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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. thanks, I think that was what I saw too, bad day for Kyle, got rattled. Very bad timing to have a bad day and maybe the Chefs loss took something out of him? I do know (and did from the beginning) that he has these type games at times. It again was just too bad for the timing of it.
  2. You forgot the Pats** after 9-11, if anything the fix is in before the season starts, so with a new owner maybe that will help bring the change
  3. Umm Williams was active and I even saw him on the field for a play, when the O was out there. http://espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/15219/mike-williams-active-for-bills-marquise-goodwin-inactive
  4. Tannenball also throw away a pass for like 50 yards in the second quarter........nothing. The calls in this game as in most Bills games were abysmal and crushed @ momentum changing times. Yes, we should be better and able to beat the refs and the aquasmelling fish but last week it was a small flinch and today I saw 3 different instances of the fish doing the same. The refs just get flag happy when they want and it seems they want when ever we need a break. I am very sick of the refing in the NFL, just ruins the games.....happens around the league and to a lot of teams. I have pretty much stopped watching (other's games) just too many judgement rules and calls. I almost never complain about it but first the Gilmore non call... then the safety? With our team it just doesn't seem to ever even out. Along with our offensive inadequacies, it makes rooting for the team kind of depressing.
  5. I blame the OPfor the loss, talk about a jinx! What about a thread about jinxing the team, beyond dumb!!
  6. GreggyT was just seeing that before I opened this thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma7AWW_lwio
  7. Typical age for a breakdown, too bad. I hope once he gets the meds he needs he stays on them and has a productive life. Good luck to him.
  8. So Kyle Orton (or his Mom) takes part in a chef's message board hmmmm...... just another reason to like the guy and damned he's good at GIFs too!
  9. Bandit, I am not arguing with you but I do see Qbs around the league also point at line players (DTs like Darius and Kyle or ends like Mario) and say things to the Oline men or RBs and TEs on occasion. I do realize that what you say is correct of course but it does happen especially if they audible on the play. I just did get to click one link I have got to read more though, love this post and some of the discussion. Please keep it going as the season goes on. BTW trivia question, what linebacker/hybrid from the recent past "was the Mike" that Tom Brady liked to call out and was in discussion on this board for quite a while, since he was there mostly to cover Gronk but couldn't.
  10. Um it's not Spiller Pear's picked the wrong guy and seems to have gotten to him fast enough. I think this might be on any number of players though. Line calls come from Wood, sometimes are changed by Orton, Summers might actually have the responsibility...it is hard to know for sure. BTW I still have to find time to read the links! So if I am wrong in my assumptions, I apologize in advance.
  11. Why is there a thread about the jerk? I hated Donahue, he effed the team up fro real and for years. I really hate that RW didn't trust anyone after too.
  12. From my Dad's shoulders, all I really remember is trying to see around the damn poles and the occasional beer bottle flying over my head. BTW the 65 team gets my vote, only because I sort of remember it. That Defense! Damn. One last thought, we play the Browns this year, it could be like the Cookie vs Brown Superbowl anniversary game (if the SB would have started a couple years early).
  13. Mistakes were made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y34RlJ0L0xE Thanks for your post, sounds like you had a great time and lots of good questions. Cheers!
  14. I see the sarcasm there but I have to say I do agree.
  15. I am sure if someone on the inside Oline got hurt, we would be pretty screwed. Even with how bad they have been already, especially Wood or Urbik. In most other places except Orton I don't think it is that big a worry but I could be wrong.
  16. Go ahead it is Halloween after all I agree with this. There are many old school football alignments that the new school defenses really would have problems handling. I mentioned it in a post I made about Oline play a couple of weeks ago.
  17. I pretty much agree with this, especially the no offensive identity. Last year I wasn't upset because we were an obvious running team and balanced it out sort of, with the passing game, that was the challenge. The O line is the cause, they have got to get these guys working together or it will stay the way it is. Run run pass and play not to lose, isn't a good identity or strategy and we see it way to often which is why people say they are predictable (I am not just talking about the Jests game). They need more of their strengths highlighted or they will lose more than they should. The team needs to use quick plays, qb under center, slants, in the flat, I formations, mis-direction, play action, more often, things that mask the weak line. That would help with both facets of the game. There is a nice bunch of plays every week but they don't stick with what is working enough. They should be able to do better and I hope they do. Blowing up the coaching staff would be too bad in the lack of consistency (which frankly has gotten us to where we are) and the hope should be that they won't have to. I hate to say it but I feel the same way I did when Jauron was in his second season and Chan was in his third. But there is still hope, it could just be the "hey I am a Bills fan, this is what we expect" coming out of me. The team has some real talent this time though, that is the difference, if the coaching can get it together better, they could get into and go deep in the POs and that is what we all want.
  18. Hey ho, Simon reappears! Good write up, IMO can only say I think the Urbik thing was because Wood and he are the only centers, either one gets hurt we are screwed. So the coach was being ultra conservative. On the bright side, maybe one of the practice squad or our new draft picks is starting to show some ability and he thinks it would be okay(ish) now, if we were struck by the injury bug a bit. I almost understand that if it is the case, almost. I do understand what you are saying about the players relationships to HCDM, a little about that below. The run run pass.... yeah I see where your coming from BUT no. You do something until the opposition can stop it, if doing the same thing over and over is not working, do something (anything) else. Yeah, I get we had a lead, but a good team (not the Jests) are going to comeback against playing not to lose. I think anyone who lived through the Jauron years just expects that, that theory is going to screw us in the long run. If it was just the Jests game we saw it in, okay then but it has been more. I pretty much agree with the rest but wonder if we can keep the excellent D if Marone and Hackett are gone.... Who becomes HC and does he want to use another scheme? Does Schwartz then go away too? Crossman's unit has been looking very good this year, what becomes of that? I have no idea yet what I want them to do, I need to see it for the season. 2 years is a decent sample, at times I think they know what they are doing. At times I see Spiller, Hughes, Woods or MW as a bit deserving of HCDM ire but man! at least get the playmakers the scheme to succeed (in Spillers case especially, if and when he goes, if he goes to a team we play like the Pats*, we will see the results and it won't be pretty). Woods, maybe it is an ego thing (it seems to have passed anyway) but I do think he is a very good 2nd or 3rd. MW who knows what it is, they don't want his salary next year? HCDM likes the head games with him? it really is his attitude? All big question marks to me but I do think he is a very good 2nd or 3rd, I really like him (saw a few TB games that he was THE man for them) plus he's a Bflo boy, so how can I not. Hughes..... I really hope we can keep him and Spikes, I think Brown is coming along great and yes with Kiko damned these guys are going to look even better. To tell you the truth, I didn't know there was any animosity between him and Marone, is it the drag race thing? So at least, we should see HCDM until the seasons end (full 2 years). He won't get fired before then anyway and I do think getting into the playoffs is basically a necessity to his group. If they blow it yeah lets can them. I agree about the FO guys too, I think that would be okay to redo. The only hard parts are who comes in then and how do we keep some continuity in the very good parts of the team? I also agree about Whaley, he gets more time and drafts, seems very legit, to my eyes. We need to have a whole team working together, I don't like hearing about blow up at practices at the FO from the coach or the other way around. I don't like the holding out the better player, for what ever reason. I am not particularly impressed by the Offense (some of the players roles and execution as well as the obvious coaching mistakes and problem in dealing with it and them) and Marone's way about it but they still get the year to see how they did.
  19. You know what the Williams Brothers are monsters too, I really hope we can keep this line together. With Kiko back the whole defensive team could be All - Pro. They have really impressed me this year. Yes the LBs are kind of young and less experienced but they have done alright. I hope Spikes returns too. We don't seem to miss Byrdman and the CBs have been showing up with the D line rush and in the run game. Defense can win a championship with a okay QB and IMO Orton has been doing a bit better than okay. The only real weakness on our team has been O line related and they too are young (well, some of them), hopefully things improve there and we get some jelly.
  20. So we should beat the Chefs! Yea! Go Bills!
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