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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. you can pretty much start throwing dirt on the coffin of this season. For one, we are considering the possibility of this miserable group of failures to pull off 5 straight games. They still suck. If they did that, which they wont, they would need so much chaos in the schedule to occur to EVERY team in front of them, like 6 teams... things would have to work out perfectly, which they will not. We need to continue our desire for a complete blow up of the "organization"
  2. No. If Fewell stays, it means Russ Brandon will continue to be our acting GM. The same fundamental problem we have had for 10 years will be alive and well.... it all starts and ends with the Front Office. A GM needs to be brought in. A good GM. If they think Fewell is the best guy for their team and system, that is fine..... but IMO it would be very unlikely.
  3. yeah. tame for the most part... but for the circumstances, a VERY good turnout and people were making noise, etc. Its really not the same when your team is out of it in week 12.
  4. I would be overjoyed if this happens in any way. The bruins fans hate jacobs because he wouldn't spend 80 million lkike the rangers and red wings while 12k people were attending. He has done fine with a salary cap in place. They are right up against it.
  5. definitely NOT the worst thing in the world. I would be pleased as a matter of fact. Who is running the on field product is much more important that the head coach at this point.
  6. I would be happy if they took Bradford with their top pick... Im an OU fan though so I am biased
  7. im not so sure all those jobs you listed will be open. The Chargers and Cowboys are both making the playoffs. Chicago and Carolina both have a chance as well. Zorn is out probably.... Is Mangini definitely out?
  8. i dont know who to get. It seems like nobody really stands out over the rest which makes me skeptical. Maybe one of these guys is showing something that will succeed in the right system with the right coaching staff with a supporting cast. Right now we dont have any of those things. I do not trust Modrak, Guy, and Brandon to make this decision, so things as they are, I would rather use the first 2 rounds on lineman and/or linebackers. one of these guys should be available after round 2
  9. the thing that worries me about Tebow is the fact that he wont be able to allow himself the beating he takes in NCAA. Laying his body out there so frquently would allow these monster defensive players to really lay a hurting on him.
  10. I think if Brandon has a good read on Shanahan and does not think he will accept an offer...... They need to act quickly and get a GM in place now, and allow that person to select the culture of the team and find a head coach. After Shanahan, all the GM/HC hybrids are gone. It is important the GM calls the shots with the HC.
  11. im glad that we are seeing the start of a new era of Bills football, and that Ralph Wilson is apparently looking to open up his wallet to make winning happen.
  12. I am usually a fan of tradition and everything but... I am (and have been) sick of Thanksgiving Day games in these locations. The teams are normally dull, the games take place in soul-less stadiums. It would be awesome to have the opportuniyt to host a Thanksgiving 12:30 home game in Buffalo... they are probably the most watched games save for the Super Bowl. If they had them elsewhere they could have better match ups, and better crowd atmosphere. they threw in the late game... but it doesnt count. nobody watches it and not everyone has NFL Network anyways. Maybe I would be satisfied if they made the night game one of the early games and sent either the Detroit or Dallas games to primetime every year.
  13. what GMs are basing their QB and personnel decisions in any way on what Jim Kelly says in an interview?
  14. when you are a fan and shift your vocal concentration against your own team, you say you are sick of this crap and big changes need to be made. whether its a qb change, coaching change, oc change, front office shakeup, etc. I booed almost non-stop during the Cleveland game hoping our voices would be projected to wherever Ralph was sitting. he finally heard it.... and was probably aided by a few middle fingers and the media pissing all over the Bills. Other factors are an embarrasing billboard, former player complaints, a postponement of a hall of fame ceremony, and a publicized 3% coaches approval rating. I heard COwherd the other day saying Titans fans hoped Young did well so some suckers like the Bills or Al Davis would bite and trade for him. The team has hit rock bottom (other than relocation). They have reached the bottom of the NFL are considered a joke. It seems like Ralph finally understands this and feels like he needs to lift the franchise up, even if it costrs some bucks. In essense the signing of TO was very important for the Bills for us fans. It has brought more attention the Bills way and everyone nationally has discovered what a trainwreck the Bills have become. So all the goals listed in booing have been met, or are in the process of being met. Ralph Wilson seems to feel the same way now which takes away the point of booing. I dont have much of an urge to boo Sunday
  15. or you forgot: leaks are designed to give the fans the impression that the Bills are doing all they can, but guys just dont want to come here.... so brandon will continue as the gm with the hc from the alouettes or haslett or someone else desperate for an nfl job.
  16. i have been very critical of our owner. I am waiting and watching... surprised at the developments I am hearing.
  17. get NCAA Football 2010. It is awesome. also download Peggle and Geometry Wars Retro Evolved from XBox Live
  18. that is why these guys deserve the money they get
  19. you got that right. He makes Sirius NFL radio unlistenable. He is so terrible. He tries to talk like Chris Berman, but its out of control. He just grunts out words in the middle of his sentences randomly.
  20. i rewound it a few times. I thought for sure it HAD to be Marino.
  21. you forgot to mention he had the expression on his face similar to him smelling the worst fart ever as he said it luckily, sharpe, who spoke to shanahan and has real information, said that Shanahan will interview this week
  22. Regardless. I'm happy that we should see a new gm and coach. And also it looks like the bills are considering top notch top priced talent. Gives me a lot of hope. So much I have decided to attend the next home game. I was planning on eating that ticket
  23. if Brandon is going to run things that dont influence what happens on the field (outside of cheerleaders, mascots, pyrotechnics, etc...) Im fine. If he is going to continue to make personnel decisions and meddle, I want him out of here.
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