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Everything posted by billsfan714

  1. Man those were some terrible angles by Donte. but its not his fault he was drafted 8th and its not his fault he doesnt play like the 8th pick, LOLOLOLOL Its never Donte's fault to some on this board.
  2. Actually no, I dont think Leodis was told, hey watch out, their going to try to stand you up and strip the ball. As soon as someone gets near you get down. I think this because he didnt do any of those and was returning kicks the next week.
  3. Im not writing Maybin off. The leap from college DE to pro DE is big. He is young and does have the frame 6'4 to get bigger and stronger. Maybe he'll be the reverse Bruce Smith(who didnt have a great rookie season), while Bruce had to get lose weight, Maybing needs to put on some to be a NFL end.
  4. Unfortunately yes. Always remember a playoff game against the Raiders, during the superbowl years. Tim Brown caught a deep pass and was running for yards when Kelso was just coming into the picture, had to be 40 yars past the line of scrimmage. Never seen a safety play that deep. Definetly one of the weaker links on the SB years defense.
  5. Yeah Bobby doesnt need to make sure to tell Mckelvin not to get stood with just over 2 minutes to go, doesnt need to tell him to get on the ground or when to not even run it out with an onsides kick return team on the field. Doesnt need to do anything. Just let them play. Pfffffffft. Thats exactly what a coach is supposed to do during the game. Bobby April has benefited from having a great punter and the Bills drafting some pretty good returners. As a coach i dont think he deserves any genius label. Its little things that can win and lose games, and as Jeff Wright(the poster above) said about being 4-2. As bad as this team has looked at times, it is amazing how close we were to being 4-2 if it wasnt for 2 absolute boneheaded special teams plays.
  6. Byrd looks like the real deal, and to you doubters...yeah we do judge a player by production on the field. I look foward to getting rid of Donte and his millions and spending it elsewhere. Yearly sack totals....Draft 1 Maybin 0.
  7. Wow a lot of big plays on offense, I forgot what they looked like.
  8. We were out coached badly by the Giants in the first superbowl. Its a shame because we were the better team, just not that day.
  9. Well as a Depew Alum, Lancaster is way bigger but we can still compete, so Tonawanda has no excuse for the turds they dropping in the T-NT seriers the past few years.
  10. He got hurt again? Modrak just moved him up his draft board.
  11. If TO was to be traded, to me the only team that makes sense is Baltimore. They wanted him before and Clayton hasnt been getting the job done.
  12. But Checkdownwards gets us 2 yards better field position on 3rd and long when he throws the 2 yard out. Its Mauron ball at its finest. I agree Trent wouldnt even attempt those throws.
  13. I agree it can be turned around. Miami is for sure a great example. Denvers defense went from being swiss cheese to one of the best in one year. This team needs a disciplinarian who can install some motivation. Hopefully we will get a ream GM and Modrak is gone. I agree his record is luckluster. Buffalos search to replace Jim Kelly has been to invest (3) numbers ones, a 2, 3, 4, and 5th round draft choices to get Rob Johnson, Drew Bledoe, JP Losman and Trent Edwards. The Whitner over Ngata choice was just about inexcusable in my book. This team has to have money to spend, especially if we get a good GM. Cut Parrish and his millions, cut Josh Reed and his millions, I think Steve Johnson can do what Reed does and more, only cheaper. TO will be gone theres another 7.5 million to spend. How much did we save getting rid of Walker, Dockery and Peters. Theres some more millions. If Maybin can bulk up you can get rid of Kelsay and his millions. If Byrd can play FS better than Whitner and cheaper then bye bye Donte. Never thought much of Whitner as SS. Maybe Ralph is saving money this year to eat Maurons final two years. But there is definetely money to spend to address a few of our needs in free agency next year. Whoever we draft were not good enough to spend high picks on people who wont contribute. ala Maybin. Were not the Steelers where they can draft Ziggy Hood and not immeadiately need him. We need at least 2 impact starters from the draft. I dont care which need they fill but the 1 and 2 picks have to start and contribute.
  14. A big amen there. Sorry to the Checkdownwards defenders but there hasnt been improvement in his performance. Things you see in a Flacco and Ryan.
  15. Id love to see it. Mauron, Modrak, and Guy would all go, Russ could stay in the business side but he would be out of the football decision business. Over the last decade plus some, I would honestly take some bills fans who are draftniks to out draft this team. To make better personel decisions. I would like to know the total draft picks that were invested in the human sack Rob Johnson, the statue Bledsoe, the never was Losman and the deer in the headlights Trent Checkdownwards.
  16. Totally agree. Rogers did some great things despite having to throw with Jared Allen in his face all day and Big Ben has been doing the same. Cripe with have like 15 million spent on 2 receivers, whose production makes them not even startable in fantasy football. He isnt progressing and thats disturbing with the skill position talent on offense. I agree with the sentiment that I thought fitzpartrick was a weak backup signing. Cincy would now be 5-0 if it wasnt for a fluke play. Pretty much the same team but Palmers in and Fitzpatrick is out. So Fitzpatrick is basically Losman or Checkdownwards. At his point..yeah Id give Hamdan a shot for one game. What are we going to do worse than 3 points against the 31st ranked defense if Hamdan started?,
  17. After hearing these press conferences, the Bills are the most awesome practice team in the NFL.
  18. Big Ben would improve this teams 6-8 wins single handedly. The guy gets sacked 50 times a year and all he does is win 2 superbowls. The guy extends plays with his legs, shrugs off defenders hanging on him then throws darts downfield to ward, holmes and miller. sorry but none of that is in TE's resume. Aaron Rogers threw for over 300 yards monday night while Jared Allen was living on the packers side of the ball. Does our offensive line suck, hell yes. Does TE suck, hell yes.
  19. Its impossible to go broke being an NFL owner, theres a salary cap and NFL franchise's worth goes up..way up, every year. Ralph doesnt have to do a thing to have his net worth go up 10-20 million EVERY year.
  20. What did Aaron Rogers throw for Monday night while his OL let Jared Allen in all day long....over 300 yards.
  21. I would like to give a big thanks to the browns. This has to be the nail in the coffin of the Mauron era.
  22. 18 million on TO and Lee not to use them.....priceless.
  23. Funny how our returners never know what to do in crucial situations despite the genius April.
  24. Thats only if the game is in Buffalo, at Vegas were a 3 point dog.
  25. This has to be the most exciting futility bowl ever.
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