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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. I had a dream that my truck ran outta gas...
  2. I will call you crazy, but not for your overall game plan, we should run it down their throats all day long, but not from double tight..that will just allow Jets to stack the box with 8 defensemen and make our day harder...keep running the way we have, and from the formations we have (and especially to offensive left/defensive right, where jets are getting J'ed for 5.7 ypc) and it will = success
  3. and kyle wilson is probably the top one or two "3rd CBs" on any team in the league...hes really had himself a good start to this year, HE worries me
  4. I see what your saying ,and I like what your saying, but against our spread offense it is impossible to put 8 in the box...you can only put 8 in the box if a team is running 2 WR set..which we rarely do...they will focus on stopping freddie, but it wont be with 8 in the box...
  5. yea they said Levitre will play all game at LT and be "spelled" by Hairston if he needs it, and Levitre said the only way Hairston will come in is if his shoulder bothers him too much... Rinehart will be the LG again
  6. this was my first thought...but if it is, its kind of poor
  7. why is it convenient? im not trying to be confrontational, honestly just curious what the benefits are or what makes it convenient?
  8. well considering QB rating when throwing to Revis is a freakin 2, i hope we decide to not challenge him...
  9. also liked your Lebowski reference earlier in the thread "yo, chair aint recognize yo ass"
  10. one a month? lame-oooo dont really see the benefits of being a Prime member anyway...i dont buy enough from amazon to care about free shipping...and I didnt even realize they "streamed movies"....hmmm...cool idea I guess though
  11. Russel Bell to those who REALLY know.... too bad omarrr cominnn....
  12. "Horry County Hotel" haha, how appropriate...
  13. if we signed him to an extension that affects NEXT year, he already has his pay/salary for this season...
  14. while I kind of agree with this...what do you do with your TWO ILBs (the only LBs on the team worth their salt)....let Barnett play and have Shepp. sit and wait, even though hes played this year and proved his worth?
  15. and the SJ13 talks SHOULD be put on hold....negotiate after season and if cant come to terms, franchise him....hes perfect scenario for the franchise
  16. I believe this is the plan by every team, every week against every opponent....so yes, I agree
  17. b/c the softer sides go better on a turkey sandwhich the days after thanksgiving for leftovers...
  18. agree with this 100 percent....under Gailey we have been a very well coached team that doesnt take alot of penalties...the Jets do take penalties, maybe Revis and Co. will get some pass Int. calls, and the Jets are on the road and will have to deal with The Ralph, I like a ref who will call penalties in this game....
  19. please find the time haha, im puttin my woman on it.....i assume its like creamed spinch
  20. is this legit ammo? or a joke site? I did check the link but im still unsure haha
  21. over 400 no lie...first year in this house, neighbor said "if you dont have over 300 pieces of candy you will run out in a couple hours" and I thought he was joking...luckily the fiance won a "guess the amount of candy in the jar" at work and what we had pushed us a little over 400, still ran out around 645...its kinda nuts here, seems like parents bus their kids to our neighborhood...
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