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Everything posted by Billsrhody

  1. People did seem to be complaining before Jones got hurt.. I think everyone was fine with Johnson, Jones, Nelson, Roosevelt and Martin. I dont think we should make trades when Jones is only going to be out for 4-6.
  2. I dont think this front office is going to be making any trades.. I think they'll stick with the building through the draft mantra. Who knows, maybe that extra 4th round pick helps us trade up to get a player we really want in the first 2 rounds. I like Wayne and all but 4th round picks are still valuable and we do have talent at WR without him.. Lets not over react to a Jones injury
  3. If "NOT WORKING" means making it to the NFC championship game.. then I'd take "NOT WORKING"... How do you measure success??
  4. Everything I've read recently on the new stadium plans in LA cite the Chargers as being the most likely new "LA Team". Somewhat comforting?
  5. This is the first time I've read one of these breakdowns and actually changed my prediction significantly as a result! Kudos! Our defense has the potential to turn Eli into a turnover machine and Fitz's quick release will keep the Giants DE's in check. I think every one is still a little hesitant when picking the bills so they've got all the motivation they need to go into Giant Stadium and prove something. Bills 27 Giants 17
  6. Haha I really enjoyed that.. guys got a great sense of humor
  7. I don't know.. I think the Jets thrive on confidence and a win against the Pats might be the game that can turn their season around. If the jets lose then they're in a real tough spot and thats one less wild card contender that has a good shot
  8. To be honest I think we got dominated on both sides of the ball.. without that flukey interception by Scott I think the Bengals probably end up beating us by 10 or more. We couldnt move the ball on offense and couldnt stop them on D.. This is the first time Gailey couldnt gameplan to beat the opponent in the 2nd half.. lets hope it was a one time deal
  9. McKelvin has been burned on more than one occasion this year, but it seems to me that on almost everyone of those plays, there has been a safety that should have been over the top to knock some of those balls down. Has anyone else noticed this? McKelvin sucks.. but I dont think he's getting too much help
  10. Sounds like the people are calling for... RANDY MOSS!
  11. link Just watched the Game preview for next weeks game on NFL.com. Watch it until the end and you'll be VERY surprised by the way Fitz celebrates haha
  12. I dont know if any bills fan truly believes this team is superbowl bound after 3 games.. Being a bills fan I think we always have a slight edge of pessimism that causes us to expect something awful to happen at any moment. With that said, it would be devastating if this year was another repeat of 2008, but this team is too good to let that happen. After Cinci we have the Eagles, Giants, Redskins, Jets and Cowboys. Even if we go 2-3 in that stretch but play good football, there is reason to be optimistic!
  13. Spiller proved in college that he could carry a full RB load, Bush always had Lendale White while he was at USC.. I think Spiller is a much more well rounded player
  14. Plays to win?? Thats a stretch.. find me players that dont want to win. Do you think he can make all the throws in the sense that Brees and Brady can make all the throws? There are more variables to being a good quarterback than just those.. and as far as "proving he can win", I think he's still got a lot of proving to do. He's won 3 games this season and had a losing record last year! Granted he has shown the ability to be a very good QB, but shouldnt we give him more time?
  15. I think the only guy you can make an argument for starting Roosevelt over is Martin, who hasn't really shown a whole lot since coming back to the team. In any case, thats the 5th or 6th receiving option on the team (Johnson, Nelson, Chandler, Jackson, Jones, Spiller) so it likely wouldn't make a huge difference anyways. Let him work for his playing time and if he earns it he'll continue to see more targets on the field.
  16. Looks like Mr. Allen had a tough day at work..
  17. Veeery interesting. The man may have a point.. numbers dont lie!
  18. Sam Adams rumbling, bumbling and stumbling! <--------
  19. Link I think that pretty much sums up the Bills in 2010 and 2011, but what makes this team so different? Gailey has had a full year to implement his system and bring in his type of players. Unlike previous coaches, his system actually seems to have the potential to be successful. I love what the bills are doing this year and even though its only been 3 games, I can already feel the winds of change coming.
  20. I'm not going to lie, I think we're bound to have a drop off in offense numbers at some point. I think this bengals game will be that point. I still think the bills will control the clock but I have a feeling our red zone TD efficiency is going to drop off a little bit. Bills 20 Bengals 14
  21. Brad Smith will come in handy once teams start game planning to stop Fitz and the passing attack. Using the wildcat is a great way to keep the defense guessing and I wouldnt be surprised if using that formation becomes a major factor in 1 or 2 wins this year. Keep giving Brad a few touches a game and he's going to eventually burn the D. This guys a play maker and he's eventually going to show up big.
  22. Link Jones had 20 Reps on the bench. That was tied for tops in WRs with Arrelious Benn and Scott Long (who??).
  23. Our offense should continue to roll and I dont think Wannstedt and co. should have too difficult a time drawing up a game plan to confuse the rookie QB. Lets hope the bills can score early and often and jump out to a lead at half time. Bills 27 Bengals 13
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