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Everything posted by TH3

  1. She had nothing to do with it....emails werent to her or from her With the amount of time you spend here...looks like I at least got a job that demands my attention and a life beyond it What is stupid if you think inluence peddling is a HRC thing....
  2. How to you compare that to the bribes...err contributions/strong arm/political coziness that Trumps dad used so well and Trump used to get his projects off the ground and full of tax credits.....is it that much different?
  3. Hope so...it would be cheaper and take the burden of HC off business...and you would not like it because.....?
  4. Blaming someone else for your problems is pathetic. The right wing media has successfully brought 30 percent of the country under their wing ...so there is that. The problem the GOP has is a complete vacancy of ideas...Trump filled this void with his smell. The GOP has the congress - where are the proposals for reducing the deficit, immigration, health care, affordable college...absoutely nothing. Is the media stopping them? Meanwhile at the state level the GOP has busied themselves with where people pee and pinching voting access. Now the election is rigged.....absolutely patheic.
  5. So the media is to blame ... Maybe it was the ignorants who voted for him
  6. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/that-400-million-secret-payment-to-iran-isnt-quite-wha-1784775010 You need to leaven your reading list http://articles.latimes.com/1986-12-20/news/mn-4453_1_iranian-official
  7. Maybe because it was news in January
  8. Wha? If Trump released his tax returns and HC didn't ...surely you would be using the same logic to.....
  9. Do you have any ideas on the conditions and aspects that have lead to our current economic circumstance? Unless voters do - and can identify a candidate that addresses a change in the circumstances that have produced the current status - we get the government you deserve.
  10. malanie forgot one thing in her speech "Thanks Obama"
  11. LOL. this dude baskin has the highest ratio of arrogance to ignorance on this forum. that's saying something.he probably thinks Bernie is an example of neoliberal At least you didnt call me a liberal! This board loves to label...especially when bad outcomes can somehow be tagged "liberal"... Or neo liberal for what its worth. The "NL" policy free trade etc was championed by the conservative right with the afterthought that those displaced would mythically be brought up with trickle down economics. It is now somwhat ironic that - at least here in the US - that the GOP nominee is being championed by displaced GOP voters to rectify their displacement.... will need "liberal" type policies to fix.....
  12. I think you are more than a little quck to label the concept of free trade as "neo liberal". This board always so anxious to label and pick sides. Free trade hardly what "liberals" pushed. That being said ...ignoring those displaced by trade policies is the issue here and Pat Buchanon is correct to call out the economists who ignore this. Not everyone is going to go to college and write code.......
  13. I believe you are mixing your want and need to call this terrorism in a little too much....as usual....glossing over the details and layers to suit your agenda
  14. Don't you understand - on this board if you criticize the right you are by default a liberal... Or - the 40 percent of the US who could not get over having a black president divided it.....
  15. TOTALLY AGREE...freedoms have costs and side effects - free speech leads to phucktards like Rachel Maddow and others...likewise the highest gun violence rate in the free world is simply the cost of freedom that we are willing to live with....
  16. Always with the name calling here...
  17. What should BO have done? (BTW - he didn't move any businesses out of NC)
  18. Well this case has it all: American citizen born and bred Second Amendment guaranteed him access to guns FBI surveilled him but could not do anything further without illegal search You say - liberals are blaming ourselves and our freedoms for creating this person.....well this guy was a US citizen born and bred - are you suggesting that some US citizens should not be granted the same rights as others? How are you going to pick out the US citizen terrorists who don't deserve these rights?
  19. He was on his way to Make America Great Again....
  20. So your point is I mentioned gun shows...? Predictability of MY ideologies? Wha? Someone asked how technically one person could inflict such damage - I say semi auto with a large clip (I guess I should have said magazine). Then multiple posters PREDICTABLY take that and parse it into left/right conservative/progressive missives and mix in some religious spice for good measure. You guys are comically pathetic.
  21. You do realize that LA was injecting the ole left/right points in a response to my post and so I simply changed a couple of words to his reply to show how simple its is to show the hypocrisy on this board I didn't rush to my corner - at all - you guys did
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