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Everything posted by billsfan714

  1. I think the one guy thats escapes the criticism he deserves is Stroud. I remember listening to Millen on NFLN during the Toronot game, saying that reviewing the tape, that Stroud was having a bad year. Gets stood up, doesnt play with leverage. With our shower curtain run defense, it was more than apparent that teams gashed us right up the middle. Kyle Williams had a good year, Stroud is a name living off past performance.
  2. No way Golden Tate goes in the 2nd round. Exaxtly how do we get McNabb.
  3. Yeah why cant Sully write nice things about all our great seasons. Oh wait we havent made the playoffs this decade and are 1-9 in winning seasons. Why cant Sully write nice things about our great coaches, oh thats right we havent had any. Why cant sully write nice articles about our drafts, oh thats right, they by and large sucked. Why cant Sully write nice things about our awesome owner and front office, oh thats right we dont have one. He could write nice stuff but he doesnt do science fiction. If Foghorn Leghorn (Nix) wanted to shoot down Sully, he could have said Shotty jr didnt turn us down, or Harbaugh didnt turn us down, but I didnt hear any of that.
  4. NCAA see less juniors declaring for the 2011 NFL draft to avoid being selected by the Buffalo Bills.
  5. The Bufflo Bills, looking to break NFL record for consecutive seasons without a playoff appearance, took a major step in attaining that record with the hiring of Chan Gailey. A giddy Ralph Wilson proclaimed "we got our guy, with Chan at the helm we can continue this futility into a new decade." Wilson went on to say "giving the fans of Buffalo no hope is what I do, hopefully a new generation of young fans can experience more years of heartache." On a related note, Bills homers on the stadium wall message board, auditioned to fill the opening for Iraqi information minister created when Baghdad Bob was arrested. Timmy Johnson, of south Buffalo, stated "if I can put a positive spin on Chan Gailey, I wont have any problems telling the Iraqi people that the US Army was stopped at the border."
  6. Lets hope Ralph knows where and what a microphone is, so he doesnt talk into an overhead projector like he did in camp.
  7. I totally agree with the article. The front office talks a good game---this time their gonna change, were gonna get a top tier coach and GM. Then what happens---they promote from within for the GM job--same old same old and they get a guy nobody was looking at for the HC. Interesting his tenure at Tech involved taking over a good program after O'leary and went to D list bowl games. Didnt the present coach of Tech just go to a BCS game? To all the blind homers desperately trying to spin, well spin until your dizzy. You people put Baghdad Bob to shame trying to polish this turd. When you think this team cant sink lower, when you think they cant make worse decisions, well theres ole Ralphie to suprise the fanbase yet again with same old crap.
  8. Several people have brought it up, but the major league movie analogy is really starting to make sense.
  9. Dude your not alone, from polls on this board 70-75 percent of the fans are disappointed in this hire. I never thought it would come to Chan FREAKING Gailey. This time was gonna be different. This time we we're going to get some great coaches and a great GM, money was no object, Ralph was gonna open up the purse strings. Things needed to change and Ralph and the front office got the message from the fans. It rapidly went downhill when the big names said no. They took other jobs are were content with waiting in retirement for something better. Then it was getting rebuffed by a coordinator that has never even been offered a HC opportunity. Then it was getting the cold shoulder from an 8-5 Stanford coach, turning down a NFL head coaching gig. And finally, the piece de resistance, the kick in the stomach to Bills Nation, Chan, yes that Chan, FREAKING Gailey. Only the truely dillusional fan will try and spin this in a positive light. You know, like a Pirate fan thinking they have a chance this year.
  10. Buddy Nix-Chan Gailey FEVER----CATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave it to Ralph to throw an anvil on the optimistic buzz that was around this fanbase a few short weeks ago.
  11. Ya know, the way things are going, that isnt as crazy as it sounds.
  12. Ditto. The Bills have earned pessimism. 10 years with no playoffs ring a bell. 10 years with one winning season ring a bell. 10 years of picks used on Rob Johnson, Mike Williams, JP Losman, Trentative, Roscoe, John McCargo, Whitner, Maybin. 10 years of a personel strategy that involves letting what few All-Pros we do have to walk. Sorry but my optimism tank is low....real low.
  13. If Russ can polish this turd then he really is a marketing genius.
  14. Totally agree with your sentiments. Maybe some of the disgust is misinterpreted by some fans here. But were disgusted because we really do care, and a lot, and we want this team to win. It didnt take a rocket scientist to know we needed to go in a new direction, and everything thats gone on since DJs firing has been same old, same old, been there, done that. Personally Im sick of setteling for just under mediocrity. This town deserved better.
  15. Either that or I guess I should get my poms-poms out and do somersaults from the excitement of the Chan Gailey hiring.
  16. Actually the part apart losing games where the opposing team scores 15 points or less are from his Cowboy days. Isnt insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So get ready for the screens to the RBs and TE's running the 1 yard out on 3 and 8. This guy is DJ with a different name. Of course were gluttons for punishment, were Bills fans, but god almighty.....Chan freakin Gailey. Sorry Im not in the--I have to approve of everything the Bills do and they shouldnt be criticized.
  17. Ultra-conservative and doesnt like to use the middle of the field, lost lots of games where the opposition scored under 15 points......ah the more things change the more they stay the same. Cant wait till April and the entire room at the NFL draft goes -whaaaaaaaaaaat-when we make our selection. This is has been a bad movie for 10 years and it aint gonna get better.
  18. God I'm starting to drink now. So they bump up a 70 year old from the basement to GM and this is a house cleaning? Then float the idea that their going for a top notch coach-Shanny, Cohwer, etc then we get Chan are you kiddin me Gailey. Bills 2010---FEEL THE EXCITEMENT!!!!!!
  19. Thank god we took Roscoe a few picks ahead of Vincent Jackson.
  20. Ill bet the farm that Odrick does not go in the top 15, seen plenty of sites wheres hes not in the 1st round. Drafttek is nuts with that pick.
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