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Everything posted by RyanC883

  1. except in this case it was not a fake and the defender did not give up. KC Karen.
  2. hahah. typical Karen KC fan. The KC Karens.
  3. wasn’t a fake slide, was a juke. Go back to your Karen QB.
  4. well, the upside of our crazy drsft focus on D is that we had Elam, Jackson, AJ Klien (FA) and Dorian Williams. not bad super depth there
  5. Allen Elam and Jackson Williams. OL.
  6. Allen Elam and Jackson Williams. OL.
  7. just score every drive. actually run it when Hawyard is out.
  8. you know how Bills blow games. or is this your first year here?
  9. MCD. making bad WRs look good and making stupid playcalls. should be at least 24-0 by running it last drive and not passing when top DL down. McD will now blame blocked FG.
  10. awful play calling to keep other teams in game is McD special. Can’t we just crush an inferior team. They are down 2 top DL and we pass it on 2 and 3. Just stupid.
  11. we just need to stop that. Agree with Romo and run there
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