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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. Im a season ticket holder now and likely will next season. Vick comes to Buffalo as a Bill and I am done. The 5 others I have tickets with also will be done.
  2. not too impressed with Notre Dame or Clausen. soft schedule with many home games, I think Edwards played a tougher schedule
  3. the only thing that could save nfl football in Jax is 2 scenarios: 1. Draft Tebow and find decent success w/Tebow as the starter. or 2. Within a year or 2, a dynasty starts I agree about the Toronto thing. If you could somehow guarantee the Bills' longevity in Buffalo and Toronto was guaranteed a game every season, I would be cool with that.
  4. some great lines this past week. I made a killing on the 1PM games. Lost it on the 4PM and the Sunday nighter though.
  5. same thing last season too. off the top of my head, the Jets fumble, and the Cleveland Monday nighter. And probably every other 9-7 season. they could have also stolen the SF game and the Miami game in Toronto. but they always remain mediocre
  6. I dont like the conservative approach at the end either. 1st and goal inside the 5. Put your foot on their throat and score a touchdown.
  7. recently i have come out of denial and come to terms with who Ralph Wilson really is and what his intentions are and always have been. Gotta agree 100% with everything JohnC says. his goal isnt to do the right thing for the people of WNY... the people who gave him everything he demanded each time he held the community and tax payers for ransom. His intent is to max out the payout for his heirs. There is no backroom deals going on to ensure the franchise stays. I give the team a 10% chance of being in Buffalo 5 years from now. The only way is is Ralph keeps on living and will not sell the team due to tax reasons. And then once he dies it is in an NFL landscape different than now. And Jacobs, Rich Jr, Golisano are interested and dont have to competitively bid for the franchise.
  8. he should wear headphones in a broadcasting booth
  9. if I was Ralph's age, I would think about my mark on the world, which honestly is: The Buffalo Bills. The stadium is named after him, the field house is named after him, the team and the facility was created with his vision. It is highly visible throughout the country, world, and is a huge part of life in Western New York. A Man's mark is also his family. Any way you slice it, Ralph's passing will ensure they all have more money than they could ever possibly spend. Any way it shakes out, his family legacy would be the same. It makes me dizzy to think about how Ralph would be so cavalier with the future of the team in Buffalo. His team could live on forever, along with his name on the stadium, a street would likely be named after him, a statue outside the stadium, etc.... Everyone in Buffalo would remember Ralph very fondly if he locked them into WNY. He would be a hero. its strange that he would simply max out/cash out and allow his team and all around it to go 'poof'. I would think his heirs would be fine if they received a little less money if the man who built it wanted his legacy to remain in this world.
  10. he is sort of correct. But coming out with this makes him look like a class A Chump. They lost to the Bills, at home, in a huge game for the Jets. They did the same against Miami, then took some cheap shots through the media. This culture of spouting off all sorts of BS that Rex Ryan has installed in New York isnt going to last long. This isnt how a mindset of a winner works. Rex Ryan's welcome in New York will be short lived, and especially so, when they have zero depth due to the lack of draft picks.
  11. fitz hasnt been great, but he has shown me enough where Im comfortable with Edwards never playing a down again for the Bills
  12. this is the worst football game I have seen, since last week's game
  13. what? They are trying to get more yards????!!!!! why not try for the 47 yarder? they are already in range for that/
  14. why the hell did we lay up for the long FG against the wind? With plenty of time for more plays.
  15. I misworded it. I meant to specify gate receipts/tickets sold (to ordinary Joes)
  16. the NFL is a lot different than the NHL. The NFL has outgrown the need for 'fan interest'.
  17. if the players hate it so much, and support Jauron, why dont one of them (or a collection) throw in to put this bulletin board out of business. Or better yet, dont play like a bunch of pansies who have quit on their coaching staff.
  18. MY discovery of the awesomeness of NCAA Football has seriously deflated my interest in the NFL. If the Bills move I will have no problem turning the channel on the NFL forever.
  19. i agree. that is an insult to Millen
  20. its funny how a vast majority of Bills fans scream for decisions to be made FAR before the Bills are FORCED into making those decisions already too late. We have an amateur front office and an amateur coaching staff
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