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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. Jeremy Maclin because the Redskins will force the Eagles to throw. Mario Manningham because the Giants will be forced to throw a lot versus the surpisingly great Cardinals D. Roddy White against a suspect Dallas defense.
  2. Yeah, but defenders won't give it to him... 6 sacks in his second game.
  3. We already pretty much know this... but when a movie or television show comes along that just blows me away, I hold onto it tightly LOL Directors like Martin Scorcese can only make so many movies!
  4. Why would anyone want this guy as a coach? As Fuzzy said, he violated a fundamental principle of football- if you are running the ball effectively, you keep on running until the other defense stops it. We don't need a big giant risk-taker the polar opposite of Jauron. That is why you want him here right, to be the complete opposite? Not me.. we need competency, not action for the sake of it.
  5. How many law enforcement and medical shows are on primetime television now in the Top 20? NCIS NCIS: LOS ANGELES CSI CRIMINAL MINDS GREY'S ANATOMY HOUSE CSI: NY CSI: MIAMI 8 out of the top 20, and 5 of them are the same damn show! This above all tells you how bad things have gotten.
  6. I assure you I have been dilligent to make sure that doesn't happen.
  7. If you have watched the Sabres play this month, then you KNOW he's going to stay. The WHOLE season. He is that good. Not to mention, he replaced Vlasic as one of my defensemen in my fantasy hockey league...!!!
  8. In order to quash this whole notion that Todd Collins was a "BIG MISTAKE" by the Bills, let's go to the stats: 8 seasons. 3 starts. If he was really starting QB material, he would have started somewhere. However, he is not, and he hasn't.
  9. B B B Byrd is the word.... the word's the Byrd... Byrd is the word.... the word's the Byrd...!
  10. Very true... LOL. Seriously, a lot of my anger is focused on Nutting... and until there is a cap, he'll rake in the ca$h.
  11. Nice one!!! LOL I saw an autographed Cabrera photo at a show and just walked right out... ohh the pain.
  12. I have every right to- even during the Marlins' and Diamondbacks' World Series teams, $54 million and $76 million in payroll is STILL higher than the Pirates' payroll by over $10 million. What kind of continuity can be formed by trading away players on a constant basis?! The Yankees don't do it.... after all, you all were crowing about all of your retained "homegrown talent". As has been noted countless times in sports, you cannot BUY a championship, but also you can't win if you are constantly a turnstile of talent EITHER...
  13. Enough to keep Nutting fat, dumb, and happy... as the post says I just put up, both are to blame in this.
  14. Why is the NFL so successful? Because the LEAGUE UNDERSTANDS that good competition and a level playing field greatly increases revenue AND helps to keep player's salaries at a reasonable level. Baseball STILL doesn't understand this, and the Dallas Cowboys of MLB, the Yankees, will continue to take full advantage of this corrupt system and horrid owners like Bob Nutting of the Pirates will as well. I have a RIGHT to be angry with both my team management and teams like the Yankees, for they propagate this system, and it is wrong.
  15. What?!!!!?!?! OK, let us just say that this "homegrown talent" theory of yours is viable... well then, let's see how it holds up with my team: Aramis Ramirez: $16,650,000 Freddy Sanchez: $4,150,000 Jason Bay: $7,800,000 TOTAL: $28,600,000 THREE PLAYERS, all homegrown, all for what the Pirates payroll is now. If we decided to keep all of our homegrown talent, then we would require an amount FAR in excess of the highest payroll amount in the Pirates' history. They have been forced to trade away talent to teams like the Yankees because the bidding for their services FAR surpasses what the Pirates could afford to keep them.... PLEASE do not act as if your "homegrown talent" makes you blameless, because it is a FALLACY.
  16. I wasn't talking about Baltimore... I just used the example to go along with the beauty of the new construction...
  17. He was a big boy who slogged through 1968 and the Vietnam War years... that's the thing. He SHOULD have known better, but he didn't.
  18. Dan Rather is an arrogant know-it-all.... he did it all to himself. When Cronkite left, CBS News sucked and continues to suck. He's still a tool to this day...
  19. Now THAT I can agree with you on... we get to the heart of it all. Mismanagement? Hugh Betcha.
  20. 37. Meat Loaf (Buffalo Bills) – His album Bat Out of Hell has sold over 37 million copies. He’s also appeared in films ranging from Fight Club to Spice World. But despite being born and raised in Dallas, Texas, the artist known as Meat Loaf is actually a die-hard Buffalo Bills fan. ROCK ON
  21. I can see how you'd react to a casino from that experience... when you have an area with a lot of them, that would be an accurate representation. However, having exclusivity really improves the experience, like at Foxwoods or Casino de Montreal- it is THE place, and there is a lot more going on.
  22. They should make one about the WFL- talk about highly entertaining television!!!! I'd watch.
  23. I'm just thinking that things could not be any worse for the city of Buffalo, so why not try something that has no downside? The Oneida nation can do it, so why not?
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