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Everything posted by akcash

  1. He's basically saying don't start late and put our defense in bad situations. Love it.
  2. Is anybody on the stream yet? Is there anything being broadcasted yet? I tried it but it just loads... didn't know if it's just coming on at 7pm...
  3. I agree with him on Edmunds. I think Edmunds will get by with coaching and athleticism and think he will develop those instincts as he's young... I do think their will be a learning curve for him. He is a natural SLB. He's got a very lazy take on Allen and I don't think he did his homework at the time of that take. I feel like Allen has everything he needs to be a franchise qb and if he wants it bad enough he'll get it. It seems like he does want it bad too.
  4. I just like the fact that it shows that that number can be improved... even though it's not the most important thing.
  5. When averaging the 4 years together. Just an interesting thing I came across. I've learned my lesson in the past that only time will tell. Makes me feel a little better tho.
  6. You could stay at I believe it's the holiday Inn by the right aid by Delaware and north... then you could go to the Lennox Grill (or just stay at the Lennox Hotel) around the corner on north... should be a lot of other bars around there too... there's that Irish bar on the corner of Delaware and Allen which is right down the street... I think it's called mcgruders or something... always was pretty comfortable place to chill. Both of those have good size bars... or you could stay by main and transit and go to the brew pub...
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