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Everything posted by TH3

  1. What components has DT shown so far that you think are going to make the middle class better?
  2. I don't remember your concern when that "one man" was GOP.....
  3. Hmmm....strong business ties to Russia, first campaign manager for DT worked for Putin in rigging the elections in Ukraine, picks SOS who does deals with Russia, Russia hates HRC, DT actually suggested Russia hack HRC... I think there is a decent possibility that in the next 2 years a pre-election link is established between Putin and DT and the whole thing comes crashing down
  4. Wait - so you say there is zero evidence the Russians hacked anything...then you say for the remainder of the post that if they did...they only did it to discredit the process.....? You must make Pretzels for a living....
  5. You really should understand what you post...most of the money does not end up in graft...You know the fake news stuff....ya your that guy
  6. Well the good thing is Obama is gone, the GOP controls the federal government and mosr state governments....
  7. Carrier confirmed the deal with a tweet: Here’s what Trump promised back in March: Will mainstream media give Trump credit ? Trump to Announce Carrier Plant Will Keep Jobs in U.S. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/29/business/trump-to-announce-carrier-plant-will-keep-jobs-in-us.html?_r=0 Well done...I mean...normally one would have to go to a very liberal state like NY to see such a deal get done....
  8. So...would they be excuses for Petreus too...?
  9. Is that kinda like....We look horrible in the preseason....going 0-4 and making no semblnace of identity on offense or defense...but once the season starts we are gonna be great....? Oh...and never mind the psychotic tweets....its "preseason"
  10. So, admits his foundation self dealt, HRC not going to jail, global warming exists, same sex marriage done deal, admits via fine that his "university" was a scam, not repealing obamacare just yet, immediately dissovles any semblence of separating personal gain and the office Missing anything......the great con man caves in after two weeks
  11. yes - the US will be better off by getting rid of the DEM states and their GDP's
  12. The GOP couldn't even nominate and elect one of their own....
  13. I know facts are hard and much of the time its easier for small minded people to male believe. GW is made by man and the conservative thing to do is acknowledge this - hell even the Chinese are doing this. BTW - did you look up the recent sick burn the Chinese just put on your man DT...? AFA health care: This too is governed by some simple truths: Everyone has to pay in to make it affordable and the current reimbursement structure does not provide for downward price pressure. Repealing portions of the ACA is not sufficient to create a better outcome.
  14. You are pathetic. Unfortunately for self proclaimed geniuses like you - you can't differentiate between self criticism and alliance. I have been critical of the GOP since the first federal shutdown in 2009. But thin skins like you confuse critical thought with a "liberal" label. The GOP has been a void of ideas for decades and Trump filled it in - if you can't see that - you just not the critical thinker you think you are. The GOP has no ideas for health care, no ideas for real tax reform, no ideas on how to help the great rural swaths of America that voted Trump in. The GOP have focused on social issues, tweaking voting rules, scapegoating various elements of the country and fear mongering. The result is they have produced zero (114 congress) results or negative results (43 Presidency). Trump is not a Republican but a series of circumstances put him where he is. I thought the GOP was the party of responsibility? When the GOP starts coming up with real ideas to balance the budget, reform HC, help the people who voted T in...maybe they will be actually conservative or republican.
  15. Oh...Rudy has foreign affairs experience...just check his consulting gigs... Palin....you made a funny....
  16. Well - when Clinton and Obama left office...the metrics of the economy of both 2000 and 2016 were both varying colors of good to very good. When Bush left in 2008 was the worst economic circumstance since 1929.... There are certainly large elements of the US that the current economy does not serve well - let's see how DT does with that....
  17. That is rich...what elements of the current economic snapshot that BO has put in place lead you to believe there is an impending BO recession - or did you hear that on Baurle....? Seriously - the right wing/GOP is going to have to pivot from pretty much their entire game plan being blaming liberals to actually doing something. Would a confident person/entity START their administration with premade excuses?
  18. Well with DT laying out tax cuts...should be quick time to get back to the surplus days of ....Clinton..... No excuses GOP......
  19. You have to get over what "party" I am in dude....it discounts your points. I am truly independent. I have had business too - and as I said before - we are the ONLY first world country that burdens our businesses with providing HC to employees. Its insane. Our in-country COGS carry the cost of HC while imports don't - so that is what a 35 percent spread right there. There is no sane reason to do it this way - other than - what I can see - is GOP resistance to creating what would be a much more business favorable HC delivery structure. ​
  20. Ahh..calling an error a victory...Bravo! I am not really worked up over labels like left, right, green, red...whatever - I look for policies and what results they produce.... Right now we have 5 percent unemployment, GDP growth steady and around 2 percent, household leverage has dropped dramatically, we do not have kids getting killed over in the middle east, gas and energy prices are low, inflation is low. The deficit is back to historical rates - but still not balanced. Illegal residence down during the last 8 years from 12M to 11M. Crime - although ticked up - is still at historical lows. The stock market is at an all time high. Income inequality is still awful and sectors of America have been left behind. College costs too much and health care costs and delivery stink. Those are the metrics that the DT era starts with - let's see how he does.
  21. And Trump got fewer than all... If you are going to use numbers as basis for a position.....
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