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Everything posted by CarolinaBill

  1. Success being one or more of the following: winning record, pro bowl caliber statistics, playoff appearances/wins, and obviously SB appearances/wins. And NO the numbers are not worse than 50%, its 50/50, honest to god.
  2. as I stated previously, research shows that, while 50% is not a great number its the best you will get, rd 1 QBs are a 50/50 success rate, it only goes down from there. Who knows, maybe this is another 2004 type class where there are 3 legit franchise QBs, and we will have a shot at one of them.
  3. historically, the success rate of Qbs by rd goes as follows: rd 1: 50% rd 2: 33% rd3-7: 15% undrafted: 2% Its not difficult to figure out, 1st rd QB's are most likely to succeed. Do your homework, trust the scouts to look for the right things, and take a QB early.
  4. It looks great, and Imo would be wonderful for Buffalo and the Bills.
  5. No, its not on purpose, just terrible coaching and below avg play by almost the ENTIRE team.
  6. yeah, all he did was lead tthe team in sacks as a rookie, at a position that doesnt usually generate sacks.
  7. Absolutely, and dont think the weight gain has gone unnoticed. However, marcel was making some plays early in the yr, and also remember DT's arent traditionally the impact players, moreso roleplayers than superstars.
  8. Personally, I think anyone that discounts the effect of his brothers loss has no understanding of the mourning process. I highly doubt that the production he showed as a rookie was an accident. Something is wrong, and it needs to be addressed, but the sentiment that he should "get over it" or anything of the sort is ignorant and cruel. Marcel will be fine eventually, but it may be mext yr before we see him reemerge.
  9. The throw for the INT, and the bad clock management at the 1:30ish mark, just 2 more examples of why these 2 ultimately need to be replaced. At some point, after the defense yet AGAIN folds (which is a whole different issue) these guys have to figure out how to win games. Fitz, AGAIN, makes a horrible decision and get picked, giving tenn the time and position for the go ahead score. Chan, AGAIN, mismanages the game costing us valuable clock time for the final drive.
  10. Amazing stupid clock management......i can imagine what chan was thinking
  11. I didnt see sulking so much as I saw a guy that was pissed off, at himself, his defense, everything really. He was still slinging it late in the game, but it was really too late. These last few weeks have revealed huge flaws in WVU's general gameday approach. Its very difficult for any teams to comeback from the types of deficits the Mountaineers have faced recently. I realize that Geno has alot to do with that, but at some point the D HAS to step up and stop somebody. Neithr TTU not KSU's QBs have legit passing skills (nfl perspective) yet they have carved up the WVU defense like a thanksgiving Turkey. Fighting out of a 38-0 hole is alot to ask of an offense, much less a single player.
  12. Just finished watching the game on DVR... A few things 1: I don't care who the QB is, Nobody, absolutely nobody is going to win when the defense doesnt force a punt until the 10:32 mark of the 4th qtr. That WVU defense is awful. 2: Geno has indeed come down to earth the last few weeks, lots of pressure on the Qb, 1st 2 ints of the year, just an all around average performance. 3: Hey Barbarian, despite these last 2 weeks, Geno STILL has less than 1/3 the Int Bray has thus far in the season. There's still a tough stretch of games left, Geno has plenty of time to regroup and get his team into a major bowl game. However, this may be the best thing to happen in terms of the draft, given the circumstances, we may have a shot at our Franchise Qb now.
  13. No doubt about it, Clowney is absolutely ridiculous
  14. exactly, verbal harrassment does not give license to home invasion, assault n battery, etc...
  15. Wow, thats awful. Kid should take Misi for everything he can. Its America, he can say what he pleases, doesn't give misi the right to do what he did. What a Jerk.
  16. Now everyone is Hyping Brooks up to be the savior of the corners, so when he struggles the first few games back, or at any time, he's gonna "suck" too....
  17. Neither, actually, they both suck in different ways.
  18. This place is full of crazies, man. First off, there is virtually no market for a guy like fred. Age, 3 str8 yrs with injuries....It's just not there. Second, there seems to be this fascination with beating down players, esp the good ones of the young ones, while simultaneously hyping the late rd guy that have done NOTHING. I just don't get it.
  19. Check this out.... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/151537-s-gilmore-i-want-11/
  20. I know that, just like I'm sure many other fans know that, and I'm sure Chan can see it, but Fred is a Leader on this team, if he loses more touches to Spiller especially when he claims to be "healthy" it could cause a rift in the locker room (purely speculative). Chan knows he's one more bad losing streak away from really being in the hot seat, and i bet he doesn't want to rock the boat any more than it's already rocking.
  21. Mario had 2 sacks several tackles, pressures, and QB hits today. Thats pretty awesome, and he's actually on our team.
  22. I think Chan doesn't want to upset Fred by minimizing his touches. We extended fred, knowing he has been hurt and aging, now our coach, who has a ton of other issues to deal with, doesn't want to disrupt team chemistry by creating a "starting" RB controversy. Unfortunately, the truth has slapped everyone in the face, CJ Spiller is the best back on this team, he is our biggest weapon and needs to be in the game as much as possible. Chan knows it, but he doesn't know how to implement it.
  23. yep, i agree whole-heartedly, he tries to be sneaky and clever, going for the kill, i get it, but its the wrong decision there because frankly, we dont have anyone on the roster that can complete that pass consistently. Not fitz, not smith, not thigpen or even TJ. It was an inexplicably stupid call that almost cost us the game.
  24. absolutely terrible call. Look if it is the middle first quarter, im ok with it, but not in the 4th, with a few minutes left, and all we have to do is run the 4 min offense and head home with a win. Situational playcalling, you dont call a wildcat throw in that situation EVER.
  25. decent?, try tops in the Nation. It was a bad game, EVERYBODY has a bad game, what happens going forward is the real story.
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