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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Plummetting...? She got more votes that DT
  2. Worthwhile to watch the cabinet members coming together....give an idea on what is going to get pursued...
  3. What issues would you like to see advanced in this once in a lifetime window?
  4. Oh...we are sticking completely to the thread title....starting.....right.....NOW!
  5. I completely agree: The GOP owns the state houses, the house, the senate, the supreme court, the white house. They run it, they own it. The GOP can no longer blame liberals, blame BO, harp about celebrities and email servers. They must be chomping at the bit to FOCUS and enact their agenda. You guys need to turn your enthusiasm toward the guys you elected...you have vanquished the opposition...lack of accomplishment can only be attributed to your team at this point.
  6. So the GOP/Conservative own the WH, Senate, House....and all you guys can do is....complain about liberals.....
  7. Huh? HRC WON the popular vote... What are you smoking?
  8. maybe he should log onto the ACA website like it says and see what the rate would be....
  9. He would have a hard time making the practice roster on the Pats
  10. Yes ...the millenials will surely screw up what their predessors have so carefully crafted.. My college kids and their friends seem to have their heads on pretty straight...not too worried.
  11. He had pretty much the same game he always has. No pics and if evrything around him goes well...Bills win....if everything doesn't go well around him.Bills probably lose....he is what he is...a mediocre qb who won't lose a game for you but prbably won't win one either...
  12. I am in ....TT not going to be a guy to make things happen....heck.watching Landry Jones look like what we want TT to be
  13. You do realize that the biggest recent "legislative" SCOTUS actions were conservative. The Voting Rights Act and Campaign Finance reform were both bipartisan, overwhelmingly passed with near unanimous approval by both house and senate.....and Scalia saw fit to overturn them. I would say both were bad calls: The States that were under the VRA immediately went back to their nefarious ways and NC was just found to have blatantly targeting minorities in pinching voting access. Talk about Tyranny. CU has thrown gas on the pay for legislation we have today. Legislators now spend half their time raising money...Bravo Scalia...the Supreme Legislator...
  14. What exactly would those be? Taxes? Balancing the budget? Health Care? Education? Maybe I should just review what the bills the GOP held congress has passed in the last two years on a quick refresher on their better ideas...
  15. I had a lot of friends who went to Bona's - they tend to have jobs with a lot extra time - and from what I remember - besides stopping at the boat and halfway houses and hickey's tavern - was that they were pretty good at cutting and pasting...
  16. Yeesh - rather than the histrionics (pretty sure HRC won't start the baby killing in the first term) - why not do this: Go back to the last 10-20 years and look at the bigger Scotus decisions: Same Sex marriage, voting, campaign finance, probably some worker v. business stuff. Some went conservative and some went liberal. Now that they are the rear view mirror - see what the ramifications of those decisions are and see whether liberal or conservative decisions led to better results. Here is the part about abortion I don't get: The "conservatives" have had the court for - what - 30+ years at least - Why did they not overturn Roe V Wade while they held the court?
  17. Be nice if you comment on what I said. To answer your question I would say this is my observation: Things are a compromise - right - finding a balance. Supply side in my mind refers to the approach our government has taken since Reagan - Which is what is good for the money markets, good for big business, and good for the wealthy is good for the nation and this tide will raise all boats. Tax policy is just one component of this. We have loosened credit markets, loosened regulation on Wall Street, created Nafta and China trade agreements to help our big corporations compete. The "supply side" has done tremendously well for the last 40 years. The wealthy have gotten super wealthy, big corporations have done well, and the money industry has also done exceedingly well. This also has the collateral effect of improving much of the population of the US. I am probably one of those - life has been good to me catching the wave of the supply side. But for large swaths of America - "supply side" has left them in the dust. The trade agreements left them without a job or with a diminished job and cutting taxes doesn't help them at all. To me - this is the attractiveness of Trump - he is right - it is rigged - for the corporate, the wealthy and the powerful. legislation is written by them for them - supply side runs the country. ​Supply side doesn't give a hoot about those who have not benefitted from this policy - trust me. What kills me is Trumps economic policy is pretty much nothing but more supply side - and those who haven't benefitted from SS policies still love Trumpt - because he is a change agent. So to answer your question: Low taxes is just one element of "supply side" that exacerbates the wealth gap. The evidence is in - we live in it. The answer? I think guys like Robert Raich (who I am pretty sure most people here hate) has a simple proposition - take some of the benefits from supply side and use them to the people who have not benefitted from this policy = whether this be job training, child care, start up capital, college education....
  18. The historical and empirical results are in - we live in a supply side low federal tax economy - have for 40 years - do you like the results? Like the balanced budget? Like the wealth divide? AFA the Estate Tax - I am guessing that most people on this board would not be affected by a change in the estate tax - other than if T's proposal went through - you guys would be required to pay more taxes and would be willing to cede more power and control to those more wealthy than you....
  19. Seriously dude...posting links to blatantly biased sources is weak sauce...grow your game a little bit,,,do a little R and D....form your own opinions....
  20. Says the guy who links nothing but right wing websites
  21. Says the self proclaimed smartest man in the room....what have you done to earn anyones respect?
  22. Generalize much? You don't even know me - and when I give you some background on my professional and educational background - you scoff at my successes... Not sure how I am a liberal - I voted "liberal" once in my life - and almost always cons/GOP....the point that you say I don't think for myself is laughable.... If people on the right hand principles - Trump would get almost no votes....let alone be nominated.... Carry on...
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