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Not at the table Karlos

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Everything posted by Not at the table Karlos

  1. Why does it take Dorsey an entire half to figure out what an average fan knows Tuesday afternoon reading the game thread?
  2. What is him going across the entire formation? Watch it again
  3. Second drive had motion with diggs on a bunch of plays
  4. I’m still friends with every friend I’ve had since I was 10. It would have been longer but some passed away.
  5. Only fans is great. I make $30 a month for a blank page. Only reason I can think of is the people following me make so much money off of it they don’t realize they’re paying me. A friend makes $600-$700 a week. It’s crazy what people will pay for.
  6. Was probably me. I made a lot of money off of madden in high school and college. My high school guidance counselor told my parents I was selling drugs because I’d collect on Monday at school. When online play started I was ranked in top 5 for a while. Highest I got was #2, I got beat 4 times in a row once I hit the second spot and college started shortly after so didn’t play for a while. There used to be a madden tour or something where they’d have tournaments at local malls. Idk why I never entered them. If I was near one I’d show up before it started when they had practice and I’d roll everyone and leave. I learned the basic audible plays like the back of my hand and use 6 other plays on offense and defense combined. I’d blitz like crazy the first drive then play very conservative the second then back to crazy then a blend of two plays the rest of the game. Now I rarely play the games I just build a franchise. Edit- now that I think about it my friend was making fun of me for losing to JP when I was ranked so it def could be you. IIRC it was a low scoring game dominated by defense and Bills scored late on a long run or short pass with long rac for TD. I used to use ravens or chargers a lot
  7. He has a broken bone in his foot. Thinking that doesn’t have an impact on his play is idiotic.
  8. That’s pretty much my plan anytime I’m in Vegas. I sit at the fountains all day. Anyone going to the Sabres game in December?
  9. Step brothers. Dorsey and McDermott just have to get through the interview (season) without screwing up. Even though they have their quirks and issues they'll get the job (playoffs) and Dorsey rips a huge loud fart that you can taste.
  10. He’s done this his whole career. Brought it up a bunch. Was pretty much told I don’t know what I’m talking about. I don’t remember who it was exactly(maybe Greg Cosell on WGR) but they said pretty much the same thing last season. The reads are all over the place and nothing really meshes. It’s bad that it’s still happening now.
  11. IIRC Brady kept his for a long time and both of the Mannings worked with their college coach.
  12. Been saying the same thing. Everyone attacked me.
  13. We don’t save anything by cutting von until after 2024. IIRC we’d lose like 10 more mil in space.
  14. Why isn’t the QBC going over the coverages or something with him. Anything besides sitting there zoned out
  15. Has there been anything about Suh coming here? I’ve seen people bring up he would be a good addition but nothing saying he’s coming here.
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