  11. He is a skinny whiner with a receding hairline who was probably always the last kid picked on the playground. Furthermore, I suspect he was the kid that always got wedgies and was regularly stuffed in his locker as a young teen. Emmitt Smith is no picnic to listen to, but at least he is a once was instead of a never had a chance wannabe who is hellbent on proving his manhood by talking about things he has to buy a ticket to be a part of. Thank god for the off button!!!
  12. We have enough problems in Buffalo without a guy like VY. He belongs someplace like Oakland, but NOT here.
  13. The mistake part was clicking on this thread. Holy crap, it's more of a waste of time than watching Golden Girls reruns.
  14. Just because you can't see your own a-hole doesn't mean it isn't there. Just sayin...
  15. Character is important, but 4-10 year after year is not cool. Maybe to be a truly good team, you need to suffer with a few whack jobs. During the Steelers glory days, they had some real high character guys like Franco Harris and Rocky Bleier, but they also had some whack jobs like LC Greenwood. The team needs some high character guys to gain "street cred" in the community, but a team full of Mark Kelso's probably won't take us to the Super Bowl.
  16. This is the first time since Polian left that I feel somewhat comfortable with the draft room braintrust. Although I have nothing tangible to back this thought up, I believe that Buddy Nix is at the point in his career where he can afford the luxury of disagreeing with Ralph if he feels Ralph is steering him in a bad direction and is saavy enough to convince Ralph why.
  17. Thanks for not linking to the guy in the Peter Pan costume. Come on draft, hurry up and get here!!!
  18. Ralph Wilson waddles to the podium and selects Cookie Gilchrist
  19. No the only surefire way to get the #1 pick would have been to keep Jauron.
  20. I like Mallet as a bust too. My reason: his name is Ryan. This thread is absurb anyways, so hey, who needs a reason?
  21. On the face, this argument sounds a bit absurd. However, if the employee/players are partners with the owner/bosses, then we fans could arguably be "partners" too. This guy put up good money for a product he isn't going to get. Sounds an awful lot like breach of cntract to this layman. The truly interesting questions will come if the judge decides the guy has a case. What are his damages, how do you quantify them, and who caused them. Sucks to be this poor judge in Cleveland.
  22. Clicking on this thread cost me a minute of my life that I will never get back. Tahnk you.
  23. My goals are somewhat lower. I'll be happy just by seeing them cut Maybin.
  24. There will be a delayed and somewhat hushed reaction in the Bill's warroom because they wont want to wake Ralph too suddenly.
  25. But if I recall correctly, Chris Kelsay went to Nebraska. And this post has gone on too long without somebody saying that a) either he sucks, or b) Ralph is cheap. No extra charge for the sarcasm.
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