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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. my thoughts exactly...im just ready to have Shepp take over full time, hopefully coaching staff billeaves that as well...I guess the bottom line is all signs are pointing to him being a real player and a building block for the future
  2. was just coming in here to post the same thing haha..
  3. by that, I assume you mean mentoring him/teaching him the game? no I did not miss that, and im all about that, but let him continue to mentor and teach him the game from the sidelines and in practice while Shepp brings it on the field if you ARENT talking about that, then yea I guess I did miss "the whole point"
  4. I really dont understand the love for Davis from you people...I truly think its you davis lovers who need to "watch him play"...just because the dude makes one or two tackles at the LOS doesnt mean hes capable linebacker (a capable backup, absolutely!). I realize you guys are so used to seeing Poz drag down ballcarriers 15 yards downfield so watching Davis make one or two plays a game gets ya all juiced up inside...but I HAVE watched the dude play, and more often than not I see him getting sealed off, mis diagnose plays or just be plain slow in getting to the point of attack...i was over Davis when this season started and cannot wait until Shepp takes over full time for him (even Davis himself is lobbying for Shepp. to be the man inside, whats that tell ya, other than "Andra is such a nice man") And as for whoever said "its no coincidence our run D has been better with Davis"...ummmm...disagree on two fronts 1) our run D really isnt alllll that better - granted itd improved, we probably wont be last in the league, but I would be very suprised if we crack the top 20 in rushing D at the seasons end 2) another year in the scheme for players, addition of other players (ex. Dareus) and the stepping up of others on the team contribute to an "improved" run D, nottttt just Davis Time to turn over the reigns to Shepp, who clearly has more upside and is an all around better player RIGHT NOW...sorry Davis lovers
  5. i thought ALL NFL fines went to charity anyway????
  6. its because Time Warner is absolutely terrible at their business and they are only successful b/c they are the only option (aside from dish) I HATE TIME WARNER
  7. I wouldnt say its "rushing it" if hes ready, which he clearly looked like...and Davis sucks (slow and misses tackles, liability against the pass and zero pass rush), so that is why I think this is a VERY valid question....
  8. but again, my original question/intent for the post was about IF shepp is now the starting LB? Any positives on this?
  9. Is Kelvin Sheppard permanently replacing Davis as one of our MLBs? or was that only b/c of Vick's athleticism...if you ask me, or anyone with a set of eyes that watched last sunday, Sheppard played a helluva game and was an obvious upgrade over slow and old Davis... It looked to me as if he was ready and could handle the full time role, the question is, has there been any evidence outta OBD that suggests hes now the full time starter or are we looking at a backup role/time share still?
  10. i was deffff. joking about the market size haha
  11. i was also certain he would be getting a fine for the hit, but when I said so in the "Shout Box" I was ripped apart, even though if that hit had been on Fitz people would be calling for the head of the defender to me, a very late hit, and into the head, is the definition of what the league fines for....but alas, i have heard no peep about a fine maybe buffalo being a small market and not garnering much media attention works in our favor sometimes? hahaha
  12. i thought double the tax was standard...no??
  13. no dude, DUH, see the response given by the guy who's avatar it is!!! "its OBVIOUSLY a hot beach babe with a hot (flatchested) beach bod!!!!! but I do like your thoughts on the matter....deffff could be a young boy with a hat of seaweed based on the lack of definition or bulk in the arms and no beer gut...
  14. haha, "dude", calm down....it was an honest question..im guessing its supposed to be a "hot chick" but why the no boobs? were all the boobed babes not available when taking this picture...and how was one to know it was a "beach babe" from the ink blot style pic?? And I dont know what beaches you go to, but when im at the beach, I see plenty of top heavy tail....just sayin
  15. if you havent read them yet, the "Deep Winter" Series by Thomas Sherry is pretty great...its a trilogy...Deep Winter, Remnant and Shatter (I cant recall their order though, google it haha) - a man and his family deal with the "end of the modern world" b/c of disasters/war etc....fairly realistic also, one of my fave. was "Patriots" by a guy named Rawles...very good as well - group of survival friends buy and stock a "retreat" in Idaho, and when TSHTF they bug out to there, very cool if you have already read those let me know, i know loads : ) (also if you havent read or seen the movie, The Road by Cormac Mccarthy is a dark portrayal for sure, but im sure your familiar) ooohh ohhh, also "The Jakarta Pandemic" - Steven Konkoly - family/mostly father, deals with what happens in their community when flu overtakes the world, excellently written book
  16. im trying to figure out your avatar....its either A) a reeealllly flat chested woman B)a reealllyyy young girl C) a very bad angle of either A or B????
  17. honestly, I dont think they would...but as to why they MIGHT or why there is at least speculation is b/c its Waynes last year in his contract, colts cant afford to pay him after this year, they are sucking mightily this year and having Wayne doesnt really help their AWFUL football team....so why not get something for him? But again, I doubtttttt this happens
  18. read it as well, haha....ive pretty much exhausted the "Classics" of the genre...reading more modern stuff now...appreciate the effort though
  19. so maybe you meant the top of the 2009 draft class was weak?
  20. quick question for you/your cousin....has he said anything about having to compete with Delaware's favorite son, Dogfish head?
  21. excellent book, love post-apocolyptic fiction, favorite genre...
  22. agreed, KC sucks and we dismantled them from the first kickoff - sooo, maybe not the best indicator of how we fare on the road, but at least the young bills team rose to the occassion and dominated KC AT Cinci - we sucked all day and still had a chance/could have/should have won - but didnt.... This week will truly be telling as to how bad this Bills team wants it, and how they respond on the road in a tough environment...I see the giants as "middle of the road" team, who sometimes comes to play on offense but is bad on defense (pass rush aside, which sometimes is enough to win games) and will be a good test for this team, really hope they come to play from the first kick...
  23. ABSOLUTELY LOVE the "drafting a whitner" quote in your sig...I will certainly start using it in my everyday vernacular
  24. aside from several missed blocks in the run game during the 2nd quarter i was IMPRESSED with the Rook's play all day long he also got some good help (by design obvs.) by RBs and TEs in many passing situations which helped his "slowness"
  25. the only thing that scares me about the Giants is their pass rush the most effective way to neutralize a potent pass rush? draw plays and screens, something we have done very successfully (and something chan has always done successfully in his career)....i think we can look for another HUGE day from Fred Eli, I do believe, is a solid QB other than the fact he makes STUPID plays (especially when they count) - and what does this years Bills D specialize in? Taking advantage of QB's STUPID plays... Bills 34 Giants 21
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