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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Thanks for the report but more importantly for your 21 years of service.
  2. For those of us who missed your previous posts, please let us know the other 43,875,431
  3. Named them all Travis. That way when its time for dinner all he has to do is yell "hey Travis, come home, Time for dinner." When he only wants one them he calls them by their Mother's last name. My weak attempt at humor tonight.
  4. Knew someone would pick this...don't care what others think, still one of my all time favorites.
  5. This advice has twice gotten me out of tickets when I was clearly in the wrong. Ran a red light after playing volley ball in a bad section of town. Rolled down the window, put my hands and arms outside it. After a bunch of yes sir and no sirs, cop let me go wihout a ticket and told me I should probably find a different place to play volley ball. Took his advice. Pretty much the same scenario when a cop pulled me over for doing 75 in a 55. Last thing he said was slow down, 75 is too damn fast. took his advice also, now keep within 5 mph of the speed limit.
  6. 14 unsigned first rounders as well (none of the top 8 have signed)
  7. Bumping this one because its the 4th of July (hey, I didn't bump it the last two years)
  8. Here is my version of the 8 team playoff: New Years day - Top 8 teams play (in my perfect scenario they would play in the bowl games of my childhood, Cotton, Orange, Sugar, and Rose) This is followed by a 5-10 day break for the players before they start preparing for the semi finals, which will be held the day before the NFL championship games. So there would be semi-final Saturday for college followed by Championship Sunday for the NFL College championship game will be held the following weekend, the bye week before the Super Bowl. Never happen but if it did I would truly be footballed out and ready for a break from watching it.
  9. 62 replies and no mention of Sunday Morning Coming Down? Cash made it famous but Kristofferson wrote it and I haven't seen anything by him yet in this thread so here's his version (with an opening tribute to Johnny Cash)
  10. God's tweet to Stevie..."I gave you clear blue skies in Buffalo in November, tripped the corner 15 yards down the field, and put a perfect spiral in your hands. What more did you want?"
  11. best thing about the phins Fins is the same thing as the best thing about light beer....There's none in my refrigerator
  12. Agreed...Anyone that plays 13 seasons mostly as a starter, especially an 8th round pick, is better than average
  13. Before that I'm pretty sure it was Bruce Smith who was signed before the draft
  14. Might be the greatest discovery since the chicken wing (for those too young to remember chicken wings are made from the part of the chicken that used to be thrown out)
  15. Q How many men does it take to do the dishes? A None, its women's work followed up with Q How many men does it take to change a light bulb? A None, if your wife can't change it herself let her do the dishes in the dark. Anyways gotta run and do the dishes.
  16. cool story, if they weren't great players they were great men
  17. I've been wondering the same thing. Hopefully the competition will up his game.
  18. Thought they had two first rounders, how did they get a third?
  19. As I said in a similar thread, either we're alone in the universe or we are not. Either way it kind of boggles the mind.
  20. I like the one where I hit a number and then send and it calls someone without even dialing
  21. Had the sound off when I viewed it or I would have linked to a different upload
  22. hit to that spot could have killed Harden if his shoulder hadn't taken something off the momentum of Artest's elbow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q66c8luVpI&feature=related
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