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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Stop...please stop....the state of the organization.....everyone looking for a coach is doing so because they need to be fixed.....Buffalo is at the top of desireable places because it has one of the few owners who can put huge bonus cash in escrow, spend to the cap, and spend on coaching and scouting...
  2. Pretty weak effort by the Economist when the the first line is..."Like the team’s post-industrial hometown, —have fallen on hard times" Come on....also makes the assumption that ownership and TT won't have further discussions
  3. Gimme a break - you pontifications would hold more relevance if you held the same standards for those on the right....
  4. Did some Googling on proposed GOP health care structures.....They appear to be all "Fake News"
  5. I believe this is further substantial proof that we can welcome the return of trickle down economics!!
  6. . They don't have a plan that they will put on a bill See you in two weeks
  7. Doald Trump ....Urine Trouble..... Everything this guy touches turns to gold... Eh....just another watersportsgate... PEEGHAZI He is a real PEEotus Well this wont make that big of a splash
  8. Gee, The GOP's time is on us - the Dems are out. I figure you guys would be chomping at the bit to lay out your plans to move forward, make us great again, talk about the future... Nope...you seem to either prefer or only be capable of breaking out the old chestnuts you have been roasting for 8 years....
  9. Hmmph...So you are saying DT and the GOP is looking for a bipartisan approach now?
  10. The left was reduced so much the Dems got almost 3 million more votes than the GOP - and has outvoted in aggregate the congressional and senate races....
  11. As i said in another thread....I live up here in NE and NOBODY thinks of MP as HC material.....
  12. Do you live in Mass? I live in NE and NOBODY thinks Patricia is a HC candidate
  13. FWIW - I have a relation who worked in the Broncos organization...the Broncos loved TT...as well this guy hated Lynch (was in on the visit) - thought he was a goof ball - but obviously not going to say that to Elway...
  14. Still haven't figured out how to sift the message and source huh?
  15. What components has DT shown so far that you think are going to make the middle class better?
  16. I don't remember your concern when that "one man" was GOP.....
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