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Everything posted by AxelRipper

  1. I'd rather have had moore or mcelroy in the later rounds from what I saw yesterday
  2. Fitz is the best quarterback we've had in here in a long time. I say lets stick with him for a bit, see what happens, and try to get someone else in the later rounds/for cheap and have them waiting in the wings for when fitz decides to retire (see: aaron rodgers/favrebrettfavre) This season has suddenly become exciting. 8-8 seems reachable now, complete with spoiling some playoff hopes along the way. Lets keep the same quarterback for 2 consecutive years, shall we? no more "quarterback race" during camp. Give the team some consistency for once.
  3. I've seen him catch a few passes... plus he had a rushing touchdown last week.
  4. McIntyre is definitely one of the most underrated players on the team. You never hear about him doing much until suddenly his number gets called and BOOM! big play. It seems like he just sits there and waits and then magic happens whenever the ball is near him. No one expects the Mac!
  5. I think his goal was just to hit 400 consecutive and then throw in the towl before it spontaneously combusts. Though I heard somewhere that Peyton is on par to beat even that record 6 years sooner than it took Favrebrettfavre
  6. NOT THE BILLS! http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/don_banks/11/10/week.10.power.rankings.3/index.html Dispite us being 0-8, we are ranked ahead of both Dallas and Carolina! Also, it appears that those people who were on the Tony Pike train pre-draft may just get to see him play shortly.
  7. Lovie Smith learned everything he knows at the school of Dick Jauron. There is no way he would have gone for it.
  8. were we watching the same game? I saw quite a bit of PA, unfortunately they were usually setting up screens. The problem with the run is that we cant get any run blocking for whatever reason. I dont know if its personnel or coaching, but there never seems to be a hole for either spiller or jackson to run through. As for the spread package with an empty backfield, that happened very little compared to the other formations I thought, and they happened when you would expect them, when you want to get players down the field.
  9. I dont know how they keep tricking themselves into thinking that its a good idea having a team there. The games that are there either barely sell out or dont sell out, and the crowds at the games are completely lifeless, yet they still insist on continuing it, even wanting more than half of the home games there! so ridiculous. Unless of course the plan is to have Rogers buy the team after ralph, move the team to toronto, and share a couple games a year with us. Which is even more stupid IMO
  10. well I think we're improving. Last week we pushed the loss to OT, this week it was at the end of OT. If this continues, next week we should tie, then the following week win in OT. By the end of the season we might just see a win in regulation!
  11. What bothers me more is not that they do it, because its never going to change, but why, when you have just a few yards to go before you're safely in FG range, do you pass on every down? multiple times today in OT, we could have just run the ball to get lindel closer to the endzone, and given him a straight shot at it. Instead, we pass on every single down. Same thing happened roughly 20 years ago, and we lost then, too.
  12. definitely gonna be over 46 on points. KC will run hard on us, so the score is gonna be hideously high
  13. I would never be a bills fan again! that dog killing ****! He sucks at QB and did things that make him not even human anymore that can never be forgiven. Just figured I'd put that in here to get it out of the way so other people dont have to copy and paste in their essays about how bad of a person vick is. And I agree with you, Vick would be good. Heck, get Vick AND Newton so we can develop Newton properly.
  14. If their talent is so good, why arent they on an NFL team, even buffalo? Remember, the Wreck of JP Losman was the championship winning qb last season
  15. good. at least he realizes it. Now, if they could just get everyone to start playing with a chip on their shoulder and try to get better. This is assuming, however, that they havent been told that they want the #1 pick next draft.
  16. 6-7 345 OT that you expect to drop to the 4th...
  17. I think with a properly designed offense he could flourish. He had some speed, so i'm sure with some work he still could run. He's big, so he'd be good at blocking. As a matter of fact, you could roll him from qb to tight end in a fatcat situation and have him play lineman with option to go for pass, or roll back and receive a pitch for either a run or pass. Truly, the possibility's are almost limitless with an overweight qb known for his rushing skills as well as his passing skills. However, the place to develop that offense is not in Buffalo.
  18. cant we at least go 1-15 or 2-14 just so we aren't known in the books on the same level as Detroit and the 76 Bucks?
  19. We need to wait a year and pick up either Luck or Robinson
  20. hmm... thats strange. I always seem to be able to win the whole thing 19-0 with the talent that is already on the team. maybe I should be coach and inside the head of the QB from a flycam angle at all times
  21. come on! take off your rose colored glasses and see that this organization is going no where! we're just going to suck until ralph dies! /sarcasm Also, Jimmy Johnson went 1-15 his first year with Dallas in '89, and look how that ended up.
  22. Unfortunately I have to listen to this game on sirius through the jets radio network. These guys are annoying as hell but what can you do
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