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Everything posted by prissythecat

  1. Tom Brady won his 2nd Super Bowl at 26. It’s great that we have Josh but he is behind in terms of accomplishments. 6 rings with the Pats and 1 ring with the Bucs
  2. Wasn’t there an elephant visible when all the dust settled?
  3. Maybe the voters recognized that if he weren't gassed or exhausted from the trials and tribulations related to the Tops shooting, the Miami game in the heat, and even Kim Pegula's unknown health incident, Saffold would have kicked butt
  4. Man. All those Fs for Jake Fromm. That will hurt the feelings of JakeFrommStateFarm
  5. those were all high mountains to climb and the bills just got tired . am sure they will all be energized next year to make another superbowl run without the need for major change .
  6. you are comparing playing a game to being in the military and fighting in a war ?
  7. is Saffold’s grade really low because he was emotionally exhausted this year ?
  8. well the Bills should be in good shape since they apparently climbed the Himalayas this past season
  9. haha. a very apt application of the stages of grief
  10. I can see the Bills not making playoffs next season because they may still be recovering from the emotional roller coaster of the 2022 season .
  11. +1 thought i did read here earlier that the Bills were emotionally spent because of the two Blizzards and the Tops shooting
  12. Ask the Turk . The Bills probably shopped regularly at the Jefferson ave store in the off-season .
  13. I love it , you truly are one of the worst posters on this board. Alcoholism, drugs, suicide? What does that have to do with losing badly at home in the playoffs and your excuses about climbing mountains?
  14. Please stop. At the end of the day football is just a game. There are a lot of people out in the real world who deal with life's ups and downs and and continue to perform at a high level when needed in important essential jobs despite facing constant adversity throughout. They don't make excuses about snow storms or summer heat like you do.
  15. Wawrow is paid to write stuff like that . It doesn’t mean it’s true . Emotionally depleted is a euphemism for getting butt whooped by the better team unfortunately in this case . Can’t put lipstick on a pig
  16. The Tops shooting had no more effect on the Bills than the average person in Buffalo, maybe even less so given the privilege afforded by high salaries in football. If the Miami game in the heat was still weighing on them in December , I don’t know what to say . The Bills were not in Buffalo for the brunt of the snowstorm and got bused back in on Christmas Day after flying to Rochester despite a driving ban and after asking inappropriately for a police escort: I guess my point is starting to get through now?
  17. The kind of statement someone without a valid point makes
  18. Countless mountains huh. I counted one. The rest would be the kind of stuff other teams face as well
  19. Nope. The issue is lack of talent and a sound defensive philosophy. You can play aggressive all day but if you have JAGs and hobbled DBs coming back from ACL surgery on your defense , they won't put up much of a fight against more talented players.
  20. San Fran can generate yards with average QBs . I don’t think we will as big a drop off
  21. Nope . This game was simply a continuation of what we saw during the regular season game with Cinci before the game got called . Defense couldn’t put pressure on Burrows or cover tue Bengals receivers while Bills offense could not get passing game going
  22. I was waiting for the magical adjustment after the 1st quarter that unsurprisingly never happened
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