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Everything posted by TallskiWallski83

  1. I just hope all of this is genuine. I doubt Talley could have envisioned his interview for a newspaper article would have led to fund being created for him. However, concussions are obviously a hot topic of conversation these days, and it seems like there has to be something in it for both Graham and Talley for putting this out into the open. Is this a cry for help? A release of frustraton towards the Bills organization for percieved miss-treatment? A push by Graham to get national attention as a writer? Who knows. All I know is that if Talley is in trouble I hope he gets the help he needs and turns his life around after this.
  2. same game plan that had us going 7 quarters without a TD against the Chiefs and Dolphins, buddy.
  3. 14 of those points we hung up on them were from TWO catches from Watkins. If you dont feed your best player, you are going to lose more often than you will win over the long run. The Bills usage of Watkins the last 3 weeks IS CONCERNING, and it has nothing to do with us winning. We are not going to be playing the goddamn Jets (possibly the worst team in the NFL) every weekend.
  4. Orton pre-determines where hes going with the football a lot. Hackett needs to make sure Watkins is the primary read on enough plays to get him 10+ targets a game. Its really that simple Dez Bryant, Julio Jones, Andre Johnson, AJ Green, Jordy Nelson, Mike Wallace, Antonio Brown, Demarius Thomas, ODB, Kelv Benj, Watkins.....all these guys need to be fed the football Watkins getting 5 shots a game to make an impact play is just a terrible offensive strategy.
  5. Calm your Va JJ The reason why were in a 6-5 right now and not in playoff position is because we continue to not feed Watkins enough. Hes our best player, he needs the ball more than hes gotten the last 3 games. We have a lot invested in him and we need to utilize that investment. 2 of the last 3 games we've lost and hes had only 30 yards receiving each time. When he gets the ball we win. Thats all im saying.
  6. How many bubble screens have they run to sammy? How about fades in the endzone? What about reverses? The guy is our stud #1 WR. Stud #1 Wr's get targeted 10+ a game no matter what the opposition is doing. In the NFL you get the ball into the hands of your best players, regardless of opposition scheme. First and goal? Line up sammy out wide and throw a fade or backshoulder throw and let him make a play. The majority of the time he will. Were dead last in red zone offense for a reason and its because Hackett doesnt make a concerted effort to get Sammy involved. 38-3, Ill take it. But Sammy was only targeted 5 times this game and that makes 3 games in a row where hes not the focal point of our offense. Its becoming a pattern and I dont like it.
  7. Jokes aside in all seriousness Marrone screwed up by not putting Manuel in sooner. Games like these are prime to let EJ come in a throw a few passes and demonstrate whether or not hes improving as a signal caller. Theres no need to keep Kyle in their during the 4th quarter. Period.
  8. Sammy was wide open on the 3rd down attempt that we ended up setting up our fourth and fail. Wide open streaking over the middle, and orton didnt even look.
  9. granted, he dropped two very catchable balls. But after watching the way the Giants target ODB, the panthers with Benjamin and the Bucs with Evans, it frustrates the heck out of me that Watkins continues to be targeted anything less than 10x per game With all that said, way to go Robert Woods
  10. Browns are 7-4, Bills are 5-5 Beat the Jets, Beat the Browns Both teams are 7-5 and Bills have the tie breaker advantage. This game actually does not really matter What matters more is us actually WINNING and finishing 5-1 or better.
  11. Bills beat Jets to go 6-5. Steelers win AFC North, Assume DEN/KC wins division and gets first wildcard spot Steelers lose tonight (looks like a distinct possibility) and to the Saints next weekend. Chargers play the Ravens. Maybe the Jets pull off an upset on MNF All of a sudden the Bills are very much alive again with a VERY important game against Cleveland. Or im just a dumbass homer.
  12. I agree. I mean when I was younger I used to cheer those big hits where the guy wouldnt get back up...Ive since learned why that part of the game needed to be fixed and it truly bothers me when you see a guy get a bad head injury. But the pass interference, defensive holding and illegal contact calls have gotten out of hand. A team can have a 3rd and 20+, and either of those calls turn it into a first down automatically. Not to mention those ticky-tack pass interference calls they make that sets up the offfense with first and goal. Im starting to think the NFL would be better served by limiting pass interference to a 15 yard penalty and limit illegal contact to a 5 yard penalty and replay of down. Yesterdays Bills-Phins game was an old school slug fest defensive struggle game with two dominant defensive lines controlling the play of the game, and the officials really altered the ending of the game with their questionable calls.
  13. Tagging off the other thread. Illegal contact, defensive holding, hitting a defenseless reciever and roughing the quarterback with a hit to the head or below the knees are all penalties that have altered the game to favor passing. There are only a certain number of true franchise QBs in the NFL and once a team finds a franchise QB they hold onto them forever. Guys like Brady, Manning, Rodgers, Luck, and to a certain extent Brees elevate the play of their team so much so that they are playoff bound teams EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. Rewind back in NFL history 10-20 years ago. A franchise could build a strong rushing attack and ride that and good defense to the superbowl. Ravens with Trent Dilfer at QB and Jamal Lewis at RB win a superbowl, Bucaneers with Brad Johnson win a superbowl, Panthers make the superbowl with Jake Delhomme at QB and Stephen Davis at RB. Titans with Eddy George, Falcons with Jamal Anderson, Steelers with Ben Roethlisberger with Willie Parker and Jerome Bettis....the list goes on and on. Nowadays franchise RBs are almost extinct and the days of playing a power running game with a strong defense are almost gone. If you dont have a franchise QB to pass the ball you dont have a chance to beat the teams who do on a consistent basis. Sure their are exceptions to this rule, the most recent being the successes of the Seahawks, 49ers and Ravens. But in general, you can see how it is slanted to favor the Mannings, Brays, Rodgers etc. The bills havent had a franchise QB in 15 years, and look where we are. Same with the Raiders, Browns, Rams, Titans, Vikings. We perenially suck and its because we cant get Lucky like the colts and suck bad enough the year a blue chip QB comes out. My question is, why does the NFL limit the ways to building a succesful team to solely getting lucky and finding a franchise QB? Why do the rules have to be tilted to favor of building a team through a franchise QB, when historically the league has rewarded strong runninng with good defense?
  14. I guess youre correct. Terrible is an identity.
  15. Hughes and M Williams were pissed off all game because they were being held all game long and the refs werent calling jackshit. The only holding call was the one on Kyle Williams when the dolphins were in the redzone. The dolphins O line was severely outnumbered in yesterdays game. If the refs called holding tight the dolphins would haev never been able to move the ball. Mario Kyle Dareus and Hughes were blowing up the LOS all night long. It reminded me of Marios first game with us against the jets and he got held on literally every play. Its always crazy to say the games are "fixed". But after the offides and PI on chandler against the chiefs and the non holding calls, the intentional grounding and the terrible terrible PI call on Gilmoure, im really starting to wonder.
  16. Marrone deserves to be fired. He is supposed to be an offensive minded head coach but after two years we still havent established an identity on offense. -Talked about running super fast no huddle offense last year with EJ. Backfired -Talked about a power running game this year with EJ as game manager. Backfired -Keeping Urbik on the bench for half the season while Cyril Richardson was a turnstyle at guard. -Never able to utilize Spiller to his skill set -Sammy Watkins has back to back 30 yard games in the two most critical games of the season. -Focused all offseason on improving red zone offense, and we are worse at it than a year ago. -Focused all offseason on improving interior line play, and we are worse at it than a year ago. -Stunted develpment of 2nd round pick Robert Woods -Marquis Goodwin a 3rd round pick might as well be off the roster -Mike Williams is not being utilized in the red zone, after he spent all training camp dominating DBs on fade routes. -Conservative when he should be aggressive. -Has not been able to establish a winning culture -Hes ultra secretive to the media, and refuses to discuss injuries. the guys out of tricks. His love for Hackett has cost him his dream job...which he probably wasnt qualified for in the first place. And to think that we could have had Chip Kelly. The bills are stuck in the stone age, and by the time they figure out a winning formula our D line wont be nearly as good.....such a waste Idk how guys like Fred Jackson and Kyle Williams deal with this mediocrity. Year after year. Idk how I as a fan deal with this mediocrity. Year after year. All I wanted was meaningful football in December, and once again, our season is over before thanksgiving.
  17. Another year of disappointment. My honest assessment is that Whaley has done a decent job as a GM and doesnt deserve to be fired, but Marrone and Hackett need to. Our defense is pretty darn good with Schwartz...it''d be a shame to blow that all up just to make a change at the coaching position. Idk We come into the season saying were going to be a power running team with Manuel as QB, and halfway through were a passing game with Orton and we have no offensive identity. Once again Sammy Watkins is limited to ~30 yards and once again we lose. You would think our coaches would figure out how to guarantee that he gets at least 10+ targets every single game. WE only took one deep shot tonight PATHETIC
  18. We've had a couple "must win" games this year, but this one literally is "MUST WIN" Loser of this game is in a hole too deep to dig out of and their season will be over Im going to be one pissed off mother****er if its us. Come on bills, we as fans need this. I am so sick of meaningless late november and december football.
  19. I dont know why everyone is all over the coaches for the loss against the Chiefs. Hacketts playcall to bryce brown was a great play and he fumbled it on the 2 yard line. Its not like they are the ones fumbling the balls.
  20. absolutely he can be the answer. Hes younger than Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Phillip Rivers Tony Romo, Ben Roethlisberger and Drew Brees. Hes one year older than Aaron Rodgers and Alex Smith. Hes also the same age as Jay Cutler. Orton can make all the throws and he knows how to read a defense. Guys like Rich Gannon took 10+ years before they finally found their way in the NFL. The only weakness I see in Ortons game is his limited mobility in the pocket....he needs to improve his pocket awareness to avoid the pass rush a little better. Tom Brady is as slow if not slower than Orton, but his awareness in the pocket is incredible. The best part is that Orton is already signed for next year, so we have the ability to lock him up long term over the next year for a modest price tag. Just please OBD take some more time to evaluate him, we went overboard with FItzpatrick and we have 7 mill in dead money on our cap from that bad decision. With that said I personally believe orton is the guy weve been looking for.
  21. Maybe. i think illegal contact should be a 5 yard penalty and replay of down rather than an automatic first down. Its super annoying on a 3rd and 14 when theres an illegal contact called and the offense gets a first down
  22. Not sure how I forgot about Woodson, Hes a first ballot HOF for certain.
  23. Its the guys 3rd year as an NFL player, the question asked: "who are candidates for best ever?" Dismissing Wilson is ignorant, hes built himself a nice little resume so far, and yes, hes got a long ways to go, but i think hes on that trajectory.
  24. You dont think Russell Wilson is on the trajectory to being one of the greatest ever? In his second season he won a superbowl and he just became the first QB to pass for 300 and rush for 100 in the same game.
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