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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. I do agree with allowing flex scheduling earlier in the year, after a month you know which matchups have intrigue/interest/good games...no need to wait so long, let the primetime viewers get what they deserve, its not like it truly affects the teams that much to play the game at 8 instead of 1 or 4...
  2. wasent he not playing anyway for the Saints this year? is it really that big of a hole then? I could be way wrong but I seem to remember him being hurt and not playing anyway????
  3. say what you want, someone needs to own up to this mess of a D....and then fall on that axe (preferably id like the ACTUAL responsible person to fall on that axe so we can get this right)
  4. we have been running both all season long and most likely will continue too..most defenses who run a 3-4 switch alot to 4-3 or some type of hybrid..our base is, and will be a 3-4 with plenty of shifting to 4-3...but we dont have the personel to effectively run EITHER defense, need another offseason of personel upgrades (mainly, pass rushers and run stoppers haha)
  5. well coors light is definately a girlie drink...I hope you put little umbrellas in each bottle
  6. been waiting for something like this and am really suprised its taken this long to "conceive" this baby....rock and roll drama = pure gold
  7. it is honestly "knock you on your ass" good, you never taste the alky (even 190 proof everclear) - so seriously, be careful when you drink it or have others haha....you could substitute lesser proof alcohol, but then I would reduce the amount of cider/juice you include...(and whats the fun in that?)
  8. A "Skinny B word" - and its only really girlie b/c of the name, its not sweet....Vodka, Water, Lemon - quite refreshing, and it tastes like lemon water, dont even know your drinking until your shitfaced Also, apple pie in a jar - 1 gallon cider, 1 gallon apple juice, one and half cup sugar, 6 cinnamon sticks - bring to boil on stove, let cool to room temp...dump in liter of Everclear = successsssssssss (then fill in 9 mason jars for a cool carry)
  9. why isnt OLB a P1...I just notice that there is no P1 anywhere on your list, soooo does that mean we are "all set" at positions?
  10. took advantage of this myself yesterday, going to visit a friend in Nashville in january, 120 dollars for round trip ticket....saved over 200 dollars
  11. just had a Sixer of Great Lakes - Commodore Perry, tasty, tastyyyy stuff
  12. winner winner...chicken dinner...
  13. and then major dissapears and doesnt want to defend his (dumb) statement
  14. thought the episode after the first half hour was pretty weak...I realize its gotta build stories and such, but man....45 minutes of just trying to find this little girl?
  15. even though contracts arent gauranteed to a player, if you cut a player who has contract remaining, doesnt that money still count against your available cap space for the next season?
  16. hahahah, seriously...when was this and why did this occur??????
  17. if your interested, I know of many great zombie apocalypse books - just let me know...one to start ya off is World War Z (which is being made into a movie right now)
  18. hooters??? seriously? people still go to chain restaurants/bars? gotta be able to find a local bar with lots of TVs and bills fans...wish I lived in Roch. so I was familiar and could help out...
  19. dareus will see alot of reps at NT, he is versatile and can play anywhere on the line..he played the nose alot last week when Kyle went out regardless of position, the coaching staff is trying to put their best players on the field...the switch of Johnson to OLB is b/c we only have two healthy OLB (not including carrington)
  20. dont miss the game...true fans dont, skip whatever it is you "have" to do.....
  21. glad kyle is sitting today, give him two full weeks of rest, useless to just agitate it further today....we can make do without him, I expect Dareus will get a lot of reps at the NT spot - with Heard and Troup as well
  22. oh god yes I would, shes a little hottie...wouldnt pay for it though haha....wouldnt pay to watch either though haha
  23. well the obvious answer of why you wouldnt want to say what you think your advantages are is b/c thats tipping your hand to your opponent... if chan gailey came out and said "the giants cant stop the run whatsoever, so im not even going to call a pass play for the first quarter and just cram it down their wussy throats" - I think the giants might be a little more prepared for the run? with that said, maybe Chan should say that, and then throw all over them for the first quarter hahaha
  24. im guessing you are only staying with bills related themes, so in that case, some obvious ones: - Freaky Freddie - Stevie Stylez - The Misfitz
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