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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Darius at the very least has a better DMV history than Bruce
  2. This is a forum. But even if it were a blog, I think the fact that it's an interesting story would qualify it to be discussed in a blog.
  3. Think, man. Think of who is left over from the SB run for the Cardinals. Fitzgerald...and...if you can't name anyone else don't feel bad neither can I. Namely Hightower and Boldin are gone. I don't think Manning is hyped fro Arizona but dear god don't let him go the Dolphins.
  4. I hope we take a stab at the players they're letting go
  5. If he had any desire to play, he would be. We called his bluff and he wasn't bluffing.
  6. Wire needs 10 unconventional kicks to the head for his attempt to steal the spotlight for publicity. If he was so conlicted or guilty, he hasn't breathed a word about it until his complely unrelated book came out.
  7. I would think nothing less of Nix if he had the grapes to go after RG3. Fitz is probably going to get hurt again and I'd rather have a athletic phenom ready to go than what we has this year. Which was "Fitz has cracked ribs, what do we do? Put in Thigpen? No way! A severely injured Fitz will surely do better than 1-7."
  8. <br /><br /><br />If the best case scenario means 85% of what Peyton used to be. You cant expect to come out if 4 surgeries 100% exactly as you were before.
  9. I understand why people think Miami would be interested in Manning, but why in the world would Manning want to go to Miami? They treated their HC like crap and publicly denied that they intended to fire him before actually doing it. They scared off Bill Parsells. And I'm sure Manning wants nothing to do with filling Marino's shoes.
  10. More valuable? When every kicker for a playoff team kicks it out of bounds. Exactly the opposite. Have Lindell boot it through the uprights on kickoffs and get a WR who can catch.
  11. As long as its not the Dolphins or Jets, I could care less. The most money is going to come from Washington.
  12. I'm more upset about the money we paid backup QBs than Fitzpatricks payday. Fitz had broken ribs, yet we had so little confidence in backup QBs that we stuck with him though loss after loss. What are we paying the other QBs for? Keeping the bench toasty? To make sure the clipboard stays airborne? We need a Fitz alternative just in case.
  13. Who else here is "actually a Buffalo Bills fan?" Golly gosh, I sure hope it's me. But I don't remember submitting my application. Farewell
  14. The whole reason Merriman was reluctant to have surgery on the Achilles is entirely because it's risky and there aren't many success stories.
  15. Well, it was about that time I begin to get suspicious. I said, "Chef, my boy, why do you need tree-fitty?" He said, "My imaginary friend Boo-Boo the dinosaur wants it." So I went to my son's room, and sure enough, there was that damn Corey McIntyre! I said, "Dammit, monster, you quit bugging my children, now. We work for our money in this house - we don't just give money away!"
  16. Watching Teddy Bruschi on Sportscenter commenting on the Saints bounty controversy, it seems like Bruschi is desperate to include the Saints in the Tainted Super Bowl Club that until now has been comprised solely of the Spygate New England Patriots. It was sickening to see him try to distance his Bellicheat led Patriots from the Saints.
  17. +1 With the stupid penalties he took, the fines he got, and the agent he has, I was sure he was going to be like college girl at spring break in free agency.
  18. How are you supposed to get the ball to a playmaker with old cracky ribs having to get it out under 3 seconds?
  19. Yes, more people should invest in emoticons. Way to spearhead that initiative.
  20. To let a young talent like Stevie go in return for someone who won't even retire in Buffalo would be a travesty
  21. Thats right! Drink your Kool Aid or go home!
  22. Have you seen his show? His friends run his finances and he's always chasing tail. I almost feel bad for him.
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