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Everything posted by Billsrhody

  1. And my point is that he put up crap numbers with lee in the lineup for 4 years before Gailey got to town. So how is that relevant?
  2. Roscoe played with Lee for 4 seasons before last year. Whats your point? Look at the stats and tell me roscoe didnt break out last year when he played
  3. I'm not trying to start another Evans thread.. just curious to get some numbers.
  4. In 6 games. Why dont you look at roscoe's numbers from the previous years. Take a look at Steve Johnsons stats from last year while you're at it
  5. In the midst of such emotion.. humor shines through
  6. How is this such a bad move? What was Lee going to help this team do?
  7. Haha definitely. I think we can at least agree that the bills probably aren't even going to make the playoffs, let alone win the superbowl in the next couple of years. A lot of teams have had success building through the draft (GB, NYG, TB, KC). If you give up something now for a pick that can help you in 3-5 years I dont think its a bad deal. Besides if there was a position we could afford to lose a guy it was WR. We have a lot of young talent and potential on the team. Everyone will forget this deal very quickly if Nelson or Easley has a breakout year.
  8. Sorry, isn't going to help the team win a superbowl in the next two years
  9. The front office is doing exactly what they said they would.. building through the draft. Lee is going to help this team win a superbowl in the next 2 years so the deal actually makes sense. 2-3 years down the road this team has a real chance to be good, Lee would have been on the downswing at that time. I like Lee but this deal makes sense
  10. I think I'd take a win any time. If you just take a step back and think about it.. we've reached a pretty sad point with our team when we can actually see a loss as a good thing. Plenty of teams have proved that you can find talent anywhere in the draft, not just in the top 5 picks. We can use Dareus as an example but he hasnt even proved anything yet. Who knows, maybe a DT taken in the 5th round ends up being a pro bowler and Dareus ends up as a bust. Maybe Jasper ends up being better than Dareus. At least when the bills are winning we can enjoy watching the game.. which is what really counts
  11. Living in the New England area, I watch a good amount of the game. To be honest Brian Hoyer scared me a lot more than watching Mallet did. To be fair it was a preseason game against the jaguars, but Hoyer had a lot of composure and made all the throws.. Lets hope these guys dont pan out
  12. I don't think there's any arguing that the Pats are the team to beat in the division this year. They didn't really lose too much and gained some high potential veterans. I think the rest of the division is more up for grabs than everyone makes it seem. I don't think the Jets got any better, I actually think they got worse. I think this is the year that people start to realize that Sanchez is not an NFL caliber QB. I think the Dolphins and Bills are in the basement looking up, but either one could easily get hot and finish 2nd in the division. What does everyone think about our closest competition?
  13. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/peter_king/08/08/tour/2.html Just read this article from Peter King's MMQB. He recently visited the bills training camp and has a lot of good things to say about the team. Looks like he thinks the offense is going to be explosive this year. He mentions all of the young talent the bills have and how we'll probably see a good amount of 5 wide sets this year. In any case he's got me pretty excited about what our offense might be able to do. As long as Fitz can continue to grow into the system we may be a threat to put up 20 or 30 points in any given game.
  14. Another site that works pretty well and operates almost exactly like ATDHE is.. http://www.nenggeulis.com/ If you're having trouble with ATDHE its definitely worth checking this out too
  15. Well if you go by basically any metric Fitz is better than Sanchez or Henne.. He's doing more with less. I think Sanchez is pretty much all hype and hasnt proven anything so far.
  16. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/6834591/nfl-tom-brady-led-nfl-qbr-2010-season I dont really know too much about the new rating but it claims to take "everything into account". It seems like any ways you look at it Fitz is a middle of the pack guy. Hopefully he can break out this year and move up on that list for 2011.
  17. I think its hard to deny that this team has a much higher ceiling than it did when Jauron was at the helm. Gailey has shown the ability to get production out of his offensive players and thats what is going to ultimately win games in the NFL today. Of course we need a respectable defense to go along with that, but with another draft like the one we just had I think we'll be in great shape to make a push for the playoffs.
  18. I thought it would be cool to see what bills fans really think about the logos. Which one do you think is better and why? Standing Charging
  19. I dont think its fair to say that Polamalu is always in the right place at the right time.. He's made some of the most spectacular interceptions I've ever seen. For instance.. Number 1 Number 2 When Byrd starts making plays like these then he'll be one of the elite safeties in the league. It definitely takes more than being in the right place at the right time to be considered one of the best.
  20. This one demonstrates his lack of speed and quickness... Not Very Fast This one demonstrates how he takes poor angles Didnt Pass Geometry This one demonstrates what happens when your middle linebacker gets held at the line and it isnt called The Jets Suck The only real point I'm trying to prove is that you can find anything to support whatever argument you have no matter how ridiculous it is.. I for one hope we resign Poz, but I like him more as a figure than I do as a player
  21. First of all I'm not a Poz hater... but how can you show a 5 minute video from 1 game in the season to prove a players worth? Your video doesnt even show any bengal scoring plays so its obviously biased. Showing that definitely doesnt hold any water in this argument.
  22. Well how do you guys see the division shaking out? I've got.. Patriots 13-3 (5-1) Jets 10-6 (3-3) Bills 8-8 (3-3) Dolphins 6-10 (1-5)
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