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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. So far it doesn't seem too bad to me Some people praising what he said, some saying they're disappointed and citing studies, both fair takes IMHO. Parrino's coverage is absolutely neutral on it, just what he said, for those who didn't catch it all and would like to work from what was said: https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2021/04/bills-josh-allen-debating-whether-to-get-covid-vaccine.html Couple of #######s in Parrino's twitter thread about it.
  2. I agree, he seems to do a good job both being sensitive to the experiences of his teammates (like when he said last summer that he'd never had the experience of being pulled over by police and fearing for his life and he thought that was horrible) but overall just trying to stay out of politics and social controversy. But while I think his intent was to come across as neutral, he stepped into it a bit there when he started off on the "constitutional" stuff. If he'd stopped with "no I have not, and I need to do more research on it" that woulda been better - after all, he's not even eligible to be vaccinated in Cali until 15 April, so if he said he was vaxx'd that woulda been controversial too.
  3. Where? It can't be surrounding Josh's personal account, he pretty much leaves that to his PR team as far as I can tell.
  4. There are sides. That's a fact. The problem is that there is no "neutral". Josh holding back from making a decision is a form of making a decision, thus taking a side. PSA: I don't want this to become "baby vaccine discussion thread", so thread editing will take place. Narrow focus on what Josh said will stay. Getting into personal opining or general discussion will go. In other words, you see Josh as taking a "side". I actually don't think that was his intent - I think he was trying to come across as neutral.
  5. The problem is (and this is a self-inflicted wound, due in large part to poor public health messaging), from a public health viewpoint, there is no "neutral". We can not achieve herd immunity individually. It takes all of us. Josh's decision (or yours) impacts me and mine. As a Bills fan, there's nothing I want less than to see key Bills players suffer Myles Garrett-like persistant pulmonary effects, Cam Newton like "covid fog", or Tommy Sweeney-like cardiomyopathy, so "neutral" doesn't work for me personally as a fan. Get the Jab, Josh!
  6. Just found this site which gives the exact ingredients in all 3 currently authorized covid-19 vaccines https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/HealthU/2021/01/11/a-simple-breakdown-of-the-ingredients-in-the-covid-vaccines/
  7. Psssst...what if I told you...there actually are, two of them?
  8. I follow Diggs and a lot of the Bills players on Instagram. And yes, Diggs is a fiendishly hard worker. Truthfully, Dawson Knox and some of the other Bills WR need to be watching what he does (stuff like the pass catching he did standing on a balance platform with a helper playing DB and reaching in to interfere with the catch). Catching 250 balls a day from a Juggs machine without extra difficulty like having the position of the throw change constantly, making the catch while fighting to stay balanced on an unstable platform, and having someone else reaching for the ball, is not going to make the same improvement. From a pure workout standpoint, McKenzie is another fun follow - a couple weeks ago he was doing 48" box jumps, earlier this week it was one legged box jumps holding a weight. Then there are the photos of him looking totally spent and drained while Haack was tossing footballs back into a bag, heh. Fundamentally the standard is out there, show up in the same shape and practice with the same intensity as these guys, or don't bother 'cuz you won't make the cut. Diggs trains at a place called "House of Athlete" and another place called "The Receiver Factory" whose motto is "won't get you faster, won't get you stronger, will get you open". Although I must say, hard to equal watching Emmanuel Sanders young daughter argue with him that he cries like the Lion King 😅 🥰
  9. Yes, that's correct, but the point stands that for whatever reason - despite having a killer passing attack, and despite having multiple games with minimal rushing yards, Edwards-Helaire was 44% more productive offensively (YPG). So it's worth asking why is that? I understand that's what you're saying. What I said was "Huh. I guess I'd like to hear the arguments for that. I'm not sure DC's around the league would entirely agree." In case that was insufficently clear, let me clarify: "Bilz, I understand you claim Hill is the most feared WR in the league. What are your arguments and evidence supporting that claim?" No one that I'm reading here has said "we don't need another playmaker" OR "well there was nobody to sign". What was said in the post to which you're responding is "while I'm sure the Bills would love to acquire their own Kelce or Hill I'm not sure what the strategy is towards that. Who did you want them to sign?" In case that was insufficiently clear, let me clarify: "Bilz, I understand that you feel the Bills need WR with different skill sets more than they needed the Sanders signing. Tell me, who did you want the Bills to sign?" Then I'm a little puzzled as to your point, as in numerous posts in several threads you appear to be criticizing it....or arguing that it will not materially improve the Bills offensively, which as the major FA addition of this offseason seems like a criticism from here. Stuff like: "12 personnel with Diggs and Beasley ORSanders on the field is an invitation to squat on the rest of your passing game" "Sanders is not going to add ANY of the aspects of Hill, Kelce or even Hardma" ".I likeSanders but at some pointSanders is gonna' hit the wall. 34 is old for a WR. I already think he's become less impactful than his stats indicate. It would be a shame if it happens in a year when the Bills are considered one of the conference favorites." "Sanders game is redundant. I've seen enough football to know that this is the exact thing that turns into an in-season lament." I'm not arguing for or against any of these statements, just pointing out that they seem inconsistent with "I don't mind the Sanders signing". With the Bills limited cap $$ and reluctance to shift contract dollars into the future until they have Allen's contract renegotiated, it seems if you feel Sanders is redundant, doesn't add any of the offensive aspects the Bills saw to devastating effect in the AFCCG, etc etc - that's criticizing it. Be that as it may, you must have an idea what you think the Bills should have done as a solution that would not be redundant and would add aspects. So I'm asking you what that idea or ideas are. Other than "trade for DK Metcalf" that is.
  10. On a somber note we learned 2 weeks ago the mom of one of my college friends died last week from Covid. She had been diagnosed the previous week, was staying with one of her daughters. A week into it, her vitals took a dive, they took her to the ER. On a ventilator immediately, kept deteriorating despite all treatment available. Previously healthy older woman, living in her own home, taking care of grandkids on a regular basis, driving herself. On a lighter note, here's Dolly Parton getting her vaccine. Dammit, that woman is just not fair - she's 75. SEVENTY FIVE! Look at her! And she's still got the voice! Parton, 75, documented the moment in a video posted to social media in which she encouraged eligible viewers to get the shot and broke into a modified rendition of "Jolene" to that effect: "Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, I'm begging of you please don't hesitate," she sang. "Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, 'cause once you're dead then that's a bit too late."
  11. My kid's boyfriend got his first Moderna jab today at Walgreens. Said they were very efficient, took him immediately, only wait was the 15 minute for rare side effects. Ithaca. Spouse got 2nd Pfizer jab yesterday at a Hy-Vee (supermarket) pharmacy in Kirksville MO. Again, no wait to take him, very efficient, 15 minute wait in a spatially distanced waiting room. Sore arm, no other effects so far. Neighbor jabbed at a pharmacy in Illinois 2 1/2 weeks ago, similar experience. Friend "one and done" at Health Mart pharmacy in DeSoto MO earlier this week, J&J, all good. She's kinda sarcastic but then she's always kinda sarcastic. I think the occasional pharmacy and the occasional hospital or mass clinic will have a wait or be inefficient but for the most part I've been tremendously impressed by how efficient it all is. Just a note that some people locally here have waited 3 hrs (!!!) for an inefficient mass vaccination clinic. I think the mass vaccination clinic I went to (drive thru) was about 45 minutes, but I didn't consider it an "ordeal" even though it was almost an hour overall because it was so big. It was very well organized, the National Guard troops directing traffic were all smiley and waving in the rain, they even had masked volunteers going from car to car giving out packaged snacks, bottled water, and little clip-on bottles of Purell.
  12. Just curious, what did Zierlein grade Josh Allen again?
  13. He "fell" to the Bills in the sense that the 5 teams with picks 1-6 didn't choose to draft him, including 2 teams who drafted QBs. The point is that it's possible if the Browns took Darnold, the Jets might have preferred Allen to Mayfield - we don't know how they had the QB's ranked on their board. I personally think they would have bypassed Allen for Rosen, but who knows? Simms is fully capable of being revisionist. I can't find right now but he wasn't always as "high" on Allen as he alludes he was right now.
  14. I expect that Josh Allen in person is both a pretty intelligent, and a mentally nimble guy. He has all the "canned answers" down pat - no need for "Crash Davis" to have him work on his platitudes - but he also has that "nimble" in interviews that I don't think you can entirely prep for. That Giants interview where he told the reporters "I am in New York!" and "One NY Team!" (with a wink) still slays me.
  15. Saleh said he has "unreal arm talent". I dunno about Darnold's ceiling. It seems a valid point that he hasn't had several things that help a young QB develop, including consistency in offensive coordinator and scheme. I also think it's a point that Darnold may have felt a bit like he "arrived", drafted #3 overall into NYC vs. Josh Allen who had the "joke of a 1st round pick" and "replacement level QB" stuff driving him like a whip. Wentz traded despite being the 2016 #2 pick and having his team win the SB and go to the playoffs 3x while he was there, Goff traded despite having a SB appearance and 2 playoff appearances/winning record every year he started, 49ers trading up to #3 (and I don't think it's to draft a CB) despite having Garappolo who took them to a SB under contract. Meanwhile, Trubisky, the #2 pick in 2017, just signed with the Bills as their backup QB. The tea leaves seem pretty clear now that "Not For Long" has now extended to top-pick QBs if their team loses confidence they can get the job done. So we'll see after this offseason if Darnold took any of these lessons to heart and decides to put his all into turning it around. If there wasn't intent to play Josh year 1, then WTF were the Bills playing at to go into the 2018 season with Nate Peterman starting at QB, and even pre-season with a choice between career backup AJ McCarron and Nathan Peterman? Derek Anderson wasn't the "designated starter" going into the season, he wasn't even signed until October 7, 2018. As for the OL, Brandon Beane publicly admitted that he was limited by cap but could have done more, and should have done more to improve it.
  16. The OP was 100% snarky towards you, and generated some mild but amusing snark clapback. You are generally well liked here and the service you provide is highly valued by many. Deal.
  17. Now whether he was used more to the point of gaining 44% more YPG than Singletary because he could "take it" where Singletary can't, or because he was seen as able to be effective in more games against a wider range of OLs, or because other aspects of the Chiefs offensive game made him more effective - can't tell you. But most people would look at that and say he was a more productive offensive player for the Chiefs than Singletary was for the Bills last year The Chiefs were also 11th in the league for YPA vs 19th for the Bills, 16th in rushing yards vs 20th for the Bills (the Bills got 428 yds rushing from Allen vs 308 from Mahomes, so that difference might be bigger with QB rushing yards subtracted), 403 rush attempts vs 411 attempts for the Bills. Most people would argue that a difference of 8 or even 4 slots in rank is significant - in fact I could be mistaken, but I think elsewhere I saw you argue that a relatively small difference in rank was significant? I think these point to rushing being a more effective aspect of the Chiefs game - not all the time, the Chiefs like the Bills had 7 games with two-digit rushing yards - but when they needed it to be. The use of Hill in the screen and the reverse/jet sweep plays which some regard as an extension of the run game is, of course also a factor - he is a threat to take those to the house in a way most players are not. But overall.... Huh. I guess I'd like to hear the arguments for that. I'm not sure DC's around the league would entirely agree. If your point is that Kelce >>> any TE on the Bills roster and Hill more of a deep and/or homerun threat than anyone on the Bills roster, well yes, sure, but while I'm sure the Bills would love to acquire their own Kelce or Hill I'm not sure what the strategy is towards that. Who did you want them to sign?
  18. Hi Scott. I just logged out, cleared my browser cache, used a browser with no blockers of any kind. I see a few non-intrusive top-and-bottom ads on the News page, mostly Bills gear (although the ad for the coffin was slightly disconcerting). When I clicked on "The Stadium Wall", I saw a single ad ("interstitial ad") I had to close either clicking on the "x" or the "close" button. The first ad was NBD. The second (when I repeated the experiment) was a bit concerning to me - it was something about downloading some form of computer software to fix some non-existent problem on my computer, and reminded me of the sort of virus-invitation advertisements I get when I stream games. So that particular ad would have been off-putting to me. It behaved properly and closed when I clicked on the "x" though. It was the particular thing being advertised (some sort of video drivers, click here to download) that made me feel I should reach for the virtual Linux box, but that was only one of several different ads, and it was only because offering to fix your computer problems via a download is a known "virus invitation". It was only one ad and when I closed the window then re-opened and re-logged in, it didn't show again until I cleared the cache or used a private browsing window. I've said to you before but I'll say it again, I would be more than happy to pay for a subscription in lieu of viewing advertisements.
  19. Dammmit Jaur now I gotta clean my second cup of coffee off of my keyboard. We gotta put a NSFW (but funny) on you!
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