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Everything posted by TH3

  1. So in other words - you guys have absoultely nothing... Government tyranny served up on a platter - don't need "statisitcs" there Rachel....if you pay attention to these things you would know those are recent DOJ and Court decisons - found by conservative judges... Tyranny - the one thing you guys love to hate the most...and we got some guys taking a knee for it....and instead you side with the government tyranny... BTW - Sick burns about the Sahara....just noticed my monthly IP royalty check for $22k is in my company account....but I am sure that instead of congratulating me on being a good capitalist and job and value creator...you will...do the predictable....
  2. Would they look as stupid as the NC State government found to have (by a conservative judge) developed racist strategies for voting policies,,,,or as stupid as the Baltimore police department found to have racist tendencies in enforcement......or multiple other local governments and police departments found to have acted in concert to develop income stream strategies by targeting poor - mostly minority - people... And you guys want to carry guns in the case of government tyranny...there it is - as tyrannical as you can get...and where are you...worried about some guying kneeling - You guys are a joke....
  3. Well. For 1 3/4 quarters looked good.....Go Jacoby
  4. The "Telegraph".... Unnamed supporters.....
  5. DT just can't make a statement without adding an outright untrue element to it. If he gets to be POTUS - that will definitely be an asset.
  6. You make this statement on a thread with 120 pages and 2400 posts of people who are convinced that Global Warming is a hoax... What is substance exactly?
  7. TT is worse in the 4th quarter..just chokes by not doing anyhting..and actually worse in the first three too....
  8. Didn't keep you from commenting though.. Cleaned house, tanked, reloaded and the set stage for future.....
  9. Pegs seemed to have fixed the Sabres
  10. So its BO's circus that is the middle east? A region with a continuous history of religious and political strife? What do you suggest should be done?
  11. I cannot believe the utter - I don't even know what the correct term is - irony/laughter/sadness(?) contained in this one post.... You sir, win the day....
  12. All out socialism. What industry do you think she will order the government to take over first? I am thinking Facebook and Apple....actually might be Taco Trucks
  13. Why don't you get off your ass and check....you might learn something
  14. Bear in mind PPP is its own separate reality.....when people post with a straight face "growth is not governed by consumption"....
  15. Are you trying to "I am rubber you are glue" me..... Typically you need 3 to form a decent daisy chain - but those guys did it in three!
  16. :http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=daisy%20chaining&defid=1234709
  17. GOP Plans: Global warning - doesn't exist -check Economy - Tax cuts for you, and for you, and for you - check Health Care - Repeal the ACA and....check Education - Leave it to the locals - check Welfare: Let the Brookings Institution write it, give the money to the states in a block grant and watch them use it for the general fund - check Immigration - ship them out - (well not really cause we need them) - check Budget Deficit - huh - check Social Issues - Stick head in sand - check Voting - Pinch minorities and call it voter ID - check Foreign Policy - Do nothing so you can complain about BO - check Am I missing something? AFA my Mom's basement: Unlike most of the people remaining here - I don't hate my life, I have been very successful both professionally and financially, I have a profession and activities that prevent me from living every freaking moment of the day on this board trying to come up with yet another tired old worn out hot take that gets reinforced by the same 7-10 likeminded individuals living the same crappy life that has led you live every freaking day here at TBD PPP. AMIRITE? I got here as a Bills fan several years ago and pop in for the comedy - as well all know - comedy has its origin in tragedy...you guys are tragic...pathetically tragic.... Back to your witty hot takes!!
  18. So what is it worth to you to enact military action in the middle east? Seeing as military actions up to Post 9-11 were paid for both by taxes and a draft (except for Iraq 1) - are you ready to be behind a new payroll tax - or GST to pay for the action - and as well - are you willing to send your kid to the ME? Are you on the phone to your elected representatives to get on the floors of congress, enact a new authorization for military action - or better yet - declare war...and then get behind paying out of your pocket for it...? I guess not....
  19. By traditional you mean the ones that are traditionally correct?
  20. So BO and HRC stink and by all accounts should not have won....or shouldn't win Maybe the GOP loses the national vote because the majority of people don't like their policies... The only reason the GOP holds the house is because of gerrymandering....the are vastly outvoted in aggregate congressional vote counts... So after 2016...DEM hold the Pesidency, Senate, and GOP hold onto house via gerrymandering.... Sounds like a bigger problem than affirmative action via being female/minority
  21. Wow - so well written its almost.... First - The GOP told BO to go phuck himself on the day he was inaugurated. Second - So Bush got into Harvard, out of Vietnam, got a baseball team given to him Trump got anywhere....blah blah blah....affirmative action is ALL over the place whitey....I'll give more merit to HRC and BO's climb than to either of those two spoon fed clowns.. and C - Gotta work today? Huh.....go figger...
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