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Never NEVER Give-up

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Everything posted by Never NEVER Give-up

  1. I LOVE Duff's - sorry guys. I think they are still the best. Gabe's Gate too. I'm a little older now, so I have dialed down the heat - I go for mild-medium now - just right for me. Although I no longer go to the Sheridan Patio - too many "tourists" and UB Students - there isn't an hour during the day where you'd see a lull there. Those college kids eat non-stop and at all hours during the day. Always busy. So we go to the one on Dick Rd near George Urban Blvd - cleaner, brighter and a lot more space - not to mention we can always get a seat if we go before 6pm.
  2. You're right, it was originally a weakness, now he's a very sure tackler. I hope he re-starts his ball-hawking again, he was unreal as a rookie.
  3. Very creative idea!! Unbelievable!! What really struck me is the punter was going toward Hester too!!! You'd think HE would know where he kicked it!!
  4. When you play well & you play hard - good things happen - you make your own breaks, create your own luck. Just like we went into death spirals last year. This year they believe in themselves.
  5. I hear what you're saying, but try and look at it this way. The way things went last year, it would have been intercepted and we would have eventually lost the game. Reference last year vs: Steelers, Ravens, Chiefs & I am sure some other games I cannot recall. Fast forward to the last 2 weeks - have you noticed all the breaks we got, all the good luck? Like the Chandler TD, Oakland penalties on 3rd & 4th down to give us new 'life'? I recall moments in the last 2 games where bounces and calls went our way where they always seemed to go against us last year. Haven't you seen the same? Some call it luck. Some say you make your own luck. I say the Bills have a renewed attitude this year - as Chan said, thy expect to win every game. That's a powerful thing and the Bills are living it, building off it and gaining confidence. We may lose Sunday, but I think we will win because of the Bills attitude - they won't quit and they believe in themselves. They wouldn't quit last year either, but they certainly didn't believe in themselves - they were always 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' - just as our opponents did - they waited for the Bills to fold. No Folding this year - Jets and Pats are in for a surprise!!
  6. NO - save it for the players. Come up with someting else for media (Felser too) and administrators (Pat MacGroder sp). Perhaps a public access room in the administration building or something in the field house. The stadium is for those who faced the elements - the 12th man and the players, not those who sat in warmth/comfort of the pressbox - put the plaques in there.
  7. We lost Pat Williams because of Gregg Williams - he didn't like fat guys!! Y'know the ones who make it impossible to run the ball. Remember what he said when a reporter asked him why he was making soooo many changes to the previous year's #2 defense in the NFL? He asked rhetorically "who ran the #1 defense in the league?" I knew then we were in trouble - and maybe just now we are starting to come out of our slumber!! Maybe G-Williams was a nice guy. I don't know. But he wasn't emotionally ready to be a head coach. Yeah he had a file on every guy in the league, blah, blah, blah, but when you do what he did to our team, it was obvious he wasn't ready.
  8. Tirico aside, most 'experts' have come around pretty quickly on their assessments of the Bills. Most have us between 11-14 in the Pwr Rankings. Merrill Hoge has shown us lots of love on NFL Live (ESPN). Ditto from Mike Golic of Mike & Mike fame. But it will take more to convince some - we have been inept and irrelevant for too long. The Pats will be a true test for sure - but so were the Raiders. Heck look at the Pats - they beat the fish - so what, they're 0-2 and look pretty bad. Then they beat the Chargers, who, IMO aren't any better than the Raiders. So therefore, WE will be a true test for the Pats too!!! Pats defense hasn't looked great, I expect Fitz to be able to move the ball pretty well on them. We know the Pats offense is good, so the real question is - how will our defense do against them. We look better than the Chargers or Dolphin's defenses. Can we generate a rush and harrass Tommy Boy? That's what it takes to slow them down and beat them. I hope Chan has been holding Merriman back and we can expect him to be released on the Pats (from a pass-rush perspective). Don't be shocked if we win this - it's been a few yrs since the Pats were champs - it just seems they're always at the top because of Brady, they haven't been - it's just the media constantly giving them a pass. Can't wait for Sunday - I think some will be really surprised. Many think because we lost 15 in a row to them, that we'll turtle and they will run roughshod over us. I expect us to be sick of the recent history, stand-up, and punch them in their collective mouths!!!!
  9. That's normal. It's supposed to 'kick up' some when dragging toes on the sideline for instance - just like dirt under grass.
  10. Maybe ESPN's Clayton will move us up to #26 this week!! dork
  11. . . . well at least it won't cost us additional tax dollars to keep you in the witness protection program!
  12. Legs cramped up. Stevie was on with Sh and the Bulldog at 4pm today. He said he's OK, needs to stay hydrated and that the groin is something he feels when he walks, but it won't stop him from playing gainst the Pats.
  13. Look, for these 1st 2 games, Merriman's job was to set the edge on runs against 2 run-first teams. (Remember, we just played the 2 best rushing teams from last year?!) Next week we should see him unleashed. And we can't do any worse than the Dolphins and Chargers did.
  14. Read on ESPN.com (I think) that Lee had 2 balls thrown to him (0 catches) and his mere presence opened up all the underneath stuff for Flacco & the Ravens offense. Just sayin . . . it's still 0 catches and yards, 0 fantasy points (tho I don't play) and I'd rather the Bills go 'young' and work with guys who can get open anywhere on the field. I am confident one (or more) of these guys will be able to stretch the field for us, as well as catch slants and run intermediate and deep middle routes. And gain separation from their defender. Lee could only stretch the field. Still a great guy and a benefit to any team he's on, but it was time for the Bills to move on.
  15. On Offense: Fitz & Wood - they are clearly the spokespeople Special Teams - Moorman & someone from the return side Defense: Kyle Williams for sure. Nick Barnett-maybe, but he may not have been here long enuff - but I LOVE his attitude. Shawne Merriman-also hasn't been here long enuff and frankly, hasn't demonstrated he can stay on the field for an appreciable amount of time - but he too has the right attitude. Kelsay for perseverence alone, but I like someone with more cred.
  16. The Bills had 2 on the list . . . Kyle Williams is considered a red chip & Haloti Ngata is a blue ch - - oh wait, we drafted Whitner . . . nevermind! @#$%&*(!!!!!
  17. . . . NGU aka Nevergiveup is not the same person as Never NEVER Give-up! Just sayin . . .
  18. It'll be interesting to see how fans react to his twitter-rant yesterday. He's an undeniable talent, but a little short on smarts and class. (Oh and one pet peevbe I have - it's " I couldn't care less . . .". Not "I could care less . . " - if you did (care less), you wouldn't say it!!!.........mini rant over.)
  19. Good for him! He SHOULD go up there, sign a 3-year deal and learn the game. If he does, then he can come back to the NFL.
  20. Antowain Smith doesn't fit in this group (same as McGahee, Travis Henry, Donte Whitner) because they were servicable players, maybe even decent or good. However, they were ultimately let go in some fashion and went on to other teams. Maybe they played a little better or worse - but they were still servicable. They didn't go from bust to star. Yes Antowain won couple of Super Bowls, but NE didn't win because of him. Now if Aaron Maybin becomes a star - that would be a story because he was a bust here. Ditto for McCargo, Walt Patulski, Cousineau, Losman, Erik Flowers, OL Mike Williams, Tony Hunter, Perry Tuttle, Terry Miller (more like a one year wonder), Phil Dokes, Tom Ruud (& Steve Nelson in Rd 2 too!!), and Al Cowlings - these were just the 1st rounders!! Great post - I am sure there are quite a few - a real head scratcher - this link will help if someone really wants to dig - I just looked at our beloved Bills. http://www.nfl.com/draft/history/fulldraft?teamId=0610&type=roundbyteam Filter by team and start digging!!
  21. As said by Kelly the Fair & Balanced Dog - a couple of wins & everything will be fine. Agreed - winning cures everything. Remember Evans only had 4 TD's last year and remember he had 3 against the Ravens - no wonder they liked him. The problems his leaving causes the Bills (in no particular order): 1-He was a team leader; 2-He drew coverage away from Stevie & the other wideouts; 3-He stretched the field; 4-He was well liked. The solutions to 1-4? 1-Someone needs to step up (rarely are WR's leaders); 2&3-Someone needs to prove themselves a deep threat & teams will pay more attention to them - right now, maybe it's Stevie who will draw the coverage and create openings for the others; 4-This will dissapate, it's a business and based on how much Evans was liked, no one wanted to trade him. Nix and Gailey were effusive in their praise ofLee the man. In 2-years, the move will be considered good, Lee is only getting older and his production last year wasn't stellar (it may not have been all his fault, but it still wasn't what we need). I'm starting to like Chandler the TE - good blocker, big target and decent hands. A little slow, but manages separation and with his size may help in the red zone if we ever get there!
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