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Everything posted by GaryPinC

  1. The evidence is there. Contact tracing will reveal it, I don't know how much has been published but it will. I can trust the authorities on that one. How significant a factor is it? Well, that's a different discussion and less certain. Doesn't mean your WHO researcher's was a solid enough study though. Having a brother who recovered from Covid and a daughter twice directly exposed here in Ohio, here's the rules the Ohio department of health and county departments of health told us: - If you exhibit symptoms you were contagious up to 2 days before they began. - Once your major symptoms (fever, cough) have cleared up you are considered non-contagious after 48 hours. The other county DOH mandates only 24 hours. Even if you are having minor symptoms or still not 100%, you no longer need to quarantine. Masks are going to slow down or stop the projection and dispersion of your breath moisture. And also keep that moisture close to you. Coupled with social distancing that should be beneficial to slow down or stop the spread of a respiratory bacteria or virus. They primarily protect others from you, not the opposite. Same reasons surgeons wear them.
  2. That's "may have been infected" not "has been infected". It's all estimates. The studies I've seen try assess asymptomatics are from the spring and the ones that actually bothered to follow through had around 80% of the asymptomatics become symptomatic within 7-10 days. Which means they most likely wouldn't have escaped testing. The best way to figure it out will be antibody testing and that'll be awhile. They way the WHO has botched this thing (they're just now admitting lockdowns isn't the best way to handle this anymore), I hope you'll forgive me if I disregard their "estimates".
  3. Is there any hard evidence to back up the untested, asymptomatic numbers other than estimates? If not, it's really not proper to throw those in. At this point it's easily overblown. Rudy's correct about that. Just not as correct as the right wingers imagine.
  4. I'm not sure what your first language is but regret to inform you your English knowledge needs some work. Meanwhile, could you explain how Kelly is preventing Josh from being himself? Especially as Allen has sought out Kelly for advice in the past.
  5. Why, yes! Other than the intermittent smell of cordite I'd wager the two groups indistinguishable to even the ardent observer.
  6. Ah, regurgitation of the tree huggers. Can we sue them for false advertising because no one's getting naked therefore it's not "bathing"? Love how they cry about Covid then pat themselves on the back because it only took them till July to figure out it was actually an advantage for them.
  7. Marv was also brought back because Ralph knew him. If there's any problem with "looking back" it was with our owner's reticence to bring in a front office with someone new, as in Marv and Buddy Nix. Later with Russ running the show it was just bridled incompetence. I have no problem with keeping in touch with our most successful alumnus. Sustaining success teaches its own lessons and that is best handed down on a player to player level rather than a coach preaching it. Plus it gives the new guys an appreciation of the franchise and what it means to play for us. Absolutely it's a problem if the alumnus feel too entitled to meddle with the current players but is that what happens? The only concern I have at times is Kelly opinionating on the QB, but he says nothing negative while they're here fighting for the job. But otherwise it seems like there's a good balance of occasional interactions. Bruce Smith spent Myles Garrett's rookie training camp there tutoring him, because he liked Garrett's abilities and felt he could help him. Browns didn't think twice about making that happen but people are saying we shouldn't do that here if Bruce was interested?
  8. Cars you are trying to pass will almost always speed up to race you but won't go above 80.
  9. They definitely do. Caught any steelhead in the rivers? Different fight than cats, but very exhilarating also. Fish them on the bottom mostly, one of the things I love the most is when they're in 1-3 foot of water and you set the hook they immediately roil the water because they're so pissed off at the indignity, then it's on!
  10. I enjoy fishing as the time allows, learned from my dad but about 10 years ago my brothers and I realized he really did not teach us much in terms of understanding how to fish effectively. The best thing you can do for yourself is find a good bait/tackle shop around the area you're going to fish, frequent it and talk to them about what's the hot catch and how to get in on it. I'm learning a lot when I follow all their advice and give it a go. I'll come in thinking to fish a lower river with spoons and they'll say best bet is leaches on a harbor breakwall. They'll answer all my questions as they love talking anything fishing, especially knowing I'm spending my money there. I typically fly fish but broke out the spinning gear on their advice and it's well worth the effort in terms of education and success. Tune in to your area. I'm in Cleveland and the river fishing on the east side of town is a sublime amazing. Steelhead, smallmouth to be sure but musky and Northerns in certain rivers which I had no idea about until I tuned in. Always Lake Erie also, but tuning in to the people who know is a must, especially when conditions are difficult.
  11. Josh should have thrown it earlier. When Diggs made his post move he was wide open before the safety came over on the deep throw.
  12. 1. They found a real head coach 2. O-line has been surprisingly strong. They miss Schobert at LB and that group is weak, secondary a bit weak also but given new coach and short off-season they could make the playoffs but tough given the Ravens and Steelers. Arguably the best division in the AFC.
  13. Before blaming Frazier, our D has to get on the same page. They just aren't playing as a cohesive unit. D-line is terrible at times, running into each other trying to get upfield, Edmunds out of position or over pursuing to cover openings, breakdowns in coverage. All fixable I think, and they did look better at times in the second half. WRT Allen's sack, he threw some balls away today and will learn from that sack. You could see it in his face and his development is finally at a point where coaches can focus him on fixing it.
  14. 1&2. The point is not to simply absorb all your breath. The point is to squash the plume of breath that emanates out from your mouth also blocking the virus laden moisture. Certainly it leaks around and diffuses through but remains close to you instead of projecting out. Hence part of the need for distancing. It's really simple, but you insist on trying to make it impossible to justify your ill-founded views. Again, it's the same reason surgeons wear masks for invasive procedures. 2.+ People can be asymptomatic carriers and non-contagious. That's what they don't like to tell you because of people like you who don't want to be bothered with simple protection procedures . Ohio Department of Health considers someone contagious 48 hours before symptoms begin but the rule is to quarantine 14 days as symptoms can take that long to appear. Do the math. 3. I work out at my own gym mask free. They're not going to tell me about infections unless it becomes a super spreader location. My brother has Covid. He caught it from his girlfriend who caught it from her mom who caught it from her friend who stopped by for a few minutes to drop something off. Trail of contact and positive tests. Not difficult at all, most times, so you're dead wrong about that. 4. My schools are open and the teachers I talked to greatly prefer classroom to online. Kids are playing sports and masks, distancing and hand sanitizer are working nicely since the first of September. We've had two separate cases in different buildings but thanks to the protections and efforts they haven't spread. Almost a miracle given how school is always a breeding ground for germs. Masks, distancing, and sanitizer work. Not foolproof, but they simply work.
  15. 1. Because it's not just sneezing. Anything emanating with breathing also. You do realize every breath you take has water vapor from your lungs? 2. See #1. If you can't understand why space between people is necessary I doubt even the best explanation matters to your ignorance. 3. You take your own risks at the gym, and that's fine. How do you know there's zero cases? You think the gym owner is going to tell you? 4. Schools advocated hand sanitizing before Covid. I am a scientist, stop your stupid histrionics. I have 4 kids in school, masks and spaced desks. Big deal. Still better than being stuck at home. Kids mostly handle it fine. Would they be better without the virus? Certainly. But just as certainly better than listening to self-centered ignorants like you advocate for no precautions. Let's also pray for Trump. His obesity and I'm willing to bet hypertension (my opinion) make him a huge risk factor. I highly doubt he transfers to Walter Reed and gets monoclonal antibody treatment unless things are more significant than they're letting on. He's normally too stubborn and this looks bad for his Mr. Impervious image. Luckily there's still hordes of classless aholes like yourself to counter Biden's noble effort to be apolitical.
  16. Ooh, the idiot game. How fun. Hundreds of millions of Americans understand: 1. It's the water vapor size the particles are attached to not the particle size that make masks effective. 2. It's the entire point of hand sanitizer. Non-contact distancing also. 3. It's the same reasons surgeons wear masks for all invasive procedures 4. Masks protect those around you, not yourself unless specifically designed. 5. The US has a significant amount of non-compliance to masking rules, any US data conclusions about mask effectiveness, infection rate, etc. must address this and none to my knowledge do. 6. The minority that don't understand 1-5 are truly idiots. And finally: My daughter's high school has about 1,200 students, most (not sure how many) are doing in-person including mine. If two students/staff concurrently are symptomatic and test positive for Covid, school shuts down and goes virtual. On 9/22 one student was symptomatic and subsequently kept home. They were confirmed Covid positive this past Tuesday (9/29), 158 students who are classmates(including my daughter) and seven teachers were sent home to quarantine through 10/6. At this point there are no other cases, also my daughter is completely fine with zero symptoms for 9 days now. As a parent who experiences every year the massive breeding ground schools are for any viral or bacterial infections, the fact that a highly contagious airborne virus in an indoor environment can be so limited due to masks, distancing, and sanitizer truly highlights why these measures are taken.
  17. I hear you and it's an important factor but respectfully disagree. He's laying beautiful passes into everyone this season. Our receivers are much better at their jobs but so is Josh.
  18. I'd say yes. Personally I think Baltimore geared it's O around Lamar's strengths and are slowly expanding his capabilities to pass and see the field. Allen I think last year they spent more time developing his field vision and touch for the short and medium throws. I think the reason his long ball suffered is because they didn't really work on it. Anyways, I think last year we put more emphasis on diversifying Allen's quarterbacking skills then Baltimore did and now he's a bit ahead of Jackson.
  19. I had Baker as my #1, Darnold, Lamar Jackson, Allen, and Rosen last. I really didn't want Allen because he made some pretty terrible decisions at Wyoming but happily I was wrong. I changed my opinion quickly after the draft with his wonderlic score and discussion to the lengths of our due diligence. Jackson was a huge dark horse prospect because, like Allen, he was very underdeveloped. But at Louisville you could see his strong decision making on the field. I wonder if Jackson's critics ever consider that like Allen, he is still developing to the NFL? Regardless, it shows how important the mental side of the QB is. Both in motivation and decision-making.
  20. I think you have Edmunds spy him. And get D pressure on him. Cam still makes a lot of dumb decisions with the passing game and can be wildly inaccurate at times. If our D-line can put some pressure on him and Edmunds close him down quickly, I think they're beatable. Still their division to lose. They've more than earned that respect. I think it was Collinsworth who had an interesting point about containing Russel Wilson. He noted late in the game that NE started blitzing safeties and DB's and that Wilson can't escape guys that are as athletic as him (as opposed to D-line and LB's). Hopefully a blueprint for us Think about what we did to Lamar Jackson last year. 40 yds rushing and 145 yds passing. You can really see the value McD was going for with Edmunds and Milano. Hope they're back soon.
  21. First, this is about the virus and how it was handled, not about Trump in general. Second, most Americans are aware the MSM enjoys spreading filth about Trump, turning around and spreading right wing filth blindly deifying Trump does not make it ok or make you any more discerning. Third, despite all the bluster on this board there are no significant prosecutions in this supposed coup, just a lot of empty words and promises "Durham, Labor Day". Lastly for now, anyone such as yourself, who seems to seriously believe China planned to unleash Covid 19 upon the world in their own country, to the detriment of their own country, their own country's reputation, and the world economy in which they flourish, should not lecture anyone about their comprehension of a situation. That is as twisted and nonsensical a take on a situation as exists in this world.
  22. I'm not a leadership expert, but if you accept that Trump knew the virus was going to be bad in late February what could he have done differently? Plenty. Absolutely he did great cutting flights from China and Europe. Plenty of stupid people criticized him at the time and now those same people are crying he should have done it earlier. Whatever, he deserves full marks for stepping up here. What could he have done differently? One easy catch-all answer: SET A BETTER TONE FROM THE TOP. Try to avoid panic? Yep, good job and understandable. Get the nation at large to take the pandemic seriously? Total fail. Wear a mask. There's unrefutable reasons surgeons wear masks. Those apply here. Most importantly, masks protect others and instead of us pulling together as a society for something so simple, it got politicized and pulled us apart. What role did Trump play in this? Yuuuge. Get the message out alongside democrats that this virus is real and to set politics aside, be a good American and pull together for each other despite personal opinions. Force businesses to implement distancing measures before the shutdown, especially senior care facilities. Very few were willing to do it unless forced. Instead, we had to shut them all down. Getting the economy going? No one discusses this much, but even with businesses open, there's a large percent of the population that won't take a chance going to them because of all the people that don't take Covid seriously. This post's long enough, there's much more but Trump's tactic of being optimistic while refusing to advocate a cautious, nonpolitical tone has made this entire bad situation worse, medically, socially, and economically.
  23. Very true, one can point to all the excuses you want but let's be real. Quarterback is the most difficult and coveted position in the league. You look at guys like Peterman, Cardale Jones, EJ being able to stick around. AZ turned around and drafted another QB to dump Rosen instead of trading down for a wealth of draft picks. Here's Flores' quote "Miami head coach Brian Flores called Rosen "immensely talented" and praised his work ethic, but noted that not every trade or draft pick pans out as expected." My translation:. Rosen can't handle the mental component of NFL QB. By a lot. I respect Flores as a coach and I find it difficult to believe Rosen gets dumped twice if either franchise felt there was anything worth developing in him.
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