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Everything posted by TallskiWallski83

  1. Was at the bar and after pick #1 he never turned around to show his jersey? Who is this guy? Pick #2 and were going nuts, hes celebrating, he turns around..... RAMBO How can you lose with Rambo on your team?
  2. I like Hughes as much as the next guy but how much $ is he really worth? 9.5 sacks and a great season so far no doubt...but he gets to play with 3 legit pro bowl players next to him. Are his stats the product of his teammates around him? Is he the type of player that would be a #1 DE on another team? Is he really going to smarten up his game and stop taking dumb penalties for trash talking? Is he motivated by being an UFA this year about to cash out in FA or has he really found his groove in the NFL? These are all questions Im asking if I'm Doug Whaley. I would be happy paying the man but once he hits the market the dollars tend to get ridiculous. I would be willing to put the franchise tag on him and see if a team bites for a first rounder swap and trade. I would prioritize resigning Dareus and Gilmoure to long term deals, then I would worry about Hughes.
  3. Thats funny becaues I feel the exact opposite. That patriots team was one of the best teams ever assembled in NFL history. They were an offensive juggernaut. The packers are a good team but they are not great. They are vulnerable on defense in both the run and pass. A Rodgers is probably playing the best football of his career right now, but I think we match up well vs GB. If we can maintain a lead and keep the crowd in it and our defensive line is able to put pressure on Rodgers I think we have a legit chance to win this thing The BIlls backs are against the wall, they HAVE TO win. The packers do not. I think our team shows up this sunday. Whether or not they can hold on for an upset is another story.
  4. Dont forget about Donte Moncrief and Devonte Adams, two guys who should see expanded roles next year with the likely retirement of Reggie Wayne and departure of Randall Cobb. Fantasy players take note, those two guys are huge breakout candidates in year 2.
  5. Pros: -Excellent burst off the line with good upper body strength and hand positioning -Truly elite athletecism -Runs very crisp routes for a guy who mostly caught screen passes out of college. Looks ridiculously open at times. -Has made some really great catches. -Does not avoid contact when getting YAC -Our offense looks like an NFL level unit when hes involved and racking up yards and first downs Negatives: -Needs to work on timing routes (this is more of a WR-QB chemistry problem). The best WR's in the game are able to run upfield and get the DB's back turned and then stop on a dime and make a catch to the back shoulder. Sammy and Kyle havent been succesful with it. Again, I blame Kyle more than I do Sammy -Hasnt developed chemistry in the red zone with Kyle for fades routes/back shoulder throws -Hasnt really had that "go up and get it" catch yet. -Lapses in concetration and has a couple bad drops this year. -Nagging injuries have hindered his production in a few game this year Overall you can see the Stud factor in Sammy. If he had Andrew Luck to grow with he would be on a HOF career path. Sammy will be a great WR for several years, but much like Andre Johnson, he will ultimately be limited by our organizations ability to find a him a blue chipper to throw him the ball. Whaley said that Sammy was going to be the difference maker that gets us into the playoffs. He showed up vs Denver but we REALLY need him to will our offense to victory against GB. Julio Jones tore up GB, its time for Sammy to take us to that next level...fair or not its what we drafted him for and hes more than capable of doing it. 10/10 would trade up and draft again. Just wish we had a good QB throwing him open. I hope one day we find one but its been 15 years now for this organization and were no better off now than we were when we let Flutie go.
  6. Even if the patriots have #1 locked up their is no doubt in my mind that Belichick will play all his starters against us. New England gets a sick clockwork orangey type of pleasure kicking this **** out of us and I GUARANTEE they would love nothing more than to kick the **** out of us in week 17 and block us from the playoffs. Not only will all of their guys play but they will play us HARD. If we beat them we will have earned our ticket to playoff land.
  7. Theres actually a scenario that puts the bills in the 6th seed after this weekends games if they beat GB of course Browns beat Bengals, Jaguars beat Baltimore, Atlanta Beats Pitt, Indy Beats Houston, Chargers or Broncos win (doesnt matter) Honestly it all seems feasible except for the Jags People moping (Jerry Sullivan) that the season is over are dead wrong.The bills are very much alive if they can find a way to beat A Rodg and co. Honestly as long as theres a chance the Bills can make the playoffs heading into NE, I will consider it a playoff game anyways and will be satisfied with this season win or lose becasue the excitement heading into week 17 will be at its highest level this century
  8. Hate how the NFL altered onsides kicks by banning loading up one side of the field with a bunch of players. Onside kicks happen maybe a dozen times a year, CLEARLY, people were getting injured like crazy so they had to alter the rules. OP: I think it would be hard for a kicker to control the ball like that. Also, since teh ball never makes contact with the ground the opposing team has the right to call a fair catch and avoid any hit. Any inside kick has to touch the ground to make it a "live" play. I think the best onsides kicks are teh ones that hang in the air long enough for it to be a jump ball between the two teams, unfortunately its a coin flip getting the ball to bounce the right way and depends on field conditions, weather, and just plain luck. It would be cool if someone figured out a better way to do the kicks...but the whole point of the exercise is for it to only be succesful 10% of the time. If it was sometihing that was easy to pull off then **** would get out of hand.
  9. I HATED the call to punt. Bill Belichick went for it on 4th and 2 on his own side of the field when he HAD THE LEAD against Manning. Punting in that situation is admitting defeat. Also I disagreed with going for it on 4th and 6 in the first quarter. Our defense just held them to 0 points on Watkins fumble and yet he decides that playing field position is a poor strategy in that situation. I swear Marrone does the opposite of what a good coach would do on all his 4th down decisions.
  10. what about RG3? honestly I think the Bills are going to be content to head into 2015 with an open competition between Orton, Manuel and a 3rd round rookie QB.
  11. Once again the only time our offense looked competent was when they got the ball into Watkins hands. Unfortunately it wasn't until we were down by 3 TDs they actually started force feeding him
  12. I'll fine with using the timeouts but I disagree with using the third timeout. Assuming u pull within 1 score with two minutes left you need the last time out and the two minute warning to give yourself 80 seconds to go down the field rather than relying on an onside kick recovery
  13. Leagues worst red zone offense. Mike Williams isnt suiting up Idk if Urbik and Williams ran a train on Marrones wife earlier this year, but hot damn, this doesnt make sense any other way
  14. I hate how Cam Newton keeps getting grouped into this conversation. The dudes best WR is a 6'5'' rookie who is just learning how to run an NFL route tree and Greg Olson at TE The Panthers are hamstrung with a ridiculous portion of their cap tied to Deangelo Williams, Jonathon Stewart and Mike Tolbert none of whom are worthy of a starting RB job. Cam has carried that team the last 3 seasons and now everything finally gave out from beneath him... The injuries to his foot and ribs all season havent helped him do it this year.... Give him some talent around him and hes one of the best in the NFL.
  15. Mario was drafted #1 overall because the Texans played against Manning 2x a year. Hopefully he gets some good pressure this sunday and can force a turnover or two.
  16. This game is more evenly matched than people think. The broncos have struggled and lost to teams with good pass rushers including Seattle and St Louis. Also, the Chiefs were able to hang in both of their matchups with Houston, Hali and Poe The bills defensive line so far this season has been much better than any of those other 3 teams. If we can get pressure on Manning, win the turnover battle and put up some TDs in the redzone we have a very legitimate chance of winning this game....however.... If Sammy Watkins is held to under 40 yards and Orton plays like he did vs the Chiefs, Dolphins and Browns we are going to be in for a blowout loss.
  17. We've had some good defenses over the years. Back when we had Spikes, Fletcher, Milloy, Adams, Schobel and Lebeau as D coordinator we were pretty good. Bruce Smith and Bryce Paupe years were fun too But yes, I think this defense might be the best in team history...at least of the modern NFL era 2000 Ravens, 2002 Bucaneers, 2013 Seahawks, 2007 Giants come to mind as the best we've seen this century. Shut out Brady, Manning and Rodgers and get us into the playoffs and then you can make an argument for the 2014 Bills D.
  18. Cant argue with his success at the D3 level. At this point why the heck not? Eventually something has to stick. UB has nowhere to go but up after this debacle of a season.
  19. Orton predetermines where hes going with the ball prior to the snap the majority of the time and yesterday he couldnt hit the broad side of a barn with some of the throws he was making. Also, everytime we are in a 3rd and long situation and you know the blitz is coming orton either A. Chucks the ball out as fast as possible to a pre-determined WR or B. Gets sacked. Its pathetic.
  20. were doing both depending on which game you look at. Either way its a failure of our offense and if we dont right the ship this week, we are going to be sad panda fans.
  21. Not a very good thing for your franchise QB to be doing on the sideline. Might as well just light up a victory cigarette or pull out the old mary jane bong. Better yet, why dont him and Dan Carpenter shotgun natty lights with eachther. The sickening thing is that he played like **** and was "celebrating" the win by doing that. GTFO of here and work on becoming a better QB Kyle you moron.
  22. Only half of those "targets" were even catchable balls. Once again, our offense failed to figure out ways to get him open in space. Once again, Orton missed Sammy wide open on a crossing out that set us up with 4th and short in the opponents territory. This stuff keeps repeating itself for a reason. We are DEAD last in red zone TD % and our offense continues to fail at getting the ball in the hands of its best player. Our defense is NOT going to be able to bail us out like this vs GB, NE or DEN
  23. here we are again. Another anemic putrid showing by the offense. Another game where Sammy is targeted under 10 times in a game. Am I the only one here who understands that our offense plays our best when Sammy is playing his best?
  24. I dont see crab fisherman complaining about drowning on the job I dont see factory workers complaining about getting their extremeties getting maimed from industrial accidents NFL players get paid 100x more than the average person to play a game. They know the risks involved with repetitive blows to the head...If you decide its not worth it, you can always walk away and pick up a normal job like anyone else on this message board. I hate how in our society the NFL and this concussion issue is hot button of conversation, when worker related injuries and DEATHS have been going on for centuries.
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