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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Only one other mention of Field of Dreams? No one mentioned Stealing Home Hoosiers, Major League, Invincible round out my top five
  2. http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/Latest-News-Wires/2011/1118/Comtel-Air-to-passengers-Pay-extra-or-we-don-t-fly Comtel passengers forced to pay for fuel out of pocket at a refueling stop or the flight doesn't go on
  3. Spiller has as many tackles as a Bill as Maybin. He has also scored two more touchdowns and gained a few more yards.
  4. don't care what the experts say, I'm having a cup of coffee
  5. Tough not to get a little choked up reading this...thanks for posting.
  6. As Mike Tyson says, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.
  7. In addition to what the Bills gave up, all of which went to the Rams, the Colts gave something like 2 firsts and a second to the Rams. Don't think the Rams did much with all those picks, don't remember them in the playoffs during the careers of those picks. Well worth the trade.
  8. Knew it would be on the list. Don't care, still one of my favorites. Like two others on the list as well.
  9. Haven't seen anything complaining about the blown calls. In particular the no call on Freddie on our first posession of the second half. Clearly interference, it changed the flow of the game. Instead of tie game with the ball in good field position we were playing from behind. Also one of the Giants TD's looked like it should have been oveturned.
  10. Chan needs to know if Fitz is the qb of the futre. He is giving Fitz an opportunity to prove he is.
  11. O'laughlins always has a lot of both Bills and Giants fans, also plenty of high def tv's if you want to watch a different game. They've seen enough of my money for one weekend so I won't be there today.
  12. Still, more than what he had for the Bills
  13. Love the look on his face when he said that
  14. Field of Dreams. From the sounds of others who have replied I really need to see Shawshank Redemption
  15. I've never taken laxatives before running, that was someone else!
  16. There is an older brother, Cooper Manning, who may have been the best football player of them all but spinal stenosis put an end to his football career. Add having this in the family to Peyton having nothing left to prove and already being set for life monetarily, I wouldn't be shocked if his career is over.
  17. 2009 book by Marv Levy and Jeffrey Miller - Game Changers: The Greatest Plays in Buffalo Bills Football History. Also a brand new Fictional book by Levy, Between the Lies, which is loosely based on the Bills. Disclaimer - haven't read either
  18. thought I was the only one that noticed that...
  19. Steve Christie does not qualify. He had two very good seasons with Tampa Bay, 85% fg one year, 75% the other, 100% on pat's. He convinced Tampa Bay mgm not to waste a protection on him, he wasn't going anywhere. Then he told his agent he wasn't interested in going anywhere unless Bufallo called. He's from Oakville Ontario (just south of Toronto). Rest is history.
  20. Bills gave up on second round pick John Parrella after one season, played for 12 years with San Diego and Oakland.
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