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Everything posted by starrymessenger

  1. PFT says our offense is a "cyclone of insanity" lol. Sorry if previously posted.
  2. I now know what kind of team the Bills are. The kind that's just good enough to ruin another teams playoff chances on any given Sunday.
  3. Sometimes I think Burrow is a young TB. Similar skill set. To me right now Mahomes, Josh and Burrow are the three best QBs in the league. And they are in their prime.
  4. IDK dont you have to put the ball in the end zone?
  5. If anyone had told me that Bernard was going to be a significant upgrade to Edmunds I would seriously have thought they were crazy. I was not an Edmunds fan but to me he was a legit starter, something I doubted Bernard would ever be. I know the Bills got a big heads up from the Baylor coach so that they were ok moving up, but I don't recall whether the contact/connection was with McD or with Beane. I also wonder where he would have gone in the draft if we had not been so aggressive. At the time I think some saw him as maybe a 5th and others as depth and special teamer. I guess what he brings is just a perfect match for McD's scheme. Beane did a great job this past week. If Douglas had a bit more foot speed and agility he be a pro-bowler. All for maybe 50 spots. Sweet.
  6. This guy is a good veteran corner still in his prime who should fit in very well with what the Bills do, which is a lot like what GB does for that matter. Beane definitely won this trade. A third was probably even light comp to GB but getting a fifth back seals the deal as a big win. I dont follow the Pack but over the years I’ve taken in some of their games and I noticed this guy. He looked to me like a very smart player at his position and a playmaker.
  7. McD is a good DC whose worst instincts should be overruled by a better head coach. Then all would be fine.
  8. Deonte Harty is pretty fast and shifty for a guy who many thought was slowing down. What we saw yesterday was what Beane thought he was getting when he signed him. Maybe he could even have a role in the offence. Who would have thought.
  9. Its happened for years and the one constant is McD. This guy is limited. He's a dyed in the wool DC. Has no business being a HC. Except for a few head scratching playcalls Dorsey, a near rookie OC, called a good game. He may never have been the main problem. The team's identity, who they are, how they play, is pulled in different directions. That's why they appear so disfunctional at times. The tension is between the team McD wants and what Josh (and possibly also Dorsey) thinks it is and wants it to be. That is a conflict that can only be resolved with the firing of the HC. I Hope Pegs is paying attention.
  10. Who in the Bills brain trust would want to completely transition the offense from a pass first to a ball control/ground and pound offense? In mid-season no less? Can't imagine anyone would.
  11. Thanks. I guess I misheard what he said. Or maybe I just heard what I wanted to hear.
  12. I think that the ref also actually announced the penalty over the loudspeaker. Weird.
  13. I agree that on paper and personnel wise a true # 2 (a guy like Addison who the Bills targeted) would be a major upgrade to the offence but right now I'm not sure that the Bills would be able to make the best use of this asset or that it would remedy the disfunction that we are seeing.
  14. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark but we don't know what it is exactly. OTOH some things are patently obvious. The D yesterday was missing its best players, pretty much all of them lol. I'm not sure that absolves McD from criticism for his approach and some of his playcalls but I'm confident that if the D is healthy (or healthier) the outcome is almost certainly not the same. The problem is with the offense but maybe it's not fair to target Dorsey. I do question the wisdom of hiring a rookie OC to lead a team with Super Bowl aspirations but many of us wanted (and still want) a young and innovative talent and all of those guys had to start somewhere. If Dorsey is not that guy they made a mistake in hiring him. If he is or can be that guy the problem lies elsewhere. Anything I say is pure speculation, so there is that. But I am inclined to lay the blame mostly on McD's shoulders. I think it's fair for the buck to stop with him but not just because he's the HC. I suspect that he has now a suffocating influence on the team, especially the O. We see competing teams every year looking to improve their rosters before the trading deadline. Just look at the two finalists in last years championship game. The Bills don't do that sort of thing but I'm not at all sure that is on Beane. I don't know that McD is inclined to move quickly to integrate new arrivals mid season. Sort of part of what we see when it comes to playing rooks and younger players. Its as though within his system and approach whatever they have to add is less than the risks of letting them play. So maybe Beane is limited in what he can do as a practical matter. Hiring from within (including Carolina) suggests to me a braintrust that is a little insular and without the confidence (or ability/awareness) to move quickly and aggressively. It seems like an entirely conservative mindset and culture fixated on preserving rather than attempting to improve an asset when constant adjustments are required in an ultra competitive environment. Another poster has mentioned how hard it is for coaches to be successful continuously and for the long term. Pete Carroll and Harbaugh are mentioned but Seattle and the Ravens are teams that generally draft very well. I have to wonder whether our scouting department is up to snuff. At least the question is worth asking. Not sure how to go about answering it. Elam to one side they are pretty good at drafting/finding players for the D. Same can't be said for the O (except for Josh and Diggs). This too suggests to me that McD's expertise and contacts, which I'm sure are considerable, are limited to the defensive side of things. I don't think he has much to offer to the offence in the way of play design and the playbook generally. Not sure how all this will play out. Obviously if the team is unable to turn things around, changes will have to be made at years end.
  15. Agreed. Assuming that we know for sure that it was his f'up to begin with. And if it was now he's gone and pretty much done the same thing again only yesterday. With the game on the line and needing a stop in either case he was unable to do it. With time running out Mac Jones leads the league's worst offense the length of the field for the winning score.
  16. Well if McD doesn't know what the problem is how likely is he to know the solution?
  17. That would be like Tounces the Driving Cat and spell disaster.
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