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Everything posted by transient

  1. Of course they were more pissed. Bengals get the 2nd seed if we beat NE*. We get... to feel a little less frustrated about the season?
  2. I know. The view sucks... But the risk of having a drunken ad executive land on your head is much less up here.
  3. Though he will never say why, Kiko admits that he is reason that Ritchie is Incognito.
  4. The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there.
  5. 4) Hype. Which among those sports is more recognizable to a larger audience than the NFL? 5) Resources. If you were looking to fund your research, which of these sports would you choose?
  6. Not sure if you're headed down this path as vehemently as I am, but here is my take. In the US in 2013, 5300 people in 100,000 between the ages of 65 and 74 were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. 17000 in 100,000 between the ages of 75 and 84. It's one of the most common diseases of aging. According to the Deadspin article, the PET imaging that is being done to "diagnose" CTE uses the same markers that are being studied to "diagnose" Alzheimer's, but the pattern is different??? They're looking at middle aged former athletes with anger issues and depression who spent a third of their lives hitting their heads against a wall and saying that because the findings on an unvalidated test are more localized, instead of the diffuse findings on this unvalidated test that you would see in an older population with Alzheimer's, that this must be reflective of CTE and not Alheimer's? You can't diagnose Alzheimer's with a PET scan, but now you can diagnose CTE??? I'm not disputing CTE exists. I'm not disputing the value of the work that is being done on it. I AM disputing the significance of how the "facts" of this condition are being reported. And I AM disputing that any person who ever got hit in the head and has an amyloid plaque or some abnormal Tau deposition has CTE. People age... therefore, brains age...and aging results in abnormalities, regardless of whether or not you spent your life in a bubble or hitting your head against a concrete wall. Search the scholarly literature for anything other than descriptive data on CTE and you come up empty. And before 2010, barely any literature existed at all. Right now, IMO, this is essentially an irresponsible paparazzi driven whirlwind because of who it is affecting and how this story is being told.
  7. Please tell me that it doesn't hang in the closet next to your Tyler Thigpen, Levi Brown and Brian Brohm jerseys.
  8. Preceded by slight **sigh** and accompanied by utter lack of facial expression.
  9. Seems about right. IMO, if his passes attempted exceed the teens we're screwed. Gotta go back to the Ravens gameplan.
  10. Exactly... I mean, Levitre certainly would have made sure Manuel got out of bounds or slid after picking up the first down, and no question he would have helped protect Lewis's ribs on that shot he took on the read option play. He probably also could have held Kolb's hand when he walked across the slippery mat, and kept defenders from breathing extra hard on his concussion prone head, as well.
  11. So your prediction is not only will we beat the Chiefs, but we'll steal two of their victories, as well? Or were players in violation of NCAA eligibility rules for two of those wins for accepting handouts from an alum? My Tuel prediction is it will be midway through the second quarter at the earliest before that "I'm SO f$%d" deer in the headlights look leaves his face. I was expecting that we'd win this game because with Manuel or Lewis we were better than the competition that KC faced so far... with Tuel, we ARE that competition.
  12. I agree. IMO, they sat Spiller today because with or without him, in the grand scheme of things, it was likely a loss, and having him healthy the rest of the way with the second half of the schedule being much easier was more important. Big picture, they should have taken the same approach with SJ when it was clear he was hurt.
  13. I thought he was hyping the fact he was an All American Football League standout.
  14. Time spent on this forum, or any other, is the definition of wasted time.
  15. Dick Jauron coached teams in 3 years didn't total the amount of watchable football that Marrone has gotten out of any one of the games he's coached this season, save maybe the Jets game. The only hope Jauron had was to bore the other team to sleep, then coach not to lose to them.
  16. Strange deal. You know, the devil taking a little piece of your soul one loss at a time. Hope you got something good in return.
  17. As a fan who born into this hell, I should call CPS on you for the good of your children's mental health. My first memory of the Bills was the Wildcard game that they beat the Jets in '81. I was 9. Too young to appreciate the fact that it was their first playoff win since the '60s. Apparently not too young to appreciate the win was something to remember. I have mixed emotions about that day. I may have been a bit less frustrated long term if I'd stayed in my room (I think I had gotten in trouble, and was given a choice by my mom of staying in my room or sitting in a chair in the kitchen so my dad could keep an eye on me; in hindsight, I should call CPS on my mom for cruel and unusual punishment ). If I hadn't been in the kitchen that day (evening, if I recall) watching the game on a portable TV with my father, I would have had to find something else to bond with him over (maybe something ultimately a little less maddening). I would also probably have an entirely different group of friends, which if I was saying this directly to them, I would say would be ideal and they'd know I was kidding - my relationship with my dad and my friends are the best things to come out of this godforsaken mess of a franchise. I can't complain too loudly, though. I can't remember the '70s, but I'm old enough to have had a lot of fun and gotten into a lot of trouble through the late '80s/early '90s run. As I'm typing this, I can also understand why younger fans who missed the '90s seem so pissed right now... I can't imagine being a fan with only memories from the mid-late '90s on, never yet getting a sense that this franchise CAN actually succeed. Here's to hoping this '13 version is on a trajectory similar to that '86 or '87 version. I know we'd like some immediate success, but there's something to be said for watching a toddler learn to run, as well. Too bad Van Miller isn't here to tell you to fasten your seatbelts. GO BILLS!!!
  18. I'm still laughing at this response 5 minutes after I read it. Priceless placement of the emoticons. Without knowing you, I can hear the persistence and absolute incredulity at the fact that no one gets it, despite the fact that your analogy is to an extreme, though admittedly appropriate. It would be like comparing the Bills to Pet Sematary, with living Gage being analogous to the Bills fans hopes of the late 80's early nineties. A world of possibilities awaits us. The loss of the fourth Super Bowl could be the part where the truck hits him, and we know deep down that as the team is dismantled nothing will ever be the same. The ensuing Flutie/Johnson era is kind of like where Gage is buried in the ground/back from the dead. We have hope, but we know that something is not quite right. The music city miracle marks the part where the little bastard starts killing everything. The analogy falls apart with the brief resurrection of legitimate football at the beginning of the Bledsoe era. Also, the Jauron years were more like watching a painfully plodding zombie moving with no plot. I really hope what we're witnessing right now isn't the part where we just buried our wife because we're so f#@*# in the head from all of the death and destruction of the last 13 years. It would really suck if the hope I'm feeling right now is akin to my undead wife coming back to kill me to avenge herself after our undead son killed her...
  19. Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! For the record, these are NOT recycled Chuck Norris jokes. The Chuck Norris jokes are actually PRE-CYCLED Kiko jokes. In his infinite wisdom, Kiko decided to have them "focus group tested" under the pseudonym Chuck Norris, never expecting that his own awesomeness would actually bring his "nom de plume" to life.
  20. While he likes and respects his teammates, Kiko is not amused by all of this talk about Thad Lewis or Stevie Johnson going on in HIS thread. You know who you are. Don't make him come here and go all legend on your asses.
  21. Well stated. The one thing I would add is it makes even less sense to blow that cap space in year one of a complete overhaul, when the new coaches aren't even sure what positions they'll need to shore up on the roster in order to make a legitimate post-season run. I'd rather see them break the bank when we're 1-2 players away then overpay for a replaceable part.
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