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Never NEVER Give-up

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Everything posted by Never NEVER Give-up

  1. I agree with Hondo. The Bills' lines have hurt their rushing performances - for both Lynch & Freddy. The problem with Lynch is he only takes football seriously on the field - he doesn't feel the need to act a certain way (maturity) off of it. Freddy has proven more effective, both running/receiving. As the Bills' line improves - I DO expect them to be quite a bit better this year (health permitting) - watch Freddy & Spiller have minor & major breakout years, respectively. Everyone will wonder where that's been (it's been hidden behind poor lines). Looking at the list - I would have put Freddy in group C - I would take him over any one of those other guys. The only demerit on him is his age, but lite treadwear somewhat counter-balances that. Spiller barely played and didn't play all that well when he did. I wouldn't have ranked him, I'd have given him an incomplete. I AM really looking forward to see if he can breakout this year. As Marv always used to say, therookies to watch are last year's rookies. (Troupe on Def too!)
  2. Everyone agrees (us & the veteran players) that it's great that the rookies are here, but George Wilson (wisely & thoughtfully) will not let them participate in all the workouts - like agility drills for fear of injury. It would eat into any bonus they could get and could be a cause for getting cut. The cost of injuries are the responsibility of the players/rookies. They DO need to be careful. Damn lockout!!
  3. Chan has said he will use David Nelson as a tight-end in some situations because he is a little bigger that the other wide-outs (though not for blocking - just to have another receiver on the field who can create a defensive mis-match). Also they are very high on the guy (is Chandler his name?) they picked up on waivers from Dallas late last year. He is huge (good blocker) and has a good set of hands supposedly . . . this is why they didn't draft a TE in April. They are really high on him. Shawn Nelson - this will be his year to take a big step forward. He could be great. He could be a bust. I hope for the former. He needs to stay healthty to establish any consistency. I love Stupar - good hands & really gritty, but a little small (hurts his ability to block) and not as fast as you'd like to see. Hasn't shown a great ability to get open. But he catches whatever is thrown to him.
  4. Green Lightning NAILED it. 'nuff said. All QB's are average in the face of pressure and when Buddy/Chan see a better QB available to the Bills - they'll go get him. By the way, one WASN'T available to us in the 2011 Draft a few weeks ago - that's why one wasn't drafted.
  5. I wasn't able to listen in. I hope you can provide some info from the interview.
  6. His risk taking works very well against the lesser teams - it intimidates them. The key is how you respond - ya gotta go for the win, you can't play not to lose as many do. Hopefully, as the Bills improve, so will some of the risk taking. They really aren't that big of a risk if you have skilled personnel carrying out the assignments.
  7. Sold on Newton - I hope not!! Decide for yourself . . . go to espn.com; search Gruden on Newton. Gruden does this with all the major QBs - do it for Gabbert, Ponder etc. When Gruden asked Newton to give an example of "the verbiage at Auburn", to give his favorite play call, all Newton could do/say was sigh/exhale and say "Boy, you really put me on the spot", umm "36". That's it!!! 36!!! SERIOUSLY. It took him over a minute to come up with that. Talk about uncomfortable pauses!!! Taking him as our QB would be like you or me taking over as QB and saying this in the huddle, "Stevie, run a slant towards our bench: Lee, run a post; Roscoe do a 10-yard out and Stuppar, stay in and block" There are calls for all these routes - abbreviations for the jobs to be carried out on every play - He either lacks the intellect to do the QB job, or he doesn't care enough to get proficient at it - this should be enough to disqualify him for any of our picks - I'd accept him as an undrafted FA - but that's it!!. Gruden gave great examples of some of his offense's play calls and was talking about how confusing and complicated they have become - that's when he asked for a sample of the Auburn verbiage. "36"!!! Yikes!! Maybe the guy is a great athlete, but unless we're taking Fitz's brain and putting it into Newtons head - we need to SAY we're gonna draft him and promptly draft someone/anyone else when our pick comes up at 3. The future will tell us for sure - but we need a LOCK at 3. Mayock also wondered how much he yearns to be great - Can you say "Offensive Tackle Mike Williams". Maybe one of the nicest guys the Bills ever drafted - but he's no Football Player!! We need to be sure the guy we draft says "Football is my life" - Miller or Dareus will be fine - One of them should be available. Final word - Stay away from Newton, very far away!!
  8. Mike Mayock, NFL Network Draft Expert said Bowers is the best pure pass rusher to come out since Bruce Smith. I have never seen him play - I'm just passing along whatI heard.
  9. There will always be smaller market teams. Get rid of the Bills & Bengals, then there will be 2 other teams at the bottom. When would it end? It wouldn't. The league has prospered since the mid-sixties because of the all-for-one mentality. THAT needs to continue. There will always be issues because the richest teams want more for themselves and the small market teams don't want to be forgotten and need to be able to compete financially. They have to be able to agree amongst themselves before they consider the players. This may be the biggest hurdle if the original poster is correct. I wish I had answers, heck, I wish I had suggestions!! Ralph & Mike (Brown) are the sanest ones in the room - but no one listens to them because they represent the small market teams. They were right about the last CBA and were derided when they stood alone. Then when they all voided the CBA, there was no mention about Ralph & Mike being right all along. The League could do worse than to listen to these 2 - especially Ralph - who has been there for all of this - hopefully he has shared his vision with his lieutenants who can speak for him as he's not as young as he used to be. Here's hoping training camp opens in July as usual and the season starts the week after Labor Day!!!
  10. The joke is the thrill ride will be more exciting than the Bills - so keep the ride in the stadium & let the Bills play in the parking lot. Carolina or Cincy & maybe Detroit would be just as solid as the punchline team. Point to correct - Jacksonville is the only NFL team that was & has been allowed to cover some seats with a tarp to reduce the home stadium capacity. Buffalo has never done this. Due to construction of luxury seating, the Bills stadium has seen it's capacity reduced from 80,020 to its current level of 76-78,000 (not sure of the actual current capacity). They have never been allowed to just reduce the capacity to eliminate blackouts. Fortunately, there have been many local benefactors who have generously bought up remaining tickets for games so the blackout could be lifted - but the stadium capacity number was never lowered to eliminate the blackout. We had 1-2 blackouts this year & had 1-2 other games where someone bought-out the remaining seats so the blackout could be lifted.
  11. Why are most of DiCesare's question rhetorical? Is he in Florida for the winter? Why not ask someone at OBD or at the Senior Bowl those questions - they ARE valid, but to ask rhetorically and answer them yourself based on how you feel about the team is a joke. His answers were negative based on guesses and supposition - the article was a joke!! He should have kept those questions in a notebook somewhere and when he was able to ask a person-in-the-know, do it and THEN write the story.!! The bflo News is a rag - but the only one we have. (I wish the Courier Express was the one that succeeded.)
  12. By rule, Cleveland (with Jauron as DC) should be forced to trade their 1st or 2nd round pick for Maybin!!!! Jauron picked him - he should be forced to live with him!!
  13. IF they do wipe out the season & play no football games, then will we draft 3rd again - 2 Aprils in a row???
  14. The Bills have the indoor facility, a grass practice field and the stadium's synthetic surface to practice on. Their facilities were considered state of the art when the indoor facility was built. I am not sure if that is still the assessment.
  15. I was cheering and screaming my heart out for about 30 seconds before I realized that the giants fans sorrounding me were cheering too... wide right. I was 7. It is one of my most vivid memories from my youth and has shaped the person I am today. . . . sweetjones geeze - NO child should have to see that - you must be scarred for life!
  16. All points relevant, I'm just saying it's his team & he's gonna run it as best he can - he just flipped the front office & coaches last year. He will meet with the "inner circle" at his FLA reesidence shortly - all in an effort to run his team the best he can. You ask, how's that working for him - it hasn't recently - he knows it and is sick about it - he feels Donahoe (thanks for the reminder) screwed the team on a long term basis. He brought in Marv because of his team building and collegial style - not becaue of his drafting accumen. That ate up 2 years and they made the mistake thinking Brandon could be GM - but the realization was they need a Football guy - so Nix is it now. Brandon is still there and probably doing everything he did before - just not handling football duties, rather the business side of things. Frankly (at least for 2 more years) the front office & coaches are set - the proof will be in the drafting. Then the players gotta play.
  17. Look, it's Ralph's team. He loves them - yes, probably even more than we do. He's the #1 fan and because he owns then, he can insinuate himself into anything going on at OBD - and rightly so. Mary Wilson gave Marv Levy this tip when Marv first joined the Bills as coach - talk to Ralph! So Marv set-up a weekly call with Ralph (I think it was Wednesdays), and a friendship was born. If Chan is doing omething similar - good for him - he's being smart about it. Maybe the arrogance of Mularkey & Williams is what did them in. Jauron was liked by Wilson, probably because he talked to Ralph - that's why it was so hard for Ralph to put him out of his misery. Bottom line: His team, his way!!
  18. Cowher would never dis a fellow coach. He has no list if there isn't a vacancy. If he is looking for work this year (unlike last year when his wife was gravely ill), he will interview for most vacancies if invited to do so.
  19. You may be right. I have faith in Chan - mostly when it comes to QB's. If he liked Smith when he came out, then it might be worth a chance. I have always felt there are more great QB's that never made it because they were mishandled - another reason to like Chan - he handles them correctly! I always liked Kyle Orton in college - but he was mishandled for years in Chi-town. Then he goes to Denver and lights it up early. However since then I am not sure what happened. Was it more mishandling (lack of coaching)? Or is he not that good? I don't know . . . but a guy like Chad would - so I put my QB-faith in him to do right by us.
  20. Polian's a homebody - he would have stayed. He is not related to Lou Saban who was always looking for the next best thing. Polian likes to turn his current situation into the next best thing. It's too bad he couldn't live with Littman & vice-versa. There was a greater good they could not come to agree on - egos got in the way. Truely sad. He is a very special football man - I'll always be pulling for him!!
  21. Please no, to Pryor. Although I couldn't care less about accepting $$/gifts. Some of these kids' families are really bad off - a pretty easy decision if you are in that situation. Just don't do it if you cannot afford to get caught. Wait until you are ready for the NFL, then you can take the $$ and run to the Draft. Someone asked "What does "fits Chan Galiey's offense" mean, exaclty?" Stong armed & mobile, not just a pocket passer. Likes fearless gunslingers too. That's why he likes Fitz so much and why he may be content to wait on picking a QB until the right one comes along. Instead of Pryor, I think he will like Newton more. Bottom line, THEY have to analyze all the options and players and their character, the THEY have to make the choice. If they draft Wally Cox from Daemen - we all need to pull for little Wally to be great!! Regardless of who we pick, we need him to pay dividends - immediate dividends if at all possible!!
  22. No battle at the top. They need a franchise QB, OL, DL & LB. Frankly, same as last year. Last year, when the Bills' turn came, every decent QB, OL & DL player was gone and anyone they chose at those positions in that slot would have been a reach. (I would have preferred a trade.) So they looked at the best player on the board and took Spiller. It was as simple as that. As long as we lose Sunday we will be choosing 2-3 or 4th. If we win, we could slide to 10th because our strength of schedule is the toughest in the league. (I know there's a formula to determine opponents, but how does a team like Buffalo get a SOS at .575 and the PAT's get .400-something, but I digress.) If we pick in the top 4 - we should get a value player at a position of need, QB, DE, OT or LB. If we pick 10th, we might take that CB, Safety or WR. I love when we win, but for the sake of the future, Sunday is meaningless outside of reps to add to experience, so I actually hope we lose with dignity to avoid sliding 6 draft slots!! If we win I will be happy, but I will look at the draft slotting with my fingers crossed hoping that big of a slide doesn't occur.
  23. I vaguely remember a story about him & his sister but I don't want to mention details if I am confusing him with someone else. Can someone explain who he is, what's his situation, what was the problem he had that's causing everyone to avoid him like the plague?
  24. I'd rather add Wade Phillips as DC, make him asst HC too - but be very clear he would never be the head man. Too bad that bridge has been burned, then washed out by the water over the dam, then down the creek without a paddle!!
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