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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Regardless. I'm happy that we should see a new gm and coach. And also it looks like the bills are considering top notch top priced talent. Gives me a lot of hope. So much I have decided to attend the next home game. I was planning on eating that ticket
  2. if Brandon is going to run things that dont influence what happens on the field (outside of cheerleaders, mascots, pyrotechnics, etc...) Im fine. If he is going to continue to make personnel decisions and meddle, I want him out of here.
  3. i agree with the OP. Brandon needs power and authority taken away. IMO he is a large part of our problems. He has the GM tag and he is the least accountable and the team is in flames and we are talking about promoting the guy. He has been involved with the team throughout the decade of fail. He has also had a big say in personnel decisions longer than we know. He should stick to marketing.
  4. If Jim Kelly is correct. I feel better. That means he does have the confidence of Wilson and visa-versa. That means there may be some real evidence he can facilitate something getting done to keep the Bills in Buffalo. Also, if all this is true and the house is gonna get cleaned... Ill admit I was wrong about Ralph Wilson. I also pledge to renew my season tickets
  5. Hmmmm... Brandon is talking Ralph Wilson into demoting him
  6. The Front Office is the important thing
  7. need to just promote April or one of the other stiffs. The important thing is Napalming the front office ASAP so we can get someone in capable of choosing a head coach.
  8. i dont go to games up there. The Ralph is where the Bills play
  9. hey, Russ wanted to be GM. Now hopefully he finds out what it means. I really hope they dont stop at Modrak, Guy, and Jauron. I believe Brandon is at the epicenter and has been for longer than we know.
  10. i cant tell if this is an argument for or against Hamdan
  11. you can just see most of the bottom dwellers improve, while Buffalo is getting worse.
  12. since the Cleveland game I have been almost completely disinterested. You are right. The Bills score, I feel nothing. Tennessee scores, oh well. They need to napalm the front office for me to care again, and Russ Brandon cant be anywhere near te football department. The fact that he is our "acting GM" is the biggest joke in history, played on us the fans.
  13. this team is just no fun. there is nothing to talk about until the season is over.
  14. the Sabres are a much better franchise. The game will be meaningful while the Bills game will likely not be meaningful (for the Bills) however the Bills game day is more of an event with the entire tailgate which should be taken into account. So if you have 1 shot, maybe the Bills game is the better 'event'
  15. The Bills dont need projects. The Bills need stud players who can perform ASAP in roles they need. *Caugh Orakpo and Oher*
  16. Vick sucks. He has lost it. He is worthless to a struggling Eagles team. He will be even more worthless to Buffalo Please Bills front office, I know you are stupid, but dont get fooled into this.
  17. Dungy, Vick's "Mentor" came out and said this about popular teams who suck and their fans are looking for any light. It created a lot of buzz. Vick comes out the next day and says he isnt happy on the Eagles. Is this all a plan to manufacture interest in Vick for a big contract? Are they taking the Bills front office as suckers?
  18. being lost in the morality argument is the argument of whether this is the move the Bills need to be a contender.
  19. this is the best case scenario and probably the most likely way for me to keep my season tickets. Signing Vick in no way proves the Bills want to win. In fact, it proves that isnt anywhere near their priority
  20. The problem is it isnt going to be Dungy + Vick. If they sign Vick I have a feeling it will be another ticket selling band aid to buy time and sell tickets before Ralph passes. We need to hear rumors that person X may be pursued by Buffalo to be the GM. We need someone near the top who is capable of determining whether or not Michael Vick is still capable enough, if he is a good fit for the bills, etc.... we dont have that. We have 10 years of terrible decisions. This would be another on IMO.
  21. I hate what Vick did and cant cheer for him. However, I would be more irate because of the Bills FO. It would be so obvious that this is a move by Russ Brandon to falsely spur ticket sales again one season, without the Bills committing too much green in the way of a leaner meaner front office or a head coach. They wouldnt have to pay for a 1st round QB either. Im not going to fall for it again. If they sign Vick and do not do anything else significant, I think it is very obvious they plan on milking everyone in Buffalo until the lease is up or Ralph dies.... when it is time to bolt for Toronto.
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