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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. Great news then, Bortles will be available on the cheap in about 3 years and the Bills can have him then. Like Gabbert the Jags will eagerly deal him for a bag of doorknobs soon enough. I get that Manuel may not be the real deal, looked bad last night, but please set your sights a little higher than Bortles for a savior / regret.
  2. Lambeau Field. I've gotten more grief wearing Buffalo gear in Buffalo tailgating areas than in Green Bay wearing Buffalo gear.
  3. I think a lot of people miss the fact that the WNY region would be near the top of the list once LA gets a team. The reality is it's hard to impossible to name a city in the US capable of supporting an NFL team that 1-isn't LA, 2-doesn't have a team, or 3-have a team so close that an owner / multiple owners would heck about placement. Now that isn't to say the NFL wouldn't locate the team in TOR, but I think the region would have a team in less than a decade if the a Bills did move.
  4. "Logo was designed by native Americans" I appreciate when people start out by stating a lie as fact. It saves us all the time of having to read the rest of their nonsense.
  5. Finley can collect $10million in cash if he doesn't chose to play again. I don't know if I'd want a player too dumb to pass that up. He'd be passing up a guaranteed $10m for what? A chance to make $2-3 guaranteed up front and maybe die? He could do great things in a Bills uni, but for his own good I'm hoping the guy uses what little he has rattling around in that dome of his and retires. For his own and his family's sake. People say it's a hard choice, but it isn't, people in the real world make truly hard choices every day. This one is easy, get fabulously wealthy and don't play a game that will cripple you slowly or kill you quick.
  6. I thought this had to be BS when I first heard it. It certainly makes a relocation of a team like the Bills a much stronger possibility. Realistically if LA is tripling franchise value the Bills could be bought for $1.2bn, moved for $800m (buffalo escape fee and NFL transfer fee) and still be a steal.
  7. Major oversight not including Stevie. Like the last three years I think he'll be the Bills best WR. So glad they didn't trade him.
  8. I don't have a stake in the fight, but finding native Americans who aren't offended by a racial slur isn't really compelling. It's like finding a black person who isn't offended by the N word and then saying that gives you license to use it as a sports nickname. Again, Congress has WAY better things to do, but sadly a measure like this isn't even the most worthless thing they've done this month.
  9. Michigan - Jay Riemersma Indiana - James Hardy (awful..but likely the best they got from that turd school) Nebraska - Chris KELSAY!
  10. I think you're 100% right it's not on the NFL's list...but it should be on Buffalo's. Redevelopment of Buffalo's downtown is a must if the city is going to do anything more than shrink further. The trend in most metropolitan areas is a return of young professionals to downtown living. If Buffalo wants to ride the wave that is revitalizing similarly situated cites like Milwaukee and Cleveland and Baltimore they need an anchor to develop around. A new stadium could be that. While giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a billion dollar private entity should make anyone sick, this is a rare case where it makes sense. If Buffalo finances the building of a new downtown stadium it can lock in the Bills for a long time AND help revitalize a city that needs redevelopment.
  11. A downtown stadium is a must. I realize it comes with a bunch of development / land use hurdles but having seen first hand how modern stadiums and smart development can turn around areas, I think every city should look to build downtown stadiums. In DC, Nats stadium turned a baron wasteland into a half-decent area, that will likely turn into something really awesome in the next decade.
  12. Mel had to eat it after last years draft and adjust the Bills grade up later, he'll have to do the same thing again. The fact is the Bills are questioned because they are the Bills. People are banking on the Bills having another awful season and their 2015 first being a high pick. Bills win 10 games and all that changes. If Whaley et al hit on this year's picks like they did last year, they'll get higher grades off the bat next year.
  13. I'd love to see the Bills grab Savage in the 4th (have the feeling he may be gone before they pick) but failing that I think giving TB a 5th for Glennon isn't a bad alternative.
  14. Love the pick, love that he's pissed he dropped. Good nastiness for a RT. Scares me that the Bills are drafting exactly what I would....this never happens.
  15. Do you think the Pats ever let what a player WANTS dictate what the font office does?
  16. Look I love the Watkins pick. I think this was an awesome gamble, and I think Whaley / this front office did an excellent job in the draft last year and trust their ability to asses players in the draft. But wouldn't a shrewd GM franchise Byrd again? He played great when healthy last year. If he won't sign long term, and you can't trade him (likely could) what you wind up being "stuck" with is a pro bowl safety. Where else are they spending the money?
  17. A bad pattern seems to be emerging. Looking at this offseason in total (so far) it seems winning may be a goal for the Bills front office, but just a big is cutting the budget, even at the expense of wins. First they let Byrd walk, refusing to even franchise him as it would cost all of $9M...and their plan is to replace him with bargain basement young players already under contract (Duke Williams and Searcy) who both seem suspect. They proceed to spend as little as possible in FA in general and then they trade up to make a splash in the draft (I like Watkins, don't get me wrong). A splash that will put butts in seats and help make the business ledger a little better for the incoming owner. Then they cut Stevie and save another truckload of money, even though it is hard to imagine a scenario where he wouldn't beat out all but one WR the Bills have for a starting spot. These moves may be designed, and actually lead to more wins, but the only thing that is certain is that they ARE major cost cutting measures and attempts at generating more revenue. I get it, it's a business, but for all Doug's bluster about win now, because the fans deserve it, he just dumped two dynamic starters to save $18M in cash. Doug can say it's a new day in all that nonsense, but this certainly has the feel of the same old cheap Bills.
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