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T master

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Everything posted by T master

  1. Maybe so but Josh had the second most INT's in the NFL too but had 4306 yds this season which is 3rd in the league . Chiefs had the most drops with 44 & the Bills had 30 which was 8th in the league . There may have been more drops after Brady took over but i would like to see where you got that info but things definitely got better when Brady took over so Dorcey's play calls must have been & wasn't as potent as Brady so i'm good !!
  2. You list 1 running QB that lasted to age 37 what about the others that used their running ability and lasted for a pretty good while ? 2 big ones right off the top of my head that you left out are Elway, he played till he was 38 and was great at that age & Favre he was 41 and he took some beatings but always seem to come back from them all but the last one he got from Arthur Moats . Then their are the guys like Fran Tarkington that took a lot of hits he was 38 & none of the 3 mentioned had the protection from getting hit in the rules like they do today plus they did 2 a days & it was a much more physical league back then so it's a bit different all the way around . Heck the one QB i think Josh most resembles in mobility, arm strength, and in general just how they play the game is Arron Rogers . Rogers will play next year he will be 41 so I think the Bills and Josh will have a long relationship even if Josh plays like Josh . GO BILLS !!!
  3. This should in no way given all that we have heard and seen over the last 3 + yrs surprise us in any way but it fits . There are some that believe FB to be the all knowing and where all the truth lives that's a part why i'm to on any of that crap ! FB, Tweeter, X, Insta germ, even though i spend some time each morning here i have better things to do that involve more physical movement than just my thumbs . I do personally know people that can sit for hrs on end & stare at their phone though it baffles me that they can be that taken by it . If we want to see what or why the world has changed & not so much for the better we need look no further than our own hands America was already lazy enough but the "Smart Phone" hasn't really made it better & i bought a VR thing for a Christmas present now there's another great invention for those that don't like physical activity . Modern tech isn't it great !!!
  4. Not even close !!! That season Josh & the Bills were playing out of their minds & i in my heart of hearts believe if they won that game would have won the SB this season i'm not sure they would have had the fire power or the D to win it all way to many injuries ! Plus all the usually sure handed players dropping passes you just can't win that way that's why the Ravens & Lions lost you have to play almost mistake free football to be the SB champion and we couldn't do that this season . I think next season should be really interesting with the O line coming back intact & having Cook & i hope they bring back Ty Johnson he was a good get i wouldn't even mind if they brought back Murray or Fornette if they can on a friendly deal . Hines may be good too . But to think this season i feel worse not so much it does suck to lose and especially in our house but that was for all the marble in the 13 second game this year was just to get to that point .
  5. Dam Racist that he is 😂 ... Tibs & BT were right - What Ever !!!!
  6. I don't see this happening besides we have that same guy in Shorter already in the building . Plus i would like to see what Isabella can do if given his chance on the field he ran a 4.31 so he's pretty quick and now he knows the Bills offense & Brady might make him the guy . They just need to work with both of them & develop them i think that is why they kept Shorter on IR this season because they saw some good things they can work with him on & didn't want him to get poached by the Pats or another team .
  7. I started this about Global Warming but it led to this mind dump 😅. You know it really gets me how politicians never give the people the full story (kind of like some here) yet they only give us just the things they need us to here to make us believe they are truly caring about the well being of We The People and the country when in fact they could care less and are only worried about the narrative they want to put forth for their agenda . If the people in the US did't have ADHD when it comes to political news & we all did a bit more research of how some things went down in the past we could see the deception that politicians weave into their seemingly innocent moral driven crusades to help the country & the people in it . This isn't something that just came to be but has been going on for no telling how long . I use to here my old man B**CH about how crooked the politicians were in NY/US and all but as a young kid i didn't in any way care, but now as a old man my self realize just what he was B**CHING about . Iran, Iraq, Russia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, the list is long but it's no wonder some countries hate the US for numerous reasons . The US ego is very large & thinks that every other country needs to be run like, by or with the US help even if they don't want it . If every America knew just how much deception there has been in American political history they would be appalled ! When it comes to the politicians that we vote into office and think they are actually helping America when in fact the "Blow Back Effect" that Ron Paul talked about would come in to complete view, but once again Americans are led to believe what they put out as a good thing when it in fact winds up screwing over those they are working with & for . I started this because of the "Global Warming" story of how it is all about fossil fuels & how bad automobiles are for the planet nothing else which again is only 1 small piece of that story . It's the only one that matters to those pushing that narrative yet there are so many other factors to it than just Automobiles & fossil fuels . Does the ridiculous AOC comment about cow flatulence add to the problem ? As foolish as it sounds actually it does which is 1 other small piece of that puzzle but because it's AOC everyone dissed her as a bartender/waitress trying to become a politician showing how foolish she was but really she was just telling another small piece of the story . Here is another huge part that has been pushed aside because it just doesn't fit and politicians would have to go after not only the Beef people but the developers, forest or wood producers, housing builders, road builders & so many other areas that you can bet some politician owns a piece of one of those industries so they would be cutting their own income . https://grist.org/science/forest-cover-deforestation-logging-1960/ Do you think that over 200 million acres of deforestation might have something to do with the natural way the planet gets rid of CO2 ? 🤔 I think probably more than we know but that just doesn't fit ! If the curtain could be pulled back from what happens behind closed doors along with the half truths & lies told in the Emerald city we would all be incensed at what our politicians have done to this country and it's legacy . I bet Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, global warming, and many others could all tell stories because as we know there are usually 3 sides to every story your's, mine , and the truth . But what they won't tell us won't hurt us Right ? But what's "The Rest of The Story" Thanks Paul ...
  8. I just wonder how many hours the 2 biggest haters here spend cruising the internet for any little piece of a story that they can put their own personal "Unbiased" twist on so it looks as if the orange man was the influence for what ever BS they post .
  9. This just goes to show us all how much the Bills Mafia doesn't know about choosing football players or management & staff !! I was one on the Rosen train & man am i glad Beane didn't go that way even though Rosen would have had a better shot at developing here than where he went i still don't think he is in any way as good as Josh Allen . Which this reaction to the Bills drafting him tells me all i need to know about the McD hate here ...
  10. 🤔 5 play off appearances, 4 AFC Championships, multiple late round draft picks that his coaching staff have developed into pro bowl players and corner stones for this team, top defenses in the league since he's been here, top offenses since he's been here & the over all stability and not to mention how many FA players have wanted to play here since he turned the team around .
  11. Good move going forward for the Bills i think the future is very bright for the team with the 2 new coaches now if they can get a good ST's coach because ST's isn't a part of the team that we can be all smiles about .
  12. And just think all the things the Bills were missing in their offense has now moved on to Cleveland LOL ... Thank you Dog pound !
  13. And we wonder why they are called "Swifty's" ? Just saying .
  14. I totally agree put them fella's on our southern border nothing over there is ever going to change !! And thank you for your service sir !!
  15. Well at least he didn't leave a 8 ball laying around the white house for every one to find (just saying) and then to top it off prior to that incident call the guy that more than likely left it the smartest man he knows . But when you think of it it actually kind of fits . I know back in the day many many moons ago i left a few roaches laying around my bedroom at home & our house was white but come on man ... You have a problem with him & post this when our gov't has in the past & still allows opioids that are HIGHLY addictive & has been documented how many people have died directly from those "legally prescribed drugs" yet still allow them to be sold and people are still dying from them because money is more important than human life . I know the gov't can stop it they not so very long ago before big pharma was so big the gov't told the companies to stop producing Quaaludes and they did . I think it was back in the late 70' i believe . It's amazing what you prioritize in the name of your very biased agenda .
  16. Totally agree !! Rex really screwed the pooch on that one & for the Pegs to think it was good idea well i'll give them that one seeing as they had just got the team & were new to the NFL . But it's no wonder Rex is a TV analyst because changing a #1 ranked Defense from the scheme they used & letting Schwartz out the door was the MOST STUPID THING i've ever seen a coach do ! Then if you think about the number of sacks & pressures that Defense had they should of tar'd and feathered Rex in down town B/lo for that .
  17. We all saw how that worked with Rexy - meaning changing schemes to 3/4 with all 4/3 players not a real smart plan moving forward hopefully McD can see that as easily as we do or have .
  18. Prayers up to you & your family 🙌 😪 God Bless you with strength in this hard time !!
  19. Jones, Johnson, Murray, Rapp, Edwards, Floyd, Ford ...
  20. I don't even pay attention this any more for the simple fact because they show them all before the freakin SB WTH is up with that ? Who was the brilliant one that offered up this nugget that we should show all of the commercials before the actual game . Heck it use to be that was a big part of the game was to see what these companies did as far as putting together those great classic SB commercials . I use to watch in part just for that but now it's like the premature EJ thing got to blow it before its even here . Even the SB & it's commercials isn't what it use to be ! I knew when the younger generation started complaining that they wanted something other than what they were getting for the half time show . When they say that Aerosmith, The Who, and others put on lame half time shows and thought the Black Eyed Peas put on a good show i was like WTH this isn't going in a direction that's going to be good . Why even watch ???
  21. Are you saying Dorsey is better than Brady at play calling or Stephanski ?? Just wondering because if Dorsey is a better play caller than Brady oi would think he would still be employed as the Bills OC but isn't . So there's that .
  22. If they don't they will more than likely lose him . I think Babich knows what & how McD wants the defense to be, other words more aggressive than when Frazier was running it & having someone like Desai on the squad could be a help we just have to trust those doing the hiring that those people will fit .
  23. Not sure about the rest of y'all but it almost looked as if Diggs is a bit gun shy ! If we notice Diggs never takes a big hit he almost always gets down before the defender can hit him which for health reasons is a good thing but the one drop he had in the game the other night was like he was anticipating getting hit & lost his concentration and dropped the pass . Not sure if that is what his problem is but something was not right with him from the halfway point of the season on he just wasn't as he's said "That Guy" when the Bills needed him & it could be the age thing . He's going up against younger guys and maybe he just can't beat them any more . The draft is coming & has the next Diggs somewhere in it & i hope they find a couple of those guys to go with what they have on the roster now & i hope they can get a DT, DE, or CB a bit later that can help make a difference for years to come ...
  24. Although i agree with you that it is a talent disparity i don't think either should be fired, after what they have put in place here from what it was & that each year both seem to learn from their short comings moving forward is a good thing . Oh & as we all know hind sight is 20-20 and we can all second guess the picks . They do need to get some more elite talent in the draft to stay relevant & i feel Beane will do that and the injury thing just sucks and as the team gets older they will probably be there just because . Beane has found some foundational players like Torrence, Rousseau, Ed, but yes we need a player that can't be shut down like Ed, & Diggs were . I think the Bills are very close and the changed made to this point are all for the betterment of the team moving forward . Frazier is gone IMHO because McD saw time & again that he wasn't as aggressive the times he needed to be hence the 13 second game so McD made a change, Dorsey wasn't getting it done so again he made a change . Now get a couple of top notch WR's in the draft and some good defensive players that will be difference makers & i think it can be different and better for the over all cap situation and the future .
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