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Everything posted by RyanC883

  1. most overrated HC ever. Brady covered up his horrid drafting, and now that Brady is gone, you see what Bellicheat really is. Also lost in his "SB wins" is the fact that 2 of them are due to the other coaches imploding (ATL and Seattle), and the ones he lost and should have won (vs. Giants). Now, NE needs a new HC, DC, GM, etc. Will be interesting. Hopefully they stay irrelevant for a long time. his biggest legacy!
  2. "Difference Maker" is someone the opposing DC is scared of. Very good is what Kincaid and Cook are. Allen, Diggs, Morse (perhaps past his prime now, but previously), those are difference makers on offense. Someone like Hill, Lamb, St. Brown, Kyren Williams, McCaffery, Mostert, Kittle, are difference makers on offense.
  3. If the weather is bad, use Lenny and JA legs, combined with quick hitters to Kincaid, Knox, and Shakir. Keep moving the ball, even if 3-5 yards at a time. Eventually uncork a long one to Diggs or Davis to keep the defense honest. Make sure to score. The Steelers D is not invincible, even with Watt. The Cardinals scored 24 on it, Texas 30, and more recently Pats 21, and Indy 30. Another thing is to get the Steelers offense to go 3 and out. Get the ball back to our offense. Wear their D down. Get a 2 score lead early.
  4. they should hire their OC. Perhaps Frazier as their DC? (not that he is great but his soft junk may work when you have Bosa).
  5. I live in Pgh suburb. My kids wear Bills gear to school (interestingly so do other kids). Really hope Bills win!!!
  6. I like this option, use someone who is used to running there. Another option that someone else suggested was using Knox (who has a QB background, so you could do a fake pass to an open guy) and have a DL or backup OL push him.
  7. 100% this. We all want to win. This board is a discussion on how best to win the SB. Is it with Mcd or not? What does Allen need to improve, if anything? What should we do in the draft? What's up with the middle of the OL last 2 games? All valid conversation topics. I'm fine with people who worry and don't, and enjoy the conversation (when it's good natured) between those groups, who often brings lots of thought-provoking facts to the conversation. Let's keep it up, and hopefully soon we are debating how to repeat! this is why I like the Bills. The Steelers offense is like a poor man's Miami. Pickens is not Hill. Rudolph is not (perhaps yet) Tua. Warren is not that fast back from MIA. The Steelers do have a better D, with or without Watt, however. We have the better QB by a mile. We got this guy to play in bad weather. We should win.
  8. I get your point, but it's not like the Bills have been a juggernaut this year, or in past playoff appearances.
  9. Surprised Pederson is still at Jax. It had to be the most disappointing team this season. Loaded on offense and D. Looks like he took the "blame everyone else" route.
  10. perhaps Williams can clean this up with more experience. But now is not the time for that experience. Bean is almost better in later rounds. LB have been great this year. Babich for DC if McD goes with one.
  11. It came up with 4 instances of alleged problematic use of stand your ground. The laws are not the same and the “hair splitting” matters in law. As for people (criminals) shot when fleeing, stand your ground would not apply. The fact it has been erroneously used in a vast minority of cases proves nothing, (and blaming the jury for wrongful application is erroneous because the jury is a fact finder, the Judge would make a legal ruling on if the defense is available) and is better than an alternative where the crime victim loses the benefit of the doubt.
  12. totally agree. I think he is more slender genetically than Knox, but appears to be about a Kelce sized dude. Working out all offseason in a NFL facility will help. Heck, he can do reps with the Lombardi trophy!
  13. I expect it to be close, but we should still beat PIT. Rudolph has played 3 games so far this season. We should be able to confuse him defensively.
  14. exactly this. We have a big armed QB, lets let it rip like we did in the 90s. We have good receivers, 2 TEs who can catch. No excuses here.
  15. a fair point. But that was also years ago. You don't get to stay in one place forever just because you make the playoffs with perhaps the NFLs best QB. Heck, winning 6 SBs doesn't get you that right, ask Bellicheat.
  16. keep that negativity to yourself. Want the AFCCG as home game for Bills!!
  17. Really no excuse to lose to a team with its 3rd string QB and team MVP/best defensive player in the league out. You also have a rookie CB in Porter Jr. (while he's good, he is still a rookie) covering Diggs.
  18. move the game to Detroit or Miami (their stadium is not being used)!
  19. this is great. But for our sanity, I'd love another blowout. See the "other" Allen play in the 4th quarter with the game in hand!
  20. this is a great idea. Knox run it (he can also throw if we want to do a fake) and have a DT push him. Perhaps a backup DT or backup OT.
  21. your source is a bit biased. Most aren't from Florida, and one of the 5 is from a state without a "stand your ground" law.
  22. with help from Bengals. Then blew that playoff game.
  23. no thanks for him or Ron. Promote Babich.
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