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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. SURPRISE !!!! If this is in fact true boy the amount of money these guys make off of this vaccine must be as much or more than Monsanto makes for producing round up ! Lets just to keep the cancer thing growing because money is much more important than life in general . Oh and don't let the public here this about those people dying & them stopping the testing can't see behind that curtain .
  2. They are still putting out TV commercials of stars that have gotten the jab because most Americans want to be a shallow as those in the commercials . John Legend, Kelsey, Swift, & other libstars join the liberal agenda to get the jab, just in time as you said !! I bet for the most part they can't even choose what they want for breakfast unless some one tells them whats good or best for them .
  3. That guy is one of the head MORON's of the cause the only thing that is truly scary is that the people of Cali continue even after 3/4 of their pay being taken from them for all the extremely high prices due to their tax structure on all things Cali & raping them every pay check each week yet they still vote for these A holes . Well there is a favorite saying here in the south and it fits very well when it canoes to most things California and it is . If Your Gonna Be dum You gotta Be Tough ...
  4. But it's alright if one of your people call it a sham when it works for you . Your a huge freakin hypocrite with out a clue & don't even know it ...
  5. What they need to do is f anyone throws a snow ball bring that person down on the field & give one of the players a free shot at them full on !! On second thought scratch that with as many drunk Bills fans as there are they would be lining up to throw the first snowball just to get out on the field so they could get their bell rung by a player .
  6. He's not going anywhere the Rooney's give him what ever he needs to be successful & he has been ever since he took over . Of course if he was coaching for the Bills he would have already been fired by the Mafia because he can't ever get them to the big game after winning the 1 he has . SLACKER ...
  7. My only 2 picks would be Minshew or Fitz ... Well if we were in a bad pinch maybe Flacco .
  8. Not sure if McD has ever thought of it but i have always wanted to see the Bills put Oliver at DE just for few plays a game to keep the opposition guessing & with his great first step i bet he could raise some hell out there ...
  9. It seems as though any team that comes out of the gate blowing other teams out of the water can't sustain that type of play all season no matter who they are . Like the Bills have done this year to this point you need to put your best ball on the field late in the year to ensure a deeper run in the play offs & that's still no guarantee that you will go deep in the play offs look at the Cowboys . I just hope the Bills continue to hit their stride from this point forward & save their best for the big game . I believe the talent is there it's just all the other things that need to line up in order to make it happen . As they say alls it takes is 1 or 2 plays or calls in a game to go our way and it's about time those things went the Bills way !! GO BILLS !!!!
  10. Given the O lines play this season & the RB's that they have the ground game should be able to make it happen our D needs to stop their backs because they have good ones too . I do hate like you that they are picking the Bills to win because they are better at the underdog thing but they should be able to win this one . GO BILLS !!!
  11. Then convince me with some hard evidence either video or audio not just a biased liberal opinion then maybe there might be a change in my thought process . I've seen what the dip S**T in office now has done and have that proof in spades about his incompetence but for the last 3+ years i have seen you make up enough BS to sink the Titanic despite the numbers that show other wise .
  12. Yah it sucks making it to the play offs for the last 5 yrs in a row and winning the AFC east 4 of those 5 ! Nothin to be happy about here !! Dam i just wish they had a better coaching staff and front office that because of their moves could have enough depth despite the injuries that could help bring the Bills back from a .500 season to make it to the play offs & because of being in the tournament have a chance to win it all !
  13. If he does say anything about being a dictator which i highly doubt it because you can't produce any video or audio too him saying such a thing he does it just because he knows he's in y'all's head and i would guess does it just to piss y'all off !! Which i love it he's all up in your head you all are so obsessed with keeping him any where near the presidency it's funny to see & here some of the BS y'all come up with . To use a phrase my old man use to say most of y'all are "talking out your ass cause your head knows better" !! Het BT there's suppose to be a Bills football game today in Buffalo i know your not really a fan so i figured i would tell you just incase so you can keep up the facade while forging ahead with your political agenda . They are playing the Steelers just so you know ...
  14. I watched a bit of news video this morning they were right out front of the stadium & you couldn't even see it from across the street in the video at times so it's not looking very good but i'm sure because the Bills Mafia isn't scared of that weather they will show up in force . I'm telling you though we got about 4+ inches here in Nashville and i really don't miss it not even a little bit !!!! GO BILLS !!!
  15. Can you say AGENDA ??? A guy that on a Bills Football fan sight that is almost NEVER seen to post on the football side of this forum and has been here for a relatively short period of time 3 yrs & has 31.5 K posts mostly against the former POTUS what does that say ? AGENDA !!!!!!!!
  16. If Trump is a fascist what does that make Joe ? Besides a complete lying incompetent dum ass politician i mean ? He's lied about most all things Hunter, his border policy SUCKS & lies about it, He lied about the vaccine not allowing people to get the virus, he's plagiarized , and being a life long politician there's no telling what else he's lied about over the years . Oh so then they are both a huge POS then right ?? You can b***h and moan about the other guy all you want but if this is what you voted for it says a ton about you, just saying ...
  17. Maybe that's what Joe thinks the immigrants are doing is entering the country (although it's illegally) just to stage a protest but after the protest they stay to ransack the Feds & the tax payers because Joe doesn't know any better . Maybe Kamala will tell him you think ? Using tear gas to disperse a crowd is nothing at all like locking yourself in the white house/capital putting up chainlink fences all around the capital and calling in national guard from all over the country to sleep in parking garages around the capital so paranoid Joe could feel safe for what 3 or 4 weeks or longer ??? But as we know that was because of him too .
  18. Disney & ABC aren't happy with just ruining ESPN now they want to do the same to the NFL network . Come On Man 👎
  19. Agree when they were bringing Ford in that was one of the things they talked about was his low center of gravity with him being a shorter fella he was very hard to get under him so he usually won on taking on the oppositions line . My vote is for Ford & Joseph this week sit Settle .
  20. I agree ! And right after he gets done talking to Shady immediately right to the jugs machine ...
  21. Every winner has to have a chemistry or a connection with the HC & the staff members that are put around him and both of those have changed since TB 12 has left so it's hard to re invent the wheel once that talent & that connection that came with it is gone . Dabol seemed to have a better play calling acumen for Josh & the long ball but it has taken 2 seasons to find out Dorsey did;t have that same connection so they had to move on and Brady has a better connection or chemistry with Josh than Dorsey .
  22. These must be Edmunds numbers i just looked at Bernards and his stats for this regular season because i didn't have the last game in those numbers are Bernard - 143 total tackles - 59 assists - 6.5 sacks - 3 INT's - 0 - FF - 2023 regular season . Edmunds - 113 total tackles - 44 assists - 0 sacks - 4 INT's - 0 - FF - 2023 regular season . Either way for the money the bears did;t get the better end of that deal was far as how much it cost them to get that production from Edmunds .
  23. Just as always pass the buck !! I work with people that have had the EXACT same illness & i even had a bout with a throat thing that had cancer in it & i told my superiors & so did my friend that they had it & were going to have to have operations that's what responsible people do just so you know . Of course i don't have people that are my minions so i wouldn't know how to pass the blame because i depend on me to take care of my personal business not someone other than myself not even my wife . And the thing is if this is the way he takes care of his personal business just how great a job is he doing taking care of national business ??
  24. So now he's a pedo ? Then that means all the others that are too right ? Isn't it weird though if any of us were scheduled to work & didn't show up or let any one know for 3 + days we would be fired but not when you work in the US gov't anything goes as we well know by now !!
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