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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Generalize much? You don't even know me - and when I give you some background on my professional and educational background - you scoff at my successes... Not sure how I am a liberal - I voted "liberal" once in my life - and almost always cons/GOP....the point that you say I don't think for myself is laughable.... If people on the right hand principles - Trump would get almost no votes....let alone be nominated.... Carry on...
  2. You are completely correct - I come here for the laughs - nothing else - this board is like a view into the great expanse of misinformed but confident - I find it oddly compelling to drop by once in a while. You are right - I do not have the time or motivation to be keep up with you.
  3. I need to get my post count up to 33k like you so i can get better at eliminating tpyos
  4. Perhaps you could...on your own...reference some recent conservative Scotus decisions and how the have led to greater benefit to society and likewise some liberal leaning decisions and how they left us orse...
  5. They did not F up....this is the culmination of 30 years of Rush Fox Coulter Jones...Electing Bush, Palin....never balancing the budget, chasing idiotic social issues....never shrinking the govt....This is your GOP....The GOP Is its voting base....
  6. "They" would be the overwhelmimg majority of GOP voters.... And check the rules on what happens if he drops out....doesnt just go to Pence
  7. So this guy - instead of examining the specific causes of each recession and the specifics of each response - looks at a graphs and says - Hey the recovery isn't as steep as the downturn - Thanks Obama!! Got it.... So GROWTH has slowed.... still growth.... Seriously - what other country would you rather live in? ....If you spent your time trying to get better at your occupation, trying to start something, trying to create something maybe you wouldn't be such a whiny B word constantly complaining about BO and posting links When you got up this morning name ONE THING preventing you from becoming rich/successful/happy?
  8. So....Global Warming is a hoax because math is math and you can't argue with it and your math to discredit Global Warming is......politics in the US House?
  9. Trying to eradicate the 2nd....you know how that works right? Oooh. I forgot....releasing actual info is worse.....gotcha
  10. Trump could diffuse all misinformation by releasing his returns...
  11. Government prosecutes criminals and obtains convictions and prison sentences. If government uses privately run prisons, it must pay these private businesses to house its prisoners. The entity filling the prison therefore has an economic incentive against putting more people in prison. The private business — the one with the "profit motivation" — has no power to create more prisoners. I can see opposing private prisons for other reasons, but Hillary's justification made no sense to me other than a random expression of disgust for business. Shows how much you either do not understand what is going on or how naïve you are: The private prison alliance has been one of the biggest lobbyists for stiffer prison sentences - so there is that. HRC 1 B-Man 0
  12. Well..you are the smartest guy here....so that is that!
  13. Unless you get paid to write this crap....you got another job....doesnt keep you from mouthing your mind
  14. Did you read the authors pledge to the Evangelical view of the climate?
  15. I know recent court findings are difficult to handle because they contain tangible salient finding instead of useless internet opinions Since you are opining on this topic - one would think you would fully understand it... Google is your friend
  16. Point is this: The posters here look and say "These guys are insane...they act irrationally...they loot there own neighborhoods and beat up reporters on their side...they don't act all peaceful like MLK....." Until you can look at this country and HONESTLY say that we have eliminated any reasons for inciting this behavior...you have no standing.... For F sakes - the State of NC was JUST FOUND TO HAVE RACIST POLICIES AND TACTICS WHEN DEVELOPING THE VOTING LAWS This crap still exists - and it is state legislated for f sakes... Yes - who the hell are you to comment on what life is like as a black person in this country?
  17. Lower standard - like creating voting laws that explicitly discriminate against blacks (North Carolina State Legislature as found by a conservative judge of Federal Appeals Court), systemic racial bias in policing and judicial policies (Baltimore, Ferguson), police policies that are unconstitutional (stop and frisk).....? Meanwhile...the Bundy's are heroes to some
  18. Exactly...there is something different about blacks...we all know every minority that has come the the US has endured their own discriminations...yet blacks seem to insist on living in poverty, they are unable to live by the law - they just can't seem to become proper citizens - something is just inherently different about black people
  19. Onehas to ask the question...why do people exhibit irrational behavior....why do you think the blacks and minorities rioting and looting are doing something unwarranted and illegal?
  20. Tulsa releases video immediatly no riots even though it appeats police shot unarmed man.....Charlotte comes up with several weak reasons why they can't release videos when they say police shot an armed and dangerous suspect.....riots....
  21. I watched both the Chad Kelly and ND games Saturday. I am not sure why Kizer gets so much love...he looks good - but Sparty shut him completely down till they let up the choke hold after going up 30 points. OTOH CK put up - what 420 yards - 3 tds - against ALA - the best team in football who never let up.... What am I missing?
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