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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. Tim, What have you heard about all of this Brian Billick static we have been hearing about? He's exactly the kind of coach the Bills would want- experience, offensive mind, tough, and a winner, and yet he has supposedly not been interviewed despite this staff talk. It is all very bizarre...
  2. Who was his quarterback???? Not anyone REMOTELY like Edwards, Fitzpatrick, or the other fools we've had here since 1996!!! Neil O'Donnell... and his stats say he's miles better than any of them. How's that for history?
  3. SO WHAT?! This news means diddly squat in the grand scheme of things... Ralph will not own the team for too much longer, and who pray then will have enough cash to keep the team in Buffalo? Not too many... this is fluff news and not worth a darn to me. I want the NFL to guarantee we don't leave.. THEN that is real news.
  4. There is NO SUCH THING as a slam dunk.... EVER.
  5. REALLY? Need I remind you that the NFL has been littered with the corpses of outstanding college coaches who have done nothing as head coaches... and his article doesn't even mention Billick! NO, Sullivan is trying to find someone who will POTENTIALLY make our offense better, who had a great one at Stanford. Stanford is not the NFL, and as history shows us, only people with proven NFL coaching experience win championships. Bobby Petrino Lou Holtz Steve Spurrier Nick Saban Dennis Erickson Butch Davis Rich Brooks
  7. "The Ravens joined Super Bowl XVIII's Los Angeles Raiders in the record books as the only teams to score offensive, defensive and special teams touchdowns in the same Super Bowl. All the main contributors for the Ravens on offense, defense, and special teams were Lewises. Jamal Lewis was the top rusher of the game, Jermaine Lewis notched 145 yards and a touchdown on special teams, and linebacker Ray Lewis was named Super Bowl MVP. In addition, the Ravens defense was coached by Marvin Lewis. The Ravens defense has since been considered among the greatest of all time." Baltimore Ravens, Super Bowl XXXV Champions- HC? Brian Billick. Has anyone associated with the Buffalo Bills done this since 1965?!?!?! What other bona fide coach is out there for us to bring in now that Shanahan and Cowher said PASS?!?!!! THINK about what you have witnessed since 1995 and get back with me... WTF?
  8. That's the FIRST thing I thought of.. AND it was in Week 17.. remember!??!? I love it.
  9. 1. Draft O-line 1st and 3rd round. 2. Draft a QB in the second round as there is a glut of them this year. 3. Pick up a quarterback in free agency. 4. Cut James Hardy and keep Steve Johnson. 5. Pick up a D-lineman in free agency who can pass rush. 6. Move Maybin to linebacker. That's my start...
  10. YES!!!! YES!!!! I'll never own the movie... II-VI only in my collection!
  11. Puritans and others who disagreed with the Anglican church and were anti-papists took the Bible literally, forming a large part of American Protestantism. This tradition is not an athiest's tradition, but one that began many years ago in the 17th century. This whole commentary is a way to make athiests out to be the 'evil bad guys' without taking into consideration the millions of Christians who take pride in literally interpreting the Bible. Silly argument...
  12. I'm afraid that the top brass in Carolina have realized that Delhomme is the reason why they lost, and not Fox. Let's hope they are stupid and can Fox
  13. Pshaw! None of you watch serious, hard core, intense news. I present Valentina Elizabeth!
  14. I'm sure you could more than appreciate this little gem I found: I want to be the sand!
  15. The Music City Miracle was a dagger... Clay Matthew's interception of Jim Kelly was brutal... Ronnie Harmon...
  16. AND it says it is for charity- +/- 14 cents for every download! I'll try it...
  17. Serena Williams for those of us who like figures.... ALWAYS my #1....
  18. I NEVER want to hear Vikings fans complain about Foreman and the snowball incident.... EVER. "During the last regular season game of 1975 the Vikings were playing the Buffalo Bills at Rich Stadium on Saturday, December 21 during a classic Buffalo, NY snowstorm. Foreman was having a fantastic game despite the conditions. He would finish with 85 yards rushing, 10 receptions and four TDs in less than three quarters. After Foreman's third score (which gave him 21 TDs for the year, one shy of the NFL mark), Fran Tarkenton joked in the huddle, "Anybody who gets to the one-yard line, go out of bounds. We want some touchdowns for Chuck." The crowd was getting ornery. Not only were the Bills being clobbered, 28-6, but it was looking like Foreman and not hometown hero O.J. Simpson might walk away with the TD record. Simpson had gotten his 22nd TD of the season in the first half, equaling Gale Sayer's 1965 total, but Foreman and the Vikes were really on a roll. Late in the 3rd quarter Foreman was chasing a pass thrown out of the end zone when he was hit in the eye by a snowball. He went out of the game for a couple of plays, then returned with blurred vision and caught a six-yard touchdown pass to tie Sayers and Simpson with 22 TDs. That was it, though. He spent the last quarter on the bench. Less than a minute later, Simpson scored on a 54-yard reception to surpass Sayers & Foreman. The next day, St. Louis' Jim Otis, playing only the first half, gained 69 yards in 14 carries to edge Foreman for conference rushing honors, 1,076 to 1,070." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Foreman
  19. I am disturbed by your premise that illegal immigrants bring a bulk of the crime to this country, which I just do not see. Our services are already burdened by the baby boomers who are in their retirement years and are siphoning off money. We MUST have a younger workforce to bolster our population, because we will be very senior-heavy in the next few decades. In fact, this wave may be a blessing in disguise.
  20. I'm speaking from the perspective of an administrator and what we've had to deal with our mini towers' hard drives going bad and the aggravation we've experienced by having to have Dell come out and replace them all. It has been a nightmare. Most people don't invest in two HDs, and I never thought about giving that advice, only addressing the potential problem.
  21. Who is providing the work for them to remain in this country? Many of these same things were said of the Italians and Irish that poured into this country many, many years ago, and it did not ruin our country. This sort of thing happens from time to time, and now it just happens to be from non-European sources. There is little difference, and if you had lived in a major city in 1910 then you probably would have said the same thing, but a funny thing happened after- their descendants spoke English, grew productive, and added so much to our country. All of this race nonsense is an American invention, sought to frighten everyone. I'm not buying...
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