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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The term "snowflake" was originally used to describe the weak minded and fragile woke mindset and belief system of being scared of everything. Shadows, spiders, life outside the protected fantasy world in which they live. Needing safe spaces and protection from "aggression". They melt under pressure. Basic candy-asses and buzz kills at parties pointing out things like the rum and coke you're drinking is tarnished by a history of slavery and bloodshed. So when Billsy uses this term on a regular basis, when the argument is lost, to describe people like battle hardened veterans and working class Americans that support law and order its a case of cultural appropriation. Something I'm lead to believe the left frown upon.
  2. NE has gone through what looks like a one-year rebuild. While Jones is fully developed mentally and physically he's never going to evolve into Superman Josh Allen. But he's ready right out of a big-time college program to efficiently run the offense McDaniels and Belichik want to run. Once again their offensive line looks solid and the defense is playing extremely well. They'll come into Monday night and look to do what the Colts recently did against the Bills. Run the ball, throw out of play action behind the linebackers that bite on it, and on defense pressure the QB and keep Allen in the pocket. stuff the run, and take away the over the top plays. Its the same blueprint we've seen for a couple decades at the stadium. There's no secrets here. Unfortunately, the Bills rarely seem ready for it all. This time needs to be different. But for the life of me I can't remember a single game against the Patriots where I felt the Bills offensive line was not a liability of some kind. As lots of posters have bemoaned its time to stop ignoring the need to upgrade this unit. These are the tough match-ups that remind us of that issue. Getting Brown back would be a plus. And Star on defense. The Bills have superior weapons on offense. When Allen has time they're almost unstoppable. But on Tuesday morning if the stat sheet says the Bills passed the ball 45+ times you can be sure they came up short on the scoreboard. They need some effective balance run/pass. And the empty set is an invitation for disaster here. In order to win I think NE needs to dominate the line play, for the Bills to win they don't need to dominate the offensive and defensive lines of scrimmage. The just need to play even. They need to get creative and generate some pressure on Jones. My guess is he won't handle it too well. And of most importance, protect the football and don't kill themselves with penalties. They'll have 3 extra days of rest and preparation off of the Thanksgiving Day game plus another day because its a Monday night game so no excuses not being prepared.
  3. Brain dead zombies watching CNN and MSNBC and buying the white supremist angle must think the "victims" were all black. But they were all white professional criminals. The left likes to employ these street thugs on the payroll and the media portrays them as "protesters". These "protesters" typically assault and beat 75 year old's trying to put out fires or protect property or people at State sanctioned rioting and looting events so I guess they were quite surprised when somebody planted 2 of them and wounded a 3rd. Now that a jury decided State sponsored protection rackets can't stop private citizens from taking action consistent with self-defense they might think twice. But most likely these anarchists are too stupid because if they had an ounce of intelligence, they wouldn't be commie street thugs. It will be nice sometime in the near future when they are all gone.
  4. Once COVID fear subsides and rational science and thought returns to take control of policy and public health issues Fauci will need to return to the Josef Mengele Institute and focus his time on torturing and killing dogs and other small animals in needless and unethical research experiments.
  5. Given the initial science around the new variant from South African doctors and health ministry officials it suggests the variant is more contagious but the symptoms observed to date have been mild, fatigue, coughing, sore muscles. The official Western response seems forced and desperate to maintain a high level of public fear. Quote "the large number of mutations found in the omicron variant appears to destabilize the virus which makes it less "fit" than the dominant Delta strain". The implication might be more reported cases but fewer overall hospitalizations and deaths. So expect an emphasis back to case counts, specifically among the un-vaxed. And surprise, surprise, don't be surprised when the news that currently available boosters are effective is released in a couple weeks. So line up for your booster to protect you from the new variant that will only make you mildly ill and can't kill you unless you're old and fat. That said, if you are old and fat then getting the booster might be wise. For the rest of us I say game over.
  6. And the solution is everybody tell the SOB's to go "F" themselves. Just say no to fascism.
  7. Fauci's views align with the left's lust for authoritarian measures. So he's a popular figure on the MSM talk show circuit. I think this omicron is going to disappoint them. A "weak" variant is going to kill the enthusiasm for mandates. Watch and see.
  8. Contrary to the panic mongering among western officials and mainstream media, Barry Schoub, chairman of the South African Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday that while South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall and while the variant does appear to be spreading rapidly, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations. “The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub, adding that it was still early days and nothing was certain yet. Most importantly Schoub said that the large number of mutations found in the omicron variant appears to destabilize the virus, which might make it less “fit” than the dominant delta strain. So it seems COVID-19 is following the typical path of mutations becoming more contagious and less lethal. Which might lead to the less severe omicron variant will become the dominant strain and result in more cases but lower overall hospitalizations and fewer deaths.
  9. By nominating a "moderate" candidate to deceive the voters. Because running on their true leftist agenda would have resulted in defeat. A candidate that claimed to be middle of the road and somebody that would unify Americans after 4 years of conflict. And once in office flipping the switch to a Marxist agenda intent on destroying traditional America and transforming the country into some 3rd world crap hole. Basically by lying their assess off about their true intentions which has contributed to Joe's poor ratings. And here we are immersed in complete dysfunction.
  10. More fear porn. In Europe where full panic mode in in affect, the PM of Belgium has stated its "three times as infectious" while suggesting it should be called COVID-21. Even though there's no science around that irresponsible quantification of potential transmission rate. Meanwhile South Africa’s medical chief Dr. Angelique Coetzee, described world wide responses as a “storm in a teacup.” Coetzee stated South Africa has only recorded “very very mild cases” of the variant so far. Guaranteed you won't hear anyone in the parade of experts on any of the network shows today quoted her. Basic virus 101 says when viruses mutate over time they become more infectious and less lethal. There's no reason to suggest COVID is any different until the evidence and facts say otherwise.
  11. If everyone would stay home and isolate for two weeks, remain 6 to 12 feet away from all other family and household members, follow specific kitchen and bathroom schedules so they remain alone, and breath in and out from different exterior windows we might beat this thing.
  12. Because all the paid whores and liars in the MSM and the authoritarian loving-left protect Biden they are obligated to bury negative stories and avoid references to racism or xenophobia specifically with a Biden ban of travel from Africa. Or anything else the administration might do that is stupid or appears contrary to logic and reason. This is obvious to anyone capable of even limited independent thought. When Trump issued similar travel ban edict's they were on his ass like flies on you know what. If Trump did this today they'd be criticizing him for racism and making policy decisions without the facts or the science available to justify the decision. So, yes it's a double standard. You also won't see any of the usual suspects criticizing New York's governor for issuing a state of emergency without facts other than there are zero identified cases in the State. An objective assessment might be she's making decisions with irrational fear as the driver.
  13. Also humorous is that moronic is an anagram of Omicron.
  14. I understand the reference to Omicron skips a Greek letter they didn't want to use to identify COVID variants... Xi. Funny, right?
  15. And why is the Biden administration starting to impose international travel restrictions,about 8 countries, but leaving the southern border open? Seems a bit of a contradiction even for this maliciously subversive group of bumblers. I'm sure Peppermint Patty will rationalize it for us at the next WH PC.
  16. I'm puzzled you're not aware of the term as you appear to be informed on the vaccines and COVID. A super spreader is any event the global elite capitalists and their political and media whores along with the social justice crowd they bankroll deem to be way too many people is what they have decided through their wisdom and superior wealth and intelligence is an unsafe large gathering that will result in lots of COVID infections. These events are typically defined as conservative protests or gatherings along with any traditional American event. Thanksgiving gatherings are potential spreader events while BLM protests are not.
  17. The difference is Trump transgressions get investigated and exposed and embellished 24/7 by the media with constant air play but Biden's don't. All chatter gets downplayed and censored and blocked and stuffed down the rabbit hole. The laptop scandal. Buried. The Chinese billion dollar hedge fund "investment" to a guy that knows nothing about managing funds. Buried. The Ukraine no-show $66K a month job and extortion of their government. Buried. The daughter's diary thing with Veritas. Buried and an FBI raid w/leaks to NYT. I can go on. What else do you want me to tell you? The guy's a lifetime political hack and crook constantly on the take.
  18. 3CL Protease inhibitors and other viral treatments along with immunity boosters and supplements like Vitamins C & D, Zinc, L-Lysine. It's not that the vaccines don't work. The problem is efficacy wears off over time and as the virus mutates current vaccine formulas becomes less effective. And while they slow down the spread of the virus, they don't stop the spread since vaccinated people can still infect other people. Viral mutations tend to become more infectious over time but the good news is the also become less fatal. I also keep saying take a look at what India did with an Ivermectin + treatment vitamin kit but nobody wants to hear about that $2.65 solution they implemented with success.
  19. It's a typical shoot first ask questions later response. But like you said little to no quantifiable information available on how contagious or deadly the variant might be.
  20. The US financial markets are taking the news poorly this morning with the futures down across the board. Dow, S&P, NASDAQ, Oil, US dollar down with gold prices higher. Concern is more lockdowns & restrictions with potential for more stimulus payments if it gets serious. Some of the volatility may be typical thin trading volumes Friday after Thanksgiving. One bright spot is investor enthusiasm for COVID vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna and a few other conducting P3 trials with some minor interest in a few treatment plays.
  21. You mentioned numbers were up but no sure wheres so I highlighted the elevated States..
  22. These are the states with elevated 7 day rolling average case rates per 100K & their 7 day rolling average deaths Michigan - 109.57 cases per 100K, 92.0 deaths 7 day average Minnesota - 92.32, 30.47 Alaska - 81.04, 6 Montana - 70.03, 10, 5.82 North Dakota - 71.24, 6.02 South Dakota - 70.03, 4.36 Colorado - 77.56, 42.77 New Mexico - 70.99, 10.21 Wisconsin - 71.07, 27.92
  23. Would you agree that, vaccinated or not, very rarely is anyone hospitalized (or dies) without some other condition or co-morbidity? Such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, autoimmune deficiencies? And these hospitalizations should be diagnosed and reported as primary diagnosis is "x diagnosis w/COVID" rather than primary diagnosis is "COVID"?
  24. Your 50/50 assumption is simplistic and you have no control group to use as a baseline to validate that assumption. Vaccinated or not, hospitalization rates are 99%+ a function of other factors such as weak immune systems resulting from old age and co-morbidities. There are literally no patients in hospitals that "just" have COVID. Almost all have high risk factors including hospitalized children. Admissions are "with COVID" and rarely is any other health issue absent. Like anything else the general rule is healthy people or young people don't die. All the data on hospitalizations support this but it doesn't get much airplay. I should add, the vaccine does help keep people out of the hospital but that is among those with high risk factors. Otherwise healthy young people naturally have a low/no risk of hospitalization with or without it.
  25. You'll need to repeal sections of the ACA in order to do this as mandatory health insurance is the rule right now. How many votes are do you expect there are in the House and Senate with mid-terms approaching? I'd suggest the idea is DOA when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid coverage. Commercial coverage where insurance is contracted between private business and the government with insurers might get some interest in premium surcharges. I know a little about the topic. I spent 12 years in health insurance supporting claims processing, provider contracts, member coverage and benefits, and I'm currently working in health care analytics services for about 4 years. Along with this some personal experience dealing with high cost hospitalization expenses. How it works is simple. Have you ever seen a dead Deer on the side of the road getting devoured by Vultures. Well you're the Deer and the hospitals and doctors & their billing administrators are the Vultures. That's why I donate some of my time to helping low income people and seniors navigate the billing process so they don't get screwed. And fun fact, people with health insurance make up the largest group of people filing personal bankruptcy. Doctors and Hospitals might get pennies on the dollar. That's not going to pay for those country club memberships and Telsa's in the 3-car garage. Anything that threatens that income stream is going to be vigorously opposed.
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