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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. I can see how you'd react to a casino from that experience... when you have an area with a lot of them, that would be an accurate representation. However, having exclusivity really improves the experience, like at Foxwoods or Casino de Montreal- it is THE place, and there is a lot more going on.
  2. They should make one about the WFL- talk about highly entertaining television!!!! I'd watch.
  3. I'm just thinking that things could not be any worse for the city of Buffalo, so why not try something that has no downside? The Oneida nation can do it, so why not?
  4. Turning Stone Casino in WNY has made anywhere from 70-167 million dollars during its existence, and it is out in the middle of the country (well, about as best as you can off an interstate!)
  5. I have to disagree. I have lived in TWO cities that have had casinos, and both have not been greatly affected by crime. In fact, I'd say Buffalo is a lot more dangerous NOW than it ever could be with a casino.
  6. I'll take Lebron.... ANYONE but Harrington, Marbury, or any of the other scrubs we've been forced to stomach over the last decade!!!!!
  7. Yes, but they make those kinds of calls. The whole thread started over a waterfront plan, and it should include a casino to pump more revenue into the city. This would help to ease tax burdens and stimulate the economy, and also present an opportunity to make even more improvements. THAT was the whole point...
  8. Yes, and those in Ontario run their city right... and look at all of the nice casinos and the atmosphere around them... you just made my case! Niagara Falls has the Occidental Petroleum building... nice.
  9. We are masochists!!!!! In the year 2525.... if man is still alive.... Bob Nutting will survive!!!!!!
  10. YEEEAH!!! HEE HEE HEE HEE... Hey dad, I got it right!!!
  11. Laughlin's budget is what compared with Las Vegas? Come on, man!!!!
  12. Another Pirates AAA baseball bedouin like RaNdom and I? Welcome to the pit of pain, my friend. At least we have 1909, 1925, 1960, 1971, and 1979...
  13. I'm sorry- I can't dump the Knicks.. too many great memories of the early 90's despite the BULLSh*!. You know, a good friend of mine is a Clippers fan because of the Braves connection... that to me is too much, going to a Cali team You're a Bucs fan as well? Haven't spent a dime on them since the great selloff of 2008. BTW, a question- does the loss to the Hurricanes in Game 7 hurt? When I think of it, it brings me pain... we should have went to that Final. I KNOW it... they have our cup
  14. Look at Niagara Falls, NY and Niagara Falls, Ontario... the difference is so striking that a donkey could tell the difference!
  15. What a jacka$$... only goes to show that no matter which party you are from, corruption is everywhere... hence why they are politicians!
  16. Try this on for size: Bills Sabres Pirates Knicks There you go... some of us suffer endlessly THE WHOLE YEAR. Yeah.
  17. Ohh, yeah.. he's really good! His one Super Bowl appearance (a losing one) after coaching for so many years cements it for me!
  18. Could downtown Buffalo get any worse? Could Niagara Falls, NY look any more God-awful? Just look across the border to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada... sorry; you lose.
  19. There is a big difference between customer service and actually caring about your customer... you have to admit.
  20. What? I will mark it down that you like 20 yard backward scampers and muffed punts. So there.
  21. My great football weekend is coming up very soon, namely: 1. Penn State will get the loss they have needed to effectively end their season's championship quest from "that team". 2. The Bills will have a BYE. Ohh November, you can't get here soon enough!!
  22. OMFG.... he has just lost his job for sure, joke or no. I would hit the ROOF if I saw a Bills head coach in a Tom Brady uniform. He is INSANE.
  23. We don't fit into either category... I think Ralph is intentionally trying to plead poverty so he doesn't have to spend money more than he has to. He makes a lot of profit according to Forbes.. something like 35+ million dollars before taxes in 2007...
  24. Hopefully they will go the route that Baltimore is going and build a downtown casino like they planned for Buffalo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Harbor
  25. You mean like Ravens fans cursing the Colts and cheering for the Browns-Ravens!? Those people... disgusting.
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