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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Well, Star and Harrison Phillips are supposed to be the rotation at 1TDT. Last year, Phillips struggled initially, but after his benching (which McDermott came out and said after the season, was related to him needing more time to recover) and as he worked back into the lineup, I thought he played better. The hope is that a full off season of strength and conditioning work will help him. He posted a funny Instagram video of "his vs hers vacations" where he's seen standing at the top of an outdoor staircase doing some sort of high-rep, low-weight leg lift exercise then his girlfriend turns the camera towards herself, puts on a pair of shades, and leans back on the lounger. Getting back to your question, IMHO we should 100% try to pick up a developmental DT in the draft, not necessarily in a high round. Ed Oliver and Vernon Butler both were pressed into service to play 1TDT last season but it's neither of their best position.
  2. Preach! Kay doesn't even know the difference between Cantaloupe and Honeydew melon, and her main critique was that the cut-up stuff you buy in Bodegas is "slimy". Clearly her judgement on fruit is not to be trusted.
  3. I think it refers to needing to replace starters or guys who regularly see the field (take snaps). Means we're returning most of our starters and our primary rotational players Of course, to some since we only won 13 [Edit just for @Chandler#81: regular season] games and lost the AFCCG rather badly, it means we didn't get better. Young players on the roster never improve and we failed to dump solid but expensive players in favor of a STAR [not named Lotulelei] and a bunch of overpaid FA guys. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Bad Man. You. Are. A. 🦨 PS for those who aren't following running joke: 😂
  5. As @SDS said up-thread, if this thread couldn't stay focused narrowly on the study and what it might mean for football attendance this fall, it would be closed. Well Hey, Ya'll, Guess What. I 'bout sprained my thumb pulling out off topic posts then I gave up. It was a good experiment to see if we could discuss Covid stuff in the context of a relevant football issue without it spiraling out of control. Now we know, I guess.
  6. I think that's the actual description of the meat McKenzie is selling. What did you think the term referred to you dirty-minded rascal?
  7. I mean, you have people who are totally broken with the world, listening to voices, psychotic, who are doing the "right thing" within their world as they commit murder. The example that comes to mind would be Andrea Yates, who had postpartum psychosis when she killed her five children and is said to have believed they "weren't developing properly" and she was acting from mercy in sending them to Jesus. I have empathy for Yates even while recognizing she did a horrible thing. She had been under medical treatment, and her husband had arranged for someone to be with her - just not continually. Now medicated and "normal", she has to live in jail with the horrible, unforgivable tragic thing she did for the rest of her life. Maybe it will come out there was something similar going on here, cries for help that went unheeded or medical treatment that was unavailable/unaffordable, I don't know. Our country does NOT do a good job handling or treating mental illness. Every medical intern I knew was shell-shocked by their psychiatry clerkships. I also think cases where someone is truly mentally in a psychotic-like state where they can't see the world as the rest of us do vs where they are making conscious choices to commit evil acts, are rare. But of course we don't have the facts yet, and I respect those who make the point that there's a lot we don't know about TBE and CTE.
  8. Don't shadow-mod please. (tip: every time someone pushes a narrative about actions against them, for some reason the story is seldom straight) It's the off-season. We've got a thread right now on whether Cantaloupe is the "offensive lineman" of the fruit salad FerGoshSakes. The rest of your sentiments are too well expressed to be hidden and I avoid editing, so post stays.
  9. A point I thought we were talking about Tom Brady? That's..... disturbing
  10. Oooh. That's a tough one. I'm actually gonna go with Darnold, I think. Darnold has a great arm, it's his mental ability to read the field and react that seems to be the question. He didn't look as bad his first year, so I'm gonna go with the Gasebuster effect. Wentz last year was just a hot mess. His technique had fallen apart, and he wasn't making good decisions.
  11. LOL I'm sitting in my office, and I can see 4 different colors on the wall from here. I'd be over there with a paint tray and a roller. Excuse me. Embarrassing for New Jersey. One New York team....that has nothing particular to be embarrassed about after last season, though of course we do regret that final game. I wish him the best, except when he's playing us.
  12. So this sounds like one day, remote restaurant work could be a thing - remotely assist patrons with any order, then program the R2D2 to bring them their food
  13. Wat wrong with you? Dissing BBQ un-American! Even if it's Texas-style.
  14. I struggle with this. On the other hand, I know mental illness is real. I've experienced a traumatic brain injury and its aftermath. On the other hand, I would want to know a whole lot more about the situation before attributing a degenerative brain disease as the cause. A lot of people develop CTE and have behavioral and mental changes, without committing massacres or harm to any beyond themselves. I tend to believe there are probably other factors, be that additional mental illness, or a past history of association with violence But who knows At this point, my sympathy is with the victims
  15. I'm so glad your friend called. Also glad things are stable for you. One of my best college friends was diagnosed during college, so I got a front row seat to what happened as the yet undiagnosed, untreated disease unfolded. Good times (not)
  16. Here's your chance to get busy serving Isaiah McKenzie's meat!
  17. This is the vaccine assessment of a long term Pharma R&D scientist I respect a lot, "In the Pipeline" author Derek Lowe https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/04/07/getting-vaccinated
  18. Initially that's what was said would happen here in MO - that phases would go statewide, and later phases wouldn't open until earlier phases were jabbed across the whole state...but they walked that back. So is Canada being stiffed on deliveries, or what's up with that?
  19. The age groups being vaccinated vary state by state, but Biden is pushing to move things along quickly. The vaccine rollout you describe puzzles me because when they were developed, there was talk that Canada had ordered enough vaccine to vaccinate everyone 3 or 4x over.....did Canada just get stiffed on deliveries, or did it choose vaccine candidates that washed out/not wish to approve one that's available?
  20. LOL! Poor Sam! https://sports.theonion.com/panthers-adopt-patchy-haired-shivering-rescue-qb-who-s-1846644313?utm_campaign=TheOnion&utm_content=1617908256&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=twitter
  21. Feliciano said it was the most painful injury he'd ever had. Said it's the only pain that had him throw up from the pain.
  22. A similar story that they were able to partially verify by talking to contemporaneous source, no less. Same here, that did influence me against Watson. Especially where he contacted her again for a massage and she said "if you behave more professionally...I only do massage" then he was 🦗🦗🦗
  23. I can not disagree that the Bills offensive roster was shabby for Allen in 2018. In the Bills FO defense, I will say that with McCoy and Ivory, they felt they'd be able to run the ball, and with 2nd year 2nd round pick Zay Jones then trading for former 1st rounder Kelvin Benjamin added to Clay, I believe the Bills thought they had a respectable combination of young talent and experienced vet. The OL was a complete CF, which nixed the run game, the receivers were not who they thought they were. Which was actually kind of scary to me, because of what it implied about the talent evaluation, but I'm feeling better about it now. Anyway, fundamentally agree that Allen had it way worse and that the FO screwed the pooch with the personnel they put around him. But even then you could see the kid had something. He could be electric, and light up the team.
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