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Everything posted by BfloBillsFan

  1. I don't think he always plays on the other's #1, Florence was on Green on many plays during the game. I think the Bills corners stay on their sides of the field.
  2. Fitz was like that last year, a gun-slinger but often misses his targets.
  3. I think it would be awesome to get the whole stadium to wear the royal blue and get a Sea of Blue in the Ralph!
  4. Thanks for posting the video, I missed the Blitz yesterday. This reminds of Kelly era. After going to the game and getting home I would watch NFL Primetime to hear what Berman and co had to say. What a feeling!
  5. Roosevelt was promoted, I expected bigger things from him
  6. Thanks for all the paraphrasing fellas, as I am too didn't catch the segment.
  7. Great to see the young team win. Still have lots to work on though. A win makes Monday mornings much easier. Go Bills!
  8. Was considering starting a thread myself regarding this. With all the news about low season tickets for the Bills out today, how can Bills management and owners not take full responsibility for the decrease. I doubt that the economy is that much of a factor. Correct me if I'm wrong, but season tickets sales for the Sabres increased dramatically and are probably at the greatest in a long time. Many regular season games are down to single seats already. People obviously have the money to spend. Fans want a superior product. Terry Pegula is doing just that. Not only has he brought in high profile free agents but he has also reached out to the fans (like today's going to season tickets homes or the fan suggestion box). Bills managment should be taking notes!
  9. Not being able to listen, Has anyone ever called into the shows and call out the show hosts and question why they don't talk about the Bills?
  10. Possibly a conditioning issue, but No need to show everything in game one. He still adds much to the Defense.
  11. Maybe in the city itself, but metro Detroit has over 3 million people, a smaller stadium (holds almost 9000 less) and lots of money floating around in the surrounding neighborhoods. Their first home game should have sold out by now. It's one thing not to sell out end of year games when the team is at the bottom of the league, but the home opener?
  12. Despite all the hype, Detroit still has tickets available for it's home opener. I know it's still a week away, but to me, that speaks volumes about the fan support.
  13. Packers over (tougher in AFC: NYJ, NE, PITT, SD, BALT), I'll go with Ravens Packers over Ravens
  14. Back in the day I would have never worn Zubaz with fear of being mocked by my friends. Now though, very few things make as much of a statement that you are a true fan of the Buffalo Bills as wearing Zubaz pants does. I want a pair!
  15. The picture with the Zubaz pants, vest and bow tie is awesome.
  16. Anyone have any info on any places near Detroit? What about The Berkley Bills Backers (contact link doesn't work and can't find anything on google)? Thanks in advance.
  17. Much thanks for posting, especially from the out of towners!
  18. I was at last years preseason game vs. the Bills. Ford Field is a great place to see and watch a game. They offer tours during the week. With all the buzz surrounding the team this year (and the fans are buying into it) the place should be rocking. I was (obviously) there supporting the Bills and the Lions fans treated me great. Didn't care too much for their fight song though, kinda lame. Though NOTHING WILL EVER, EVER be better than "Shout!". There is a decent amount of parking around the stadium, not a great set up for tailgating. Eastern market is supposedly the place to tailgate. Many restaurants in the area (and Eastern Market) offer buses/shuttles over to the stadium. Those I have taken (mostly to hockey games) have been free. Around Route 75 and Woodward there is decent amount of surface lot parking that is close and safe. Will cost around $15-40. Hockeytown cafe or Cheli's Chili Bar (chris chelios's place) are right near stadium and are places to eat and drink if you have the time, but get in early. There random ramps throughout the city where you can park for free if you get validation at the casino or Hard Rock Cafe (though not as close). Hope this helps. Send me a message if you more specific info.
  19. I always liked the way Del Rio coached and how fired up he was on the sideline. I thought the Bills could have used a coach like that. Way more respect for him now that I heard this story. As for Allen Wilson...my thoughts will be with you. Leukemia can be beaten, so stay strong!
  20. These are probably the 2 highest profile (ie celebrity) athletes in Buffalo (probably can argue Ryan Miller). They are assets as team ambassadors and might be the key in getting pro-bowl type of players to come play for the Bills (when the team opens their wallets once the new salary rules are in affect) Hope they both have have big years! It is good to see some bonding too.
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