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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. yeah you just watched tape on the guy while he was a Kansas St and knew he was going to be good. Made the tough catch and would get nailed but hold the ball. Good size and hands. He reminded me of Ed McCaffrey. I know they are both white, but they have similar size. Mccaffrey has 2 inches on Nelson but both play(ed) around 215. Can play inside or outside. Not blazing speed, but enough to get open.
  2. Jordy Nelson was the pick. That year i was really into the draft. I did a lot of research, and remember thinking Nelson was going to be solid/good. I told a couple fellow buffalo fans here in ATL. He got picked by GB like a spot or two before buffalo IIRC. As far as Easley, the NFL has washed out so many guys it is not funny. It takes a special person/body to be able to play in the NFL. You have to have talent, but also a body that can recover from pain quickly. So far Easley as not been able to stay healthy, thus voiding any talent he may posses. I hope this year is different.
  3. They took the approach that both lines needed upgrades. While they had the interior of both the OL and DL pretty solidified, they needed edge guys. They brought in two very good DE and drafted two promising OT. You still win this game in the trenches. Brady and NE has always had stellar OL play during his tenure there. I think Buffalo's two lines should be among the best in the league. Some growing pains will occurr, but in two years from now these lines will be amazing. If you have a good Oline you make your running backs, qb, and receivers all better. Same goes on D. If your Dline can win the battle up front, the second and third tier will benefit. I think the real benefit of having a 70y/o GM was just that. His age and wisdom. The game has changed and evolved, but you have to win up front still.
  4. like hearing coaches around the league point out interior OL for good play. The Dline coaches watch hours of tape on up coming OL and they see and know more then anyone. Wood was built to be a center, he has had a bad run of luck. Hopefully this year the Bills have an injury free season, and the playoff curse is broken!
  5. While i do not really think he would be an improvement over Chan as head coach, i think th efact he has HC experience is a huge plus. I always like when a team has DC or OC or Both, that have had experience at HC. To me they understand then the big picture and how communication works. They have maybe less over all responsibility or accountability to an extent. But all HC started on one side of the ball or the other. Now Wanny gets to focus on what he likes to do, Coach D. He does not have to worry so much about interviews and all the other BS a head coach does. As far as the recruiting comment from the article....he did a nice job w M Williams!! ha
  6. I get it isn't nice. But football is about production. If you can play, you get paid, right? I mean we all hear it, 'this is a business'. Players say it more then anyone. And after watching Moneyball, which i am sure took some liberties, you kinda get to see how it is done. It is not personal. Someone has to make the tough decision and decide who gets to keep living their dream, and whose time has come to hang them up. .
  7. Didn't someone mention here that third round picks are a little more complicated to sign. Rounds 1-2 and 4-7 are layed out in the new CBA, but for some reason round 3 was left out. Almost like a team uses whatever money it has left set aside for rookies deals to sign that player? IF this is correct maybe he and his agent are waiting till after OTA's and see if they can make an impression or if any buddy gets cut? Maybe way off base, but was a thought, and i am sure someone will point out it is a dumb one!
  8. Repo Men is awesome. The Bill Collectors is cool too. You guys remember the old Bermuda Triangle Shirts? Smerlas, Haslett, and Nelson. I had one of those shirts well into the 90's. as well as the Reich One Baby! that lasted through college and till about 2002.
  9. Exactly. We are fans, unless anyone here has first hand knowledge of Merriman medical records you are just giving opinion based off the same information we all have. You ar eprobably basing your opinion on either personal experience or another players career/experience with a similar injury. The Bills Medical Staff has always seemed to err on the side of caution when it comes to players health. I will trust them and Merriman to say when he can participate.
  10. I think the whole 'bad rap' for Kelsay started when the Bills resigned him to an aggresive contract while letting other guys on D walk. P. William, Clements, D Wynfield. etc... Kelsay maybe was a little over paid. But he was a guy that the team liked. He is by no means a stud pass rusher or a beast in the run game. But instead he is a solid good football player. Which i think is exactly what Chan means. He will never take a play off, he works his butt off, and can play all three downs at end. He struggled at OLB in the 3-4 debacle, but that was not his fault. He is a DE in a 4-3. So yes, this year i think Kelsay gets to finally be what he should have been his entire career a 1&2nd down DE and then comes off the field for a pass rusher. Or if injuries mount up he provides a very good option for all 3 downs.
  11. Watching the video from yesterdays OTA i liked what i saw from K. Williams. He was taking quick choppy steps and moving very well. They held him out of group work, maybe so he didn't have a freak accident where someone fell on his ankle. But it looks like he is progressing quickly. Wonder how he feels today, the day after is always the real test. But if Merriman can get back to what we saw in preseason, and stay healthy, he could be a dangerous piece to the Bills D puzzle!
  12. K Williams looks good in the highlights. Nice to see him being able to change directions going at a pretty high speed. Hopefully he feels good tomorrow and can keep up the progress. Can not wait to see how Merriman looks out there too. If Merriman and K. Williams can both come back from achilles surgery this D is going to be a real force.
  13. I always forget that both the Phins AND the Rams passed on Ryan in 2008. Rams made a huge mistake as did the Fish. The Long boys are nice players, but both do not hold a candle to Ryan. Nice read, and to think two of those guys are now dead, such a shame. You will forever be someone i read, thank you for bringing the Presbyterian kid to my attention before the draft this year. Was nice to share that knowledge with some of my old playing mates.
  14. Should be interesting as a Bills fan to watch one of our rivals. Maybe provide some insight into the Phins for us. I am sure there will be more then a few thong shots from the beach. ha not exactly my first choice of teams, nor was it HBO's. But i am sure they will figure out a way to make it interesting. The KC one was...kinda.
  15. I think Buddy still has friends in the SD organization. They most likely gave him th elow down on McNeil. Lets not forget, Buddy did San Diego a solid by not driving up the price for Meachum. They had to sign him after losing V. Jackson. I also lik eth efact that Hairston played some LT last year and did a decent job being a rookie and having a condensed off season. He should compete with Glenn and at the least provide the Bills with options for OL. When was the last time we could say that? OLB is a question mark. In fact outside of Barnett, we(as Bills fans) have not seen an entire season of solid play from any of them. Sheppard should make huge strides this year, having an entire off season and 1 year under his belt. Morrison should have enough left in his tank for a year or two. The hope is that some of the other guys on the roster can come on, and develope. I think the Bills have S. Johnson at wr then a bunch of other guys. Most have shown NFL ability, but few have done it for an entire year or been able to stay healthy. WR i think is where Chan will make the most of what we have. I am not too worried about it. TE is also something i doubt the Bills make a move on, They like Chandler, he has shown good hands and is a red zone threat. Personally it doesnt seem like Chan values the TE that much between the 20s. All in all i think what we see right now is what we are going to camp with. Once some cuts and injuries happen you may see a move or two. I could see another vet LB being brought in if he is cut from another team. This would happen if Wanny doesn't see th eyounger guys developing like they need to.
  16. I remember he was flagged a few times for late hits and dirty plays. he was a pretty dirty playe rin college. Not saying a 'mean streak' isn't a good quality in a DL. If you can not control your emotions or actions though, then you end up with problems on and off the field. I do not remember anything thou off the field in college. The injury that surfaced right after the bowl win seemed to drop him in the draft, IIRC
  17. Last time i watched a video by those two guys it was Stevie they were profiling. Guy looks like a beast. Wonder why he has not been able to stick yet?
  18. He was injury prone while playing for Buffalo. he was always a weak OL but had good feet and athleticism. To me i think that the Bills staff has shown the ability to try and 'mask' certain weakness'. If the Eagles expect Bell to be able to block the same as Peters, they ar ein for a rude awakening. One could also argue that if he is asked to play a more 'aggresive' blocking style it will subject him to his two greatest flaws. He is weak thus he will get injured. Personally i do not buy a passive or aggressive style. I get zone blocking and such, but at then end of the day you still have to get in the way of a 300lb guy who is trying to get to the ball.
  19. I grew up around the team in the late 70's and 80's. The Dolphins were always a rival. Not just because they won pretty much every game, but also because they were from Miami. I mean Miami in the early to mid 80's had a lot going for it. this was the begining of the Buffalo down turn. I think this aso played into the rivaly, Ask yourself this, which game do you get most excited about watching now? There is your rival. For me today it is NE.
  20. DWC- I gotta hope that was sarcasm on the posters part? I mean they spend the same amount of time practicing and working out. They have a point that it is less time to heal in between OTA and preseason, if you get a pull or sprain. I see your point about keeping it a more constant flow over a start and stop.
  21. Sounds like the center for the Eagle Kelce realizes that Bell is not a Peters. You have to also wonder if maybe Chan and Joe D' kind of structered the blocking scheme for Bell that way. I mean Chan has a knack for understanding players strengths and weakness' and thus scheming accordingly. Bell is by no means a strong physical OL. We all know that.
  22. Exactly. The NFC is loaded at QB. For Wilson to even sniff a pro bowl all those guys would have to have their worse season/injured
  23. You better tell Brees, Rogers, Stafford,E. Manning, C. Newton, and M Ryan this news. I think they will have something to say about that.
  24. This is very true. In Buffalo's hayday back in the early 90's the Bills were on national t.v over half their games. I can remember this because if they were not we would have to go to a sports bar to watch them.
  25. I like what the Falcons have done. They went from a franchise that never had back to back winning seasons until 2008/2009 to now being playoff contenders every year. that was 40+ years of never having back to back winning years to now being legitimate contenders. Say what you will but the front office made some good moves and got a big monkey off their back. If they can break that streak, the Bills can end the playoff draught of 12 years.
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